How to strengthen the nails: a few simple tips

Zeal - the main condition for best results

How to strengthen the nails: a few simple tips

Every spring after a long winter exhausted nails require special care. Therefore relevant is the question of how to strengthen your nails and give them a healthy growth. The main decision in this matter - not to regret the time spent on their care. You need to eat balanced and regular "feed" nails useful and necessary for the health of their substances. So, look at a few simple ways to strengthen nails.

Oil Mask

How to strengthen the nails: a few simple tips

In the first place, the answer to the question of how to strengthen the nails, is to use a firming mask of olive oil with lemon juice. It should be warmed to the warm state in a water bath tablespoon butter and mixed with a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Received means applied and massaged rub into the nail plate. Be sure to wear cotton gloves and leave the mask on your nails at night. It is advisable to carry out this procedure twice a week.

The feed tray Following the decision of what to strengthen nails, it is a nourishing sea bath. It is necessary to take half a liter of warm water, which dissolve tablespoon of salt (preferably sea). Dip your fingers in the tub and soak it for about 20 minutes. Next you need to wipe your hands dry and first dose of their high fat content of the cream, paying particular attention to nails. This procedure is better to spend every day up to 10 times, then do a month break, and repeat if necessary.

The mask of red pepper

How to strengthen the nails: a few simple tips

How to strengthen your nails? It tells a seemingly inapplicable in this case means, such as red pepper. However, it is a mask consisting of him, it helps to strengthen and accelerate the growth of nails. In the preparation of this agent must be mixed half tsp of ground red pepper, just 10 drops of water (preferably boiled) and one teaspoon of high fat cream. Hold the resulting mixture for about 10 minutes in a water bath, then - to cool. Then lubricate the nails evenly with a thick layer, leave all that for 15 minutes, then rinse well with water all. Apply the mask is recommended no more than once a month. Wax ointment

Excellent tool used in deciding "how to strengthen nails", is cooked waxy ointment that can give a special strength of nails. It should be in a water bath to melt the four grams of beeswax. Add yolk mashed boiled eggs with a fork. Next, add small portions peach oil until a thick cream. It is advisable to use this cream every night. Peach oil may optionally be replaced by any other fruit oil (sold in pharmacies).

The use of silk

Finally, quite "fashionable" means - the strengthening of silk nails. To apply this technique virtually no contraindications (only a fungal disease). Silk can also be used for nails. This will allow them to always look great!