Legendary bank robbers

Legendary bank robbers

The legendary bank robbers entered the history not because of his heroic deeds, but because of the most brazen attacks on the banks. As we know, life writes the best scripts, so the history of daring bank robbers are the inspiration for many writers, directors and writers. Meet the legendary bank robbers - thieves of all time.

Jesse James

Legendary bank robbers

The ruthless robber and an "expert" in robbing banks, stagecoaches and trains. During the American Civil War was a young soldier, and after its completion joined the band, later becoming its leader. And, although many call it the "Robin Hood" of the Wild West, the noble thief who robbed the rich and gave to the poor, in fact, he was just a thug. During his robberies are usually killed innocent people. Jesse James died at the hands of Robert Ford - a man he trusted, but that friendship rather reward for the capture of the robber. In 2007, the screens released film "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford."

Butch Cassidy

Legendary bank robbers

Another legend of the Wild West. The circumstances of his death are still unknown, and shrouded in mystery. His real name - Robert Leroy Parker. He was the leader of a gang "Wild Bunch", who robbed banks and trains, and after "work" to entertain and put up a fight in the "salons". Once Butch caught and put in prison, though not for long: he went out very soon ... promising to "fix".

Robert Leroy Parker, or Butch Cassidy was born in 1866 and died, probably in 1908. It is believed that he committed suicide in the house, which was surrounded by soldiers. However, there was evidence that he was seen alive and unscathed and after 1908. In 1969 came the movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."

John Dillinger

Legendary bank robbers

Dillinger was a notorious criminal, almost the same as Al Capone. However, there were rumors that he would overshadow the glory of American gangster, so during their brazen attacks always seems to be so that his name was on the lips. With his band, John Dillinger was operating during the Great Depression in the United States. He managed to rob more than 20 banks. In the newspapers of his attack was described as full of bravado attack, and he himself - as an extremely courageous man. In 1934, Dillinger was gunned down a policeman.

Bonnie and Clyde

Legendary bank robbers

The legendary lovers, thieves and murderers. Bonnie - little blonde with the face of an angel and Clyde - elegant young man - seemingly they seemed very nice and cute pair of young people. In the 30 years of the twentieth century, the pair cleverly robbed banks, petrol stations and shops. They had a simple plan: to rob and escape ... or die. Bonnie and Clyde were caught in a police ambush and were shot in 1934. In 1967, their story became the basis for the movie "Bonnie and Clyde."

Lester M. Gillis (Baby Face Nelson)

Legendary bank robbers

He was born in Chicago in 1908. For the first time shot from a pistol, when he was 12 years old, and when he was 14, he was already an experienced thief. At the height of his "career" robbed banks, and the famous extreme cruelty. In the early 30's, he became friends with another gangster, John Paul Chase, and since then they have worked together to the very end, eventually joining the band of John Dillinger. Lester was given the nickname "Nelson with baby face." He was of medium height, with an innocent baby-faced and extremely ill-tempered - so it is written in his case by the FBI. At age 25, he was shot and killed by federal agents, having for their lives kill more FBI agents than any other mobster in those days. (Photo: FBI materials).

Willie Sutton

Legendary bank robbers

Willie Sutton was born in 1901. This young man with a charming smile for 35 years robbed more than 100 banks, stealing about 2 million dollars. During the robbery, he was never violent, threatening weapons ... without bullets. It was the master of "masking" that robbed banks in the banker's suit. Several times he managed to disguise, escape from prison, where he is, in total, spent more than half his adult life. His concise answer to the question "why he robs banks" went down in history. He replied: "Because there is money."

Willie Sutton received a life sentence, or more precisely 120 years in prison, but for good behavior and because of the poor state of health was released. But his life ended as ... security consultant banks. He died at the age of 79 years. In 2012, his story was the basis of the novel "Sutton" authorship JR Moehringera.

Patty Hearst

Legendary bank robbers

The rich heiress (1954 p.) American media magnate at the age of 20 years, was kidnapped by the revolutionary group "Symbionese Liberation Army" (SLA). Symbionese Liberation Army did not want to get a ransom for the rich Patty Hearst, they demanded to provide food the needy. Usually people who have millions in the bank, do not rob banks. However, Patty Hearst began to identify themselves with the kidnappers, she became emotionally dependent on them, and a few months after the kidnapping took part in a bank robbery in San Francisco. When she was caught in 1975, a lawyer at the trial tried to make her a victim, who allegedly suffered from Stockholm syndrome (when the victim begins to sympathize with the thief). However, the jury had serious doubts about this, because at the time of robbery, none of the kidnappers is not accompanied by Patty. The court sentenced her to seven years in prison, but she came much earlier due to the amnesty. Photo: Patty during his arrest in 2012.

Candice Rose Martinez

Legendary bank robbers

In 2005, 19-year-old student Candice Rose, went to the cashier in a bank in the state of Virginia, in the United States, speaking at the same time on his cell phone, and as if nothing had happened said: "This is a robbery." During the robbery Candice continued to talk on the phone with her boyfriend and accomplice. Video from the bank got into all the world's media and Candice Rose Martinez became known, having received thus the nickname "cellular Bandidas." In total, she took part in the four attacks on banks. For robbing money, about 50 thousand dollars, she and her boyfriend bought a car, two large televisions, clothes and gadgets. Candice - attractive young girl, who with insolent serenity, with the phone at the ear, robbing banks, aroused public sympathy and even empathy. However, the court was not so favorable to Candice and sentenced her to 12 years in prison.

Marat Mihaylich

Legendary bank robbers

A native of Ukraine, Marat Mihaylich, became known in America as the "holiday bandit" who attacked the bank only at the end of December. Rob banks, he began in 2009 in New York. Surprising is the fact that for a long time, almost two years, he was able to go unpunished, and this despite the fact that at the time of the attacks, he never wore a mask, leaving banks their fingerprints, and when it is nearly 2 meters tall it is very difficult lost in the crowd.

Many times he was able to elude the police unnoticed: no one saw him use the car. For a time, Marat was the most wanted criminal in the United States. In the end, after a 9 "successful" armed robbery, was caught due to an oversight: the robber called a taxi to get away from the crime scene, but I forgot to hide the gun, the taxi driver saw him and ran away ... And then it was just like in American movies .