Rules how to properly hit the ball in football

Football, there are many theories, players learn it, learn by heart, keep in mind, but still remains the most important practical approach. That's the question of how to properly hit the ball in football, there is a lot of theoretical aspects, but the result is known in practice. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the theory - you need at least to begin to learn a few simple truths, and then delve into the science of the bumps in this wonderful sport.

Just blow on the ball standing

Starting with the basics is always worth, because then the progress is from them, accumulated knowledge and experience, allowing you to learn new tricks.

Rules how to properly hit the ball in football

When you begin to learn the basics of how to hit the ball in football, do not just try to work wonders. Do not beat yourself over with the move, heel, or even as something beautiful and spectacular to show off. This way you will have time to do then, when you know the most important thing. football kick starts with the standing of the ball, so his first training session is held with the projectile being in that position. Two basic techniques - a blow to the cheek and the Swedes. These two terms represent the inner and outer side of the foot, both effective pin, but in different situations. Novice players often make mistakes and try to hit the toe - this strike gets very powerful, but it is absolutely nekontroliruem, so this technique is used only in domestic football. Rolling the ball - the best bang

When you have worked a combination of power and precision strike on a ball standing, it will be necessary to move to the next level and begin to work on the technique of handling the rolling shell.

Rules how to properly hit the ball in football

This is no longer the absolute concentration and tranquility - the object is in motion, and a lot of attention should be paid to the choice of the right moment to strike. There is no specific answer to the question of how to hit the ball in football when he rolls, because the Swede, and cheek have their advantages. If the beat when the projectile is in motion, a little drop accuracy and impact control, but increases his power. Moreover, football is rarely there are cases when in the course of the game you can afford to quietly stop the ball and hit it.

The ball is in the air - what to do?

Moreover, football round will not always be on the lawn - kick in football can be and jump, and a flying ball.

Rules how to properly hit the ball in football

If you are still not very good at the technical side of the issue, such feints become for you an attempt to show off, show off, because it is of such strikes are obtained the most spectacular positions. Here it is impossible to say exactly how to properly hit the ball in football, if it is not on the ground. But often in such cases, touch the ball shall he rise, that is, the upper part of the foot. The power of such attacks reaches a maximum at the goalkeeper is rarely an opportunity to parry the ball, which flies after such performance, especially when it was featured master of football. But do not forget that in this game you can use not only the legs - can score, and head and knee, and shoulder. Head goals are scored quite frequently, but other parts of the body are rarely used for the realization of the dangerous moments.