Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

Senna - is a plant that can be attributed to the legume family. It has the form of dwarf shrubs with rather straight stem. At this plant shade flowers bright yellow. Fruits have the form of flat beans, in the middle of which increases from 6 to 8 small seeds. Period, when the plant begins to bloom, lasts from June and ends September. The fruits begin to ripen in October. Senna - a low plant, its maximum height is not more than a meter. It is able to have a positive effect on the human body. A larger number of useful properties have subshrubs leaves.


The most common raw material for manufacturing use bush leaves. But there are many recipes where it is necessary to use only fruit. Senna has properties quite different. He has a positive effect on the colon operation. This means - quite a good laxative and choleretic.

Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

It helps in diseases such as:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • acute conjunctivitis;
  • a variety of diseases of the skin;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • in case of problems with the liver.

Methods of using

Use the above means can be in the following variations:

  • broth;
  • extracts;
  • tablets;
  • powders.

In the fight against excess weight, as well as slag and fecal deposits of great help senna. Tea from it is best suited to achieving these objectives. It includes a wide variety of active substances which give the drink laxatives and antiseptic properties.

Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

You must know that the use of senna does not harm the human body. Process drop in body weight is due to the fact that work is stabilized intestine.


To collect possible independently. The leaves are harvested twice a season, but it is better to do it in August. At this time they are already beginning to slightly yellow. In the fruit and in the leaves contain a very large amount of organic acids and other useful substances. It is thanks to them and treating a variety of illnesses in the large intestine.

Cooked tincture helps with pain in the joints. If you take the fresh leaves of senna and just one liter of Cahors, it is possible to prepare a very healthful infusion. This means great help to cope with chronic constipation.

Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

Alexandria sheet for weight loss reviews has a very good, especially in cases where the diet did not show the desired result, and if there are symptomatic constipation. It is only necessary to know the right recipe for a decoction or tincture. Accept means necessary at regular intervals, usually 2 times per day. The dosage should be about half a cup.

Purification of the body

Senna diet recommended for use. He is able to maximize the bowels, helping to normalize its work, improve motor skills and, in turn, will reduce the process is strong enough fat absorption. A positive result will be noticeable after about 2-3 days, but the changes will be felt already after 6-8 hours after consumption means.

Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

There is another name for senna - is Senna. This drug acts on the body very gently. If you compare it with various other drugs, the senna for weight loss reviews has in most cases positive, as it is soft enough recovers and generates a chair.

Preparing your own home

To prepare the infusion of healing at home, you must take one tablespoon of the plant, it is very good to grind, and then all the means put in the dishes, which have poured a glass of boiling water (water should necessarily be boiled). This infusion should be left in peace for about eight hours. After this time it is necessary to filter the mixture through a fine sieve or gauze.

There is another way. It is necessary to take 1/4 liter of boiling water and pour about two tablespoons of raw materials, more heat must be about half the broth, but not in direct contact with the gas, and through a water bath. Next, the prepared mixture must be cooled from about 35 to 45 minutes, then filtered and squeeze well feedstock. Number prepared infusion should be brought to the initial state. It uses a fairly simple process. You need to drink to 0, 5 cup twice a day - morning and evening.

In order to treat such diseases as atherosclerosis, it is necessary to prepare 15 grams of rose hips, a few birch leaves, mint, carrots, burdock root and, of course, senna. All of the above ingredients must be crushed, and then mix and pour all in one liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 1 hr. After the time necessary to use a decoction of half a cup three times a day, preferably after meals.

Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

In order to cure colitis, it is necessary to prepare in advance in equal amounts of senna, fennel fruits, cumin, mint, St. John's wort, plantain leaves, chamomile flowers, Helichrysum flowers. Once all components have been collected, they must be well mixed, and then the two table spoon collection pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Writing broth brew about 35 minutes, then filter through a fine sieve or gauze, which is folded several times. Eat cooked broth must be 100 grams before meals.


Senna, reviews which are generally good, still have contraindications. There are cases when to use this tool is strictly forbidden:

  • In the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • During pregnancy.
  • If there is an imbalance of water and electrolyte metabolism.
  • In the period when the woman feeds her baby with breast milk.

Features the use of

Also senna recommended alternate with any other means for dropping the weight, so that it was not addictive. Moreover, you must remember that all should be the measure, as if greatly increase the dose, it is likely to form a lot of unpleasant consequences. A person can begin to develop bowel dystrophy, or the membrane of the stomach will be very angry.

Senna slimming: reviews. Properties senna

Before using the above means, does not matter in what form, it is necessary to consult with a qualified professional in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.