Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

Any woman who got accustomed to their appearance carefully, notice the small hairs on the face. Someone they are not clearly visible and do not cause any discomfort, while others suffer from the presence of this vegetation. Why is there facial hair in women, and how to deal with such a phenomenon?

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

Types of excessive hair growth on the face

Facial hair can appear in two forms:

  1. Vellus. This type of vegetation is quite common even in healthy women. In this case, the hair soft, small and very thin. This phenomenon has a medical name - hypertrichosis. Changes of this type are not associated with hormonal changes. Most often seen when there are failures in the work of the thyroid gland, pregnancy, menopause or puberty. In general, such hair on a woman's face is not too much inconvenience to its owner.
  2. The core type of hair. For the growth of this type correspond to a certain type of hair follicles. Different roughness, hardness and sufficiently thick to a certain shade. This phenomenon has a medical name - hirsutism.

In the event that a woman's body begins to increase the number of male hormones, the first type of hair into the second.

What could be the causes of hair on the face

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

Before you start the fight with redundant and unnecessary displays, it is necessary to determine the precise cause. Why do I get a lot of hair on the face? The reasons may be as follows:

  1. The endocrine system is not working properly due to a failure.
  2. The hormonal surge may experience a woman during pregnancy, which leads the and increased hair growth, including the face.
  3. may be a reason, and long-term intake of anabolic steroids or male hormones.
  4. Sometimes women use bio-stimulating cream that may cause or increased hair growth on the face.
  5. The cosmetic procedures at an elevated temperature. These reasons can be attributed, and sunbathing.
  6. The hereditary factor.

In the case of self-determine why the hair grows on the face, you can not, you must consult your doctor.

What to use for getting rid of hair?

Quite often women, in order sent to the beauty parlor to get rid of facial hair. Immediately worth mention that this procedure costs a lot, and it is not always the effect can please. First of all you must be prepared for the fact that on the face, on-site disposal, there is a strong reddening, and it is possible that over time the hair will grow back. That is why, in order to produce facial hair removal for all, you can use the techniques at home.

Use a razor

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

The method of shaving is the most common among those which are aimed at the removal of superfluous hair. However, the result is not all pleasant. In use, the hair at the end of the blade is split, is thicker and noticeable. That is why the procedure should be carried out almost daily. In principle, a man somehow got used, but this method is not always suitable for women. Especially after shaving is not only facial hair removal, but there is irritation, as well as enhanced growth.


As another way to help part with unwanted facial hair, plucking method acts. Certainly, facial hair removal forever, this method can not guarantee, but if you compare it with shaving, then, of course, this is a better way. The thing is that when using a pair of tweezers is the probability of occurrence of irritation, but in this case the hair grows more slowly, even thicker. This method is ideal for those who have been a small number of core hair.

The types of hair removal to remove hair

As another method to remove hair stands method of hair removal. In this case, it is possible to use different types of procedures. However, again, should carefully manipulate the hair on his face. There is a probability of occurrence of severe irritation.

Thread for hair removal

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

This method is not popular in our country, although it is very effective. Most often it is used in the countries of Asia and the East. Moreover, the method has a number of advantages:

  1. inflammation from such procedures are practically absent.
  2. Hairs become weak after each treatment and after a while they disappear.
  3. The method does not require a major financial investment.
  4. The procedure is done in one minute.

There is only one caveat for those who grow facial hair and who have decided to remove it is to use this method. You can not use silk thread - they can seriously cut your fingers.

The procedure is done quite simply. Enough to twist the thread with their hairs and gently pull out. Redness will be, but they quickly pass.


To make facial hair removal via waxing, it is necessary to melt the wax over low heat. Using the wand, apply the molten material on the hairs. Bit worth the wait, to wax stiffened with hairs and remove it with your fingers. Grow hairs begin only after 2 weeks, and the maximum period is 1 month.

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

Sugar hair removal

The method is based in the same principle as the wax. The molten sugar is applied to the hair and wait until the mixture hardens in order to remove her hands. In general, hair removal using sugar, which helps to remove facial hair reviews is increasingly positive, as compared to wax treatment cheaper.

The disadvantages of using known methods of

Tweezers, which help to remove facial hair in women, are not always effective. Yes, and tedious to carry out this procedure, because sometimes have to remove a large amount of hair on the face. Yes, and shaving does not make comforting results as early as 2 days vegetation begins to be felt by new processes on the face.

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

Use creams may not be effective for hair removal, and can cause severe irritation. As for the wax, then such a procedure causes discomfort. and it is possible to consider other ways to help effectively remove facial hair in women, about them below.

Other methods of removing facial hair

Most unusual way, which will help to eliminate the vegetation is walnut, or rather its shell. It must be pre-burn, and the ash is dissolved in water (1 hour. L). Apply directly to the place where the hairs grow. The procedure must be repeated 3 times a day.

Also in the fight against facial hair can help, and pine nuts. 2 tbsp. spoons shells must first milled, and then combine them with boiling water (1 cup). This mixture should boil water bath for about 20 minutes, no more. The mixture is decanted and allowed to cool. Problem skin is rubbed with this solution in a place where the hairs grow. According to reviews on this method, it allows to produce facial hair removal permanently, without causing any side effects. For the following method, you must first prepare the syrup. To do this, use a pot, which put 1 kg of sugar. Separately, mix the water and vinegar. And the first and second must be used in an amount of half a cup. Next, the mixture is send in a saucepan with the sugar. To the ship and a third portion of the bubble green fodder. This mixture must be put on the fire and let boil a little bit. The syrup should be uniform, slightly viscous, consistency. Next, turn off heat and give the mixture to cool slightly.

Then you need to pour the syrup into a shallow container. This can be seledochnitsa. At its bottom to be stacked film. Picking up the individual pieces of the mix, they need to be a little bruise. Next, a thin layer applied to the skin, where there is hair. Nothing is to be expected. Mass not immediately take off, and this should be done quickly.

Facial hair in women: the causes of growth and removal

In order to remove facial hair in women, and the solution can be used, which is based on part of alcohol and iodine. This requires the use of 30 ml of medicinal alcohol and 2 ml of aqueous ammonia. Also, 1, 5 ml of iodine and 5 ml of castor oil. The resulting mixture must be installed in a dark place. Only when it becomes completely transparent, it must be used for the procedure. Apply enough only 2 times a day.

As a low-cost way to remove hair from the face cream can be recommended to be used specifically for depilation. The main effect of these creams is the effect on proteins. After some time, the hair weakens and simply drop out. Cream has no effect on hair follicles. That is why hair growth is not slowing down. There are some downsides to the use of this method: the effect does not last long, as the skin there is the likelihood of irritation.


In fact, the funds for hair removal from the face of women, there are many. They are diverse, as different devices are used for the application. Initially, before stopping at one of them, you need to consult a doctor who will help identify the cause of the hair.

A further necessary to apply a variety of ways to stop for one thing, so to speak, by trial and error.

However, once it is necessary to look at the skin reaction when using either method. In particular, if there is a slight irritation, and it goes pretty quickly, then you can continue to use the procedure. In that case, if the redness is serious, it is necessary to abandon the method used and to try other methods.