How to increase the endometrium

How to increase the endometrium and in what way?

Many women suffer from infertility or spontaneous abortion, the reasons may be many, one of them - a thin endometrium. If the thickness of the endometrium for implantation of the egg is not enough, then there will be successful embryo attachment and pregnancy does not occur. Many women dream to become pregnant or maintain pregnancy, the question arises: "How to increase the endometrium and what a better way?". First, consider what the endometrium.


Endometrium - is the mucous membrane that lines the uterus and the embryo is attached to it. The main function - to create a favorable environment for implantation in the uterus

How to increase the endometrium

ovum. Endometrium plays a major role in the menstrual cycle. It consists of the following components: epithelium, stroma (connective tissue) and blood vessels. In the endometrium has two shells: the functional and the basal. At next menstruation functional layer is torn away from the vagina and goes out with the blood. Accretion layer occurs under the influence of reproductive hormones. The maximum thickness of the functional layer is achieved during the premenstrual period. Using ultrasound measured thickness of this layer depends on the menstrual period. The basal layer is maintained, in contrast to the functional and is in a new menstrual cycle source reconstruction of the endometrium. Ways of increasing the

How to increase the endometrium drugs

The peculiarity of the endometrium is that it is sensitive to the effects of hormones, and therefore the capacity is only possible hormonal agents. This process is directly dependent on estrogen. Assigned: hormonal treatment (injection of estradiol) and homeopathic preparation (drops "Gormel"). The impact of these drugs sufficiently effective and efficient.

How to increase the endometrium in an unconventional way

How to increase the endometrium

The integral role in building the endometrium plays and alternative medicine:

- girudoterapija (treatment with medicinal leeches);

- acupuncture (effects on the needles, which are introduced at certain points of the body);

- Vitamin E (contained in the following products: fresh vegetables, raspberry leaf, milk);

- vitamin C (contained in the pineapple, grapefruit, mandarins);

- herbs and foods containing salicylates - a curry, fennel, ginger, mint, raisins, grapes, cherries, prunes, cranberries;

- a decoction of herbs (upland uterus, Salvia officinalis, red brush). Grass is strictly recommended to use in a specific pattern, and dosage.

How to increase the endometrium

How to increase the endometrium without the aid of drugs

The full maturation of the endometrium and promote physical exercises that are beneficial to blood circulation in the pelvic area. It is necessary for sedentary work engaged in addition to any non-violent sport, for example, running, dancing, swimming and so on.


Before you use one of the ways to increase the endometrium, consult with experts. Make an appointment to see a doctor, go through inspection, hand over analyzes. Do not waste time on self-diagnosis, without going through all these stages, because it can lead to irreversible consequences.