Facial hair: how to accelerate growth?

The beard is back in vogue

Someone worried that the hair on his face did not appear at all, or there are insufficient. Someone has clearly decided that the beard he really is and wants to let it go faster. Some film actors for the new image also need to speed up hair growth. The reasons are many, but one goal: facial hair. In contrast, those who complain of the fact that we have to shave too often, the target audience of this article reflects on how to stimulate hair growth on the face.

Genetics and hormones

Facial hair: how to accelerate growth?

Fans bristle and mustache should understand that hair growth - something purely genetic. It is understood that if your dad or grandfather's hair on the face (and on any other body part) grew slowly, and you will most likely have to wait until your face zakolositsya beard. Another factor influencing their growth - it is, of course, hormones. In adolescence, boys begin active testosterone, and this increases the vegetation. Clearly, if the amount of testosterone is not enough, then the hair is also not observed. Practicable alter hormones. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe a certain dosage of hormones. But it is necessary to understand that these changes in your body and entail adverse consequences, such as poor health. Practical advice

Facial hair: how to accelerate growth?

If your desire is to have hair on the face is not so much to use hormones, then there are several ways to accelerate their growth. First, analyze your diet. It is to abandon the products containing the female hormone. Eliminate from your diet coffee, tea and energy drinks, eat more fruits, vegetables and herbs. Remember that the healthier your body and faster the metabolism, the faster you will grow a beard awaited. Take care also about taking vitamins. Take them to the complex, choose those with minerals. Facial hair will grow faster if your body will do a lot of zinc. Eat more beans and eggs, or take zinc with vitamins. Take care of your internal state, you can start and to external influences. Purchase at the pharmacy drugs "Regeyn" and "Minoxidil" and rub their face in accordance with the instructions. Do not worry: this money is unlikely to cause you allergy, but to accelerate the growth of hair they will help. If the pharmacy means you do not trust, then cook the mixture of castor oil and burdock (1: 1). Leave it on your face for a couple of hours. Remember the important rule: alkalis found in shower gels and soaps, slow down the growth of your hair. The same applies high temperature. You will succeed!

Facial hair: how to accelerate growth?

As you can see, the hair on the face rather whimsical to external influences and are very dependent on your health. If you want to let a gorgeous beard, then be prepared for hard work and control over their habits, especially eating habits. After listening to the recommendations given in the article, you will surely achieve what they wanted. But myths about the growth of hair is not to be believed. For example, the myth that the more often shave, the hair grows faster, was dispelled by scientists in 1963. Therefore, armed with knowledge gained about how to accelerate the growth of hair on the face, get to work!