Bath for nails: Beauty Secrets

Soft and beautiful hands admired since ancient times. It is this part of the body is often sung in songs, ballads, poems ... And how many paintings are devoted to female handles! How nice to feel their soft, gentle touch. That woman's hands most pleasant and warm. But, of course, for them need special care. Daily washing, cleaning, cooking lunch and dinner - all this takes time, damages hands. Therefore, the need to properly care for them. Bath for nails and hands - this is exactly what is so necessary.

Bath for nails: Beauty Secrets

How useful bath fortification?

In everyday life, in a hurry is not always housewives and business women reminisce about their hands. But such a careless handling can lead to dry skin, brittle nails, it looks unsightly. The best way out of such situations will be the right hand care at home. No question of haste: quick to put the cream, cut nails, sawed, and to make up their usual varnish. No, we're talking about the home spa care of a procedure such as a tray for nails. Dedicate yourself one day among the hectic everyday life, and your hands will thank you. Bath fastening nail is useful in the first place that nourishes the skin of hands and vitamins nail plate, minerals and trace elements, moisturizes and soothes irritated covers them. Your skin becomes soft, gentle, and nails - strong and healthy.

Bath for nails: Beauty Secrets

Available embodiment

Salt bath for nails is the most popular. In addition, it is very easy to make and does not require additional ingredients searches in shops and pharmacies, because salt is at each hostess. Of course, it is better to use the sea as it is more useful, but also bring the usual good effect. Thus, a small spoonful (dining) salts (sea, table) must be dissolved in one glass of water (about 200 grams). The liquid should be warm. Lower the nail into the container with the solution and soak for several minutes. At this time, you can read a magazine, a book or watch a favorite movie. Then carefully dab a napkin nails and hands, moisturize cream. The same tray for a pedicure would be very useful.

The use and care

If the house you have an olive oil - it's very good. Such a bath polish is very useful! Take one-fourth of-ounce cup of olive oil and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. First, heat the oil over low heat, pour the vinegar, mix well. Pour the mixture into a container and immerse the nails for a few minutes. After the procedure dab hand with a napkin.

Bath for nails: Beauty Secrets

bit of everything

Iodine is known for its beneficial properties. Many it is applied directly to the nail plate, but be careful, because you can thus do much harm! Therefore it is better to make bath for nails and hands with iodine and oranges, which are rich in vitamin C. Thus, it is necessary to take five drops of iodine, two dessert spoons of sea or cooking salt, 75 grams of orange juice and a bit of grated zest. In warm water to dissolve the salt and add the juice first and then iodine. After cooking, the mixture should be poured into a container and throw up there. Hold about twenty or twenty-five minutes. Wet hand towel and lubricate fat cream treatment for hands and nails. This constant care will allow you to always be beautiful!