How to quickly grow a bang? Folk remedies and the basic rules

Mowing and frustrated

Every girl thinks about changing the image. Mowing - one of the easiest ways to achieve this. Therefore it is necessary to go to the hairdresser. Even a simple haircut can help to change the image, and bold experiments will give a new spirit. But what if you do not like the new look? How to quickly grow a bang? Do not sit at home the same month! In order to solve the problem, there are different ways.

How to quickly grow a bang? Folk remedies and the basic rules

The basis of all

First, let's understand that more than three centimeters in a month the hair does not grow. But even this would be a good result, if you want to grow long bangs. To begin, it is important to establish a proper diet. The more hair gets the nutrients, the faster they grow. By the way, this also depends on their condition. If they are dull, dry or oily, broken, whipped, drop out, then this is a serious reason to change the diet. To get started is to give up any fast food: hamburgers, cakes, sweet drinks, french fries and the like. It is important to include in the diet of foods with vitamins A and B. Most of them are found in eggs, liver and fish. In addition, it is helpful to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, berries. Vitamin C is needed throughout the body. Most of it is in citrus fruits. Do not neglect the black bread, beans, peas.

How to quickly grow a bang? Folk remedies and the basic rules

Using pharmacy arsenal

In order not to suffer everyday question of what to eat for the benefit of the body, you can buy special medicines. There are vitamins for hair restoration. These drugs will be able to help you if you constantly repeat: "I want to grow a bang." But it is necessary to have patience, since none of them will not have a snap action. You can buy in a pharmacy special mixture of oils, which are aimed at accelerating the growth of hair. They are used as conventional masks. Prior to use, read the instructions and perform an allergy test.

Hair Care

In order to figure out how to quickly grow a bang, you have to learn about how to care for your hair.

How to quickly grow a bang? Folk remedies and the basic rules

Carefully read the shampoo and balsam. They do not contain harmful additives, therefore, should prefer natural remedies. It is not necessary to strive for the most expensive shampoo. How to quickly grow bangs, without using special tools? Suffice it to give up the hair dryer, curling, perming and coloring. All of these tools not only help put the hair, but also worsen their condition. And that's what slows their growth. Better to prefer brushes with natural bristles. Traditional recipes

How to quickly grow a bang with the help of popular recipes? It's enough to massage the head with a brush and sea buckthorn oil or burdock. This will speed up blood circulation, respectively, the hair follicles will get more power. With the same purpose used tincture of red pepper and onion mask. They warm the head. Can be used decoctions of various herbs. They need to rinse hair after washing.


If you fail hair cut, it's not a reason to be upset. Refer to the other barber, and he will advise how to fix it.