Douches for skin elasticity

The fact that the water temperature contrast has a healing effect on the body, has been known since the most ancient times. Such hydrotherapy used even in old Russian bath - diving into the snow or ice-hole after the hot vapor promotes hardenability and enhances immunity. In addition, the skin after such procedures become incredibly supple and taut. This room is available is not always so great a contrast shower will replace it in the urban environment.

Douches for skin elasticity Douches for skin elasticity Douches for skin elasticity

Rules of

, You must follow certain rules to use a douche for weight loss. First you need to take a shower at normal temperature water, and then switch on the hot water dramatically. If you switch the water slowly, almost effect will not, on the contrary, you can simply get sick. Thus, alternating the hot water with the cold should be performed every pouring about ten seconds. Root douche need of hot water and cold finishing. The total time of the procedure should not exceed ten minutes. This will be enough to start the favorable processes in the body. Useful the effect that douches, because the alternation of different water temperature accelerates metabolism. In the skin there is increased blood flow, which allows the tissue to clean it of toxins, it is better supplied with oxygen and restores the lost elasticity. On what makes a douche?

It is recommended to use a douche of cellulite. Even with serious surplus of excess weight method shows its incredible efficiency, although, of course, the results will show up not once. Each such procedure not only helps to restore the beauty of the skin, but also improves the cardiovascular system, restores vigor and energy, struggling to stay awake. The reason for this is the fact that the skin is the largest organ, influencing which can be adjusted by the condition of many others. For this reason, a contrast shower can be not only recommended, but also contraindicated. People with heart disease and vascular problems with pressure, kidney, diabetes is best not to carry out such procedures without doctor's advice. However, those who have no contraindications, it is still important to do things right, not to get sick. The main thing - do not freeze during a shower and not to proceed immediately to sudden changes in temperature.

For the first time will be sufficient minimum difference between the hot and cold water. The ideal time for soul

It is best to make a contrast shower after exercise, when the body is warmed up a load. When finished it, rub the skin with a towel in order to further enhance the blood circulation and warm up after cold water. It is desirable that not everything was done right before bedtime, because the resulting energy charge can prevent the time to relax and fall asleep. Of course, like everyone else, this means is not a cure for cellulite and a weakened immune system. But to include it in your daily habits is definitely worth to health and vigor not leave you never.