Manicure: beautiful nails for 15 minutes

Fashionable clothes, expensive jewelry and flawless hair does not save the situation, if a woman ugly hands. Manicure - one of the most popular methods of nail care. A characteristic feature of the technology - removing by cutting cuticles. With it, even the most neglected nails are put in order in a few minutes.

Manicure "for" and "against"

What motivates women to get rid of the cuticle, protecting against harmful bacteria from the nail root? Leathery roller located at the base of the nail is growing in all different ways. In some cases it is actively promoted, coarsens and gives hands a sloppy appearance. Classic manicure nail plate allows to instantly gain grooming. This option is best for those who are engaged in nails from time to time.

Manicure: beautiful nails for 15 minutes

However, many are unaware of the danger that entails removing the cuticle. The procedure should be carried out with the help of carefully crafted instruments, otherwise possibly of infection. Manicure even fell into the category prohibited in some states.

Opponents of this technology there is another argument. It is believed that circumcision activates the growth of the cuticle, making leathery roll over rough and dense. This problem does not occur if as a method of struggle chosen nutrition and hydration.

Prepare tools

Before making manicure, you need to stock up on the necessary tools. Iron tools are already out of fashion, replaced by cardboard, wood, rubber blades and saws. For the procedure required nail file, with which nails are shaped. If they layer and fragile, it is better to choose polished model. For healthy and strong using solid, with small and large coating.

Manicure: beautiful nails for 15 minutes

Manicure involves cutting the cuticle, which should prepare a small pair of scissors, which have curved ends. They are useful for correcting the nail shape. In addition to the nail file and scissors need to blunt spatula, armed with which you can move the leathery roller cutters and serving for deburring. And, of course, can not do without the container trays. All tools should be thoroughly disinfected.

You should definitely stock up and proofreaders, as perfectly apply varnish is difficult even in the presence of skill. With the help of a special liquid can be quickly eliminate all defects.

edging manicure Technology

A classic manicure includes not only getting rid of the cuticle, also need to adjust the shape of the nails. Preparing hands for the procedure necessarily includes the removal of old varnish. Followed by arm sawing and correct form of nails, it's best to start with the little finger. Filing is carried out from the corner to the center in the direction of growth, made from right to left, then from left to right.

Manicure: beautiful nails for 15 minutes

When you have finished with the form, you can begin to mitigate the cuticle. To do this, hands down in the tub with water. It is useful to add sea salt, baking soda, fragrances, bleaching agents. As soon as the skin on the hands will soften enough to dry them and to do the removal of cuticles. It is advisable to treat these leathery rollers special tool, it will simplify the task. Cuticle gently pushed back with a blunt spatula, gently separated from the nail. Inaccurate movement may cause injury of the nail plate. For cutting roller used tweezers, you can not delete it deep, the skin may be affected.

Clearcoat application

Manicure at home may also include coloring. Before applying the varnish should prepare nails, polished them with a special pad that will allow them to acquire shiny and healthy appearance. You also need to lubricate the cuticle nourishing cream and make a gentle massage of the hands.

Manicure: beautiful nails for 15 minutes

nail varnish begins with the application framework that can be not only transparent, but beige, pink. The base coating can become white lacquer and emphasizing the saturation of the bright tones. If the main task - the natural beauty of nails, it is better to do a transparent tool that is applied in two layers. After coating, it is desirable to wait a few minutes.

The final touch - lacquer. The coating is applied in two layers, and then fixed with a special compound. Be sure to nail dryer is made, unless there is a special lamp, you can wait for them to dry naturally.

Risk Group

Unfortunately, the manicure is not available to every woman. Considered a contraindication to the procedure capillaries close proximity with the skin surface. In this case, cuticle clipping may damage them. In addition, this type of manicure should not choose if you do not manage to avoid any kind of physical work in the next two days.

In edging manicure has certain disadvantages, but one thing is for sure - it really makes women beautiful pens.