Can I wash after tanning: recommendations beauticians

Most people who have decided for the first time to get a tan artificially, trying to find the maximum amount of useful information, in order to avoid possible problems. One of the most common questions is: "Can I wash after tanning?" Let us turn to the experts.

Can I wash after tanning

Can I wash after tanning: recommendations beauticians

As a rule, the majority of the beauties experiencing weakness for the golden color of the skin, once appeared a strong desire to take a bath immediately after the procedure. Maybe it's all the tricks of our subconscious, because we used to run into the sea or river water after a natural tan in the sun. But do not be guided by only one desire, to start to learn more about whether you can bathe immediately after tanning.

Virtually all professional cosmetologists are united in the opinion that after sunbathing should refrain from water treatment. This is due to the fact that after exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, it becomes more sensitive and irritated. Give yourself and your skin a little rest, which will be fixed tan.

So whether it is possible to wash after tanning, if so, when? Experts recommend taking bath no sooner than two hours after tanning. In this case, you should take into account the fact that while swimming you can not use any additional funds.

From what funds for skin care you use it depends on how long you will have to refrain from swimming. For example, causing a barrier cream and to ask questions about whether it is possible after tanning wash in the shower, more experienced people, we advise you not to swim in the first three hours after the sun.


Can I wash after tanning: recommendations beauticians

For those who obzavolsya all sorts of color amplifiers and does not know whether it is possible to wash after tanning, beauticians have the following recommendations. In this case treat water treatments themselves may be only four or five hours. The fact is that taking a shower before the preset time, you simply wash away the expensive means not getting the desired effect.

Let's look at some very important recommendations that will help us to achieve the maximum effect after tanning:

  • In the shower, you need to eliminate the use of cleaning agents. The best option would be a simple rinsing under running water body. It is undesirable to use alkaline soap, which can cause severe irritation. Sensitive gel is allowed to use in a small amount.
  • Do not use sponges and washcloths. Remember that your skin after exposure to ultraviolet light is in a state of irritable, have mercy on her.
  • It is strictly forbidden the use of peeling or scrub.
  • Do not take a hot shower. Water should be at room temperature and does not cause uncomfortable sensations. The most useful is a simple rinse with cool water. This will help your blood vessels to contract and return to its normal state, as under ultraviolet light small capillaries and pores significantly expanded.
  • Experts strongly against such a contrast shower after tanning. This water treatment is a real stress for your skin, which can lead to chills.

Authorized funds for the soul

Can I wash after tanning: recommendations beauticians

see if you can wash after tanning, you need to remember what means shall be used. The list is small and looks like this:

  • gels, produced on a natural basis, with useful extracts and ingredients in its composition. For example, your skin exactly fit such extracts like mint or chamomile, which have a strong calming effect.
  • Body Milk will never be over. Moisturize the skin it is recommended immediately after taking a shower. And you can also use other moisturizing agents such as mousses, lotions, creams and conditioners.

After the shower

After water treatments do not rub the skin, do not make her feel extra stress. Soak it towel obsohnite completely and then can treat his body, for example, moisturizing milk. It will get rid of possible irritation, as well as contribute to the rapid restoration of water balance.

Can I wash after tanning: recommendations beauticians

How to be, if you wanted a bath or pool

So we have already dealt with that, can I wash after tanning in the bathroom, but what if drawn in a pool or bathhouse? Many have guessed that it would be better to refrain from such ideas. The pool is not suitable for the reason that its water quite a lot of chlorine, adversely affecting the skin, which has recently experienced the effects of ultraviolet rays. This chemical element can cause accelerated aging of the skin, disrupting the water balance, making the skin very dry.

Can I wash after tanning: recommendations beauticians

In the bath is also not recommended to go right after tanning, because the heat and humidity would negate the whole effect, for which you have visited a solarium. Under the influence of high temperatures you may receive the chills. Do not forget that after sun protective properties of your skin considerably weakened. Simply put, you can get a serious thermal burns.


After receiving the necessary information, as well as knowing whether it is possible to wash after tanning, you can achieve the desired effect of tanning. However, it should take into account the fact that each individual organism, and the advice given by professional cosmetologists are generic in nature. It is best to consult a specialist who will make an individual list of rules which exclude the occurrence of problems after tanning.