6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

I thought that calm attitude to animals, has not made his first cat. A few days passed in a terrible anxiety about how she will get accustomed to the new location. Over the next year, I studied her character and needs, trying to create the most natural, but a safe environment. If you are also willing to get a pet, you will be useful, these basic rules for the organization of space for it. If you already bring up your cat, make sure he has everything for a happy life.

1. Place for recreation

6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

Apartment cats especially need exercise to maintain health. Therefore, take care of the creation of various feline trainers. If the place has, can be nailed to the wall of the wooden shelves in the form of steps. In pet stores have a lot of game ladders and houses for cats, from compact corners to huge cat Disneyland. Though, certainly, the cat will have no claims and self-made fixtures.

2. Company

6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

This, of course, not that you have to leave the job, but the long-term absence. Some breeds of cats, such as Ragdoll Burmese or cat, particularly attached to person, but in general do not tolerate long fluffy loneliness.

For those who have no one with whom to leave your pet, there is a special cat hotel. Moscow hotel chain "Sir Cat" offers comfortable accommodation for the animals, in which the cat rest not worse than you in Turkish hotel. Cat's rooms are made of tempered glass. It does not absorb odors and moisture, and completely washable from staying guest. Another feature Zoogostinitsa "Sir Cat": you can around the clock to watch your pet from your mobile device. In addition, you can always call kotonyane caring for your pet, by video and find out how he was doing.

Since the hotel is necessary to take not only food, but also the favorite things the cat: the feeder tray, toys. So it will be easier to adapt to the new environment. Through the glass wall it will be interesting to observe the number of neighbors.

Learn more about Zoogostinitsa

3. A safe environment

6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

Herbs useful for digestion of cats, but keep in mind that most houseplants are toxic to them. Azalea, dieffenbachia, cyclamen, Caladium, even in small amounts can cause poisoning. Try to keep them out of reach place, although it is better to get rid of at all, because there is nothing for the cats is not available.

Completely abandon the green house is not necessary. Pay attention to plants, scaring cats: first of all, that is all that has the smell of citrus and other sharp flavors. Cactus is also unlikely to cause the animal appetite. Among others, are safe for cats, houseplants - arrowroot, begonia, Chlorophytum, camellia.

Well, if you plant herbs useful especially for the cat. It will fully satisfy his need to chew vegetation.

4. Choose a secluded place Tray

6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

above the litter box location is well worth considering. In no case should not be placed near the food bowl. In addition, cats, like people, are quite shy and prefer to defecate in an intimate place, not in front of the whole family. Need to choose a secluded but at the same time easily accessible area. This is a place for the tray should be permanent.

5. Power Mode

No need to fill the cat's bowl every time after emptying. They, like many of us, quite unrestrained eating and binge eating easily lead to obesity and health problems. Feed him a number of times a day in small portions. So he will look forward to treats, and not treat it as something ordinary.

6. A place to relax

6 things necessary for happy life of your pet

Most cats are convinced that the whole world belongs to them and any place, whether it's the kitchen sink, garbage bag or forgotten on the stove empty pan, suitable for lying. This choice should be respected, but its place in the fluffy yet to be: soft mattress, a box or a cozy cottage, in which he will be able to retire without getting reprimanded for disgraceful behavior.

In addition, take care of the kittens, and the sooner the better, if the cat has chosen to scrape favorite chair or a piece of wallpaper, it will be difficult to retrain.