Darsonval face: reviews, photos

Despite the emergence of a variety of modern techniques in cosmetology, treatments with the device "Darsonval" remain for many years at the peak of popularity. This is not surprising, since the method itself is painless, and the effect of it is simply stunning.

The term "Darsonval" - is the name of the small size of the apparatus, with which you can solve a variety of external problems and defects associated with the appearance, such as wrinkles, hair loss, unhealthy complexion, and so on.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

Currents darsonvalya

It helps darsonval for face, body and hair? Responses about him can be found for the most part positive. To begin, it should be noted that the so-called machine, which for decades used with great success in medicine, in particular in dermatology and cosmetology.

The procedure is carried out with the help of this device, called darsonvalization. She began actively used since 1982 started to use it, Jacques-Arsene D'Arsonval, a French physiologist and a physicist - the technique after it got its name, which is used today. At the present moment it is largely already upgraded and improved in comparison with the 20-th century end. D'Arsonval has contributed to the development of his invention biophysics.

This therapy makes it possible to effectively eliminate various cosmetic problems that affect the scalp and hair, to stop the aging process. Darsonval also effective for facial acne (more on that reviews can be found in the article below). Numerous studies conducted by scientists, only confirm the benefits of such manipulations.

Per patient darsonvalizatsii affects alternating sinusoidal current pulse:

  • high voltage;
  • high frequency;
  • a small force.

At the bell shape of the pulses. The duration of their - 100 ms. They are followed by a frequency equal to 50 Hz. In this case, currents darsonvalya only have therapeutic use.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

Appointment currents

Darsonval Face, reviews of which are listed in this article, on the human body can have two types of effects:

  • irritant;
  • irritant.

The choice of exposure at the same time it depends on the mode of procedure.

Contra-indications and

In darsonvalya has the following indications:

  • formation of wrinkles;
  • presence of aging, flabby, atonic skin in the neck, chest and on the face;
  • appearance of scars (this also includes post-operative scars);
  • vascular pathology;
  • warts;
  • seborrhea head and face;
  • sweating face, hands, feet;
  • enlarged pores;
  • presence of striae (stretch marks);
  • brittle eyelashes and hair;
  • loss of eyelashes and hair;
  • cellulite.

But not everyone is suitable for the face darsonval (reviews with photos can be viewed in this article). The procedure should not be held for people who:

  • have a bleeding disorder;
  • affected individual intolerance of the current;
  • are suffering from skin diseases;
  • have the tumors;
  • have oncological diseases;
  • have thyroid disease;
  • suffering advanced vessels;
  • have epilepsy;
  • suffering rosacea;
  • have hypertrichosis;
  • to pregnant women.

During the consultation the dermatologist or beautician will reveal whether the patient can be carried out using darsonvalya session, or whether it is better to abandon the procedure.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

Darsonval face: reviews, use of

Reviews about using darsonvalya say that it has found its application in many cases. With the help of:

  • toxins and waste products;
  • stimulate lymphatic flow and blood circulation;
  • increase the tone of the veins;
  • activate cell regeneration;
  • eliminate vasospasm;
  • accelerate metabolic biochemical processes;
  • provide a bacteriostatic and bactericidal action;
  • activate the oxygen supply to tissues, as well as nutrients;
  • lower level of sensitivity to various external stimuli.

Types of unit

These devices come in two main types:

  • for home use - used on their own in the home according to instructions;
  • Shop - used in beauty salons and specialized centers by professional beauticians.

How it works

Using active current actions can effectively cure various diseases. They are mostly related to the scalp. In addition, it is possible to carry out various preventive measures to total alopecia or patchy baldness. Thus, perfectly strengthens the epidermis, in addition, there is a warning of excessive hair loss. Darsonval and facial hair (reviews about it in recent years have increasingly interested in the women who look after their appearance) also tightens the skin, can increase hair growth and eliminate their fragility, to get rid of dandruff. In this case, currents darsonvalya perfectly stimulate covers the scalp, thereby simultaneously achieved a double effect - so that there is an influence on the nerve endings and blood circulation is accelerated considerably. In doing so, the fabric is excellent saturate with oxygen, the skin is enriched with useful elements, regeneration processes are activated.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

What to consider before purchasing darsonvalya

Most people make a purchase, without giving much thought to whether we will approach the means justify the hopes of our acquaintance. We must not forget that the skin type, the overall condition of the body, the composition of sebum, physiological features, the sebaceous gland, follicle development - it is purely individual characteristics. If your familiar face from wrinkles smoothed out, you can also activate the work of the hair follicles, after which the face is covered with a light fuzz.

In addition, the unit face darsonval, reviews of which is still largely positive, does not apply to any extent and types of acne. Its main effect is aimed at enhancing the metabolism, skin cell regeneration thus it harder and will be restored. Through this darsonval it begins to smooth out small wrinkles, and improves overall skin condition.

Reading about the procedure for persons darsonval reviews, you can see that it is only capable to dry spots, as well as speed up the time of their maturation. But this also has its advantages, as in this case can be carried out cleaning of the face, and the further application of the device will help the skin recover faster and prevent appear after acne scars and stains.

Preparation of

How to apply darsonval facial wrinkles? Reviews of the procedure say that the beautician first makes sure that the client is ready to host this session. To do this, clear the skin of impurities. So, be sure to remove from the face of all the cosmetics and makeup. The hair at the same time should be dry and clean. They need to be carefully comb. In this case, all the metal clips and other types of jewelry should be removed. This applies to the preparation procedures.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

darsonval Procedure

The device has a working principle: as soon as the skin is cleansed, she begins darsonvalization. This procedure must be performed by specialist. With the nozzle it performs the special action electrode. The nozzle can not be touched or to touch human skin. noncontact or contact impact will be realized, depending on the type of technology used to treat certain diseases.

Darsonval facial wrinkles (reviews of the procedure say it is very effective) does not give a person of any discomfort. At the session he can feel the warmth and tingling in the main zone of influence.

The duration and frequency of the procedure

Today it is very popular to use darsonval face. Reviews of the procedure say that this physiotherapy can last 5-10 minutes. Over time, the duration of treatment can even increase. They are allowed to carry out every day. Between treatments you can do intervals on the same day. In this case, there is no clear guidance or restrictions on the duration of the course. The number of necessary treatments depends on the task. Usually about 10 sessions carried out.

The main measure for achieving the desired result is a state of the dermis in the upper chest, neck, and on the face - in these places it should improve significantly. There is no hard limit to the number of courses a year. Cycles can be repeated sessions three times a year as needed.

to darsonvalization Tips

We continue to find out what else is useful darsonval face. Reviews say about him that he can improve the effectiveness of various drugs, facilitating their penetration into the deeper layers of the dermis. To do this in front of darsonvalization need to clean the skin and apply the medication. After soaking its drug residues eliminated napkin as leather treatments in period should be dry.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

It is impossible during darsonvalization use products that have instructions to indicate their incompatibility with the sun ( "Zener", "Dalatsin T", "Baziron" "Differin", etc.), In addition, cosmetic products, for which there is a part of the acid. Prudent to use them within a few hours after that.

This procedure is carried out strictly on the face of the massage lines: a circular motion to the ears of the middle of the face.

Contact method of procedure is suitable only if you are absolutely sure of the occurrence of non-communicable rash, or used vehicle contactless application.

Darsonval is very good for acne, but only in the case when all procedures to change (the first procedure - stronger than the current supply, and the second - less current) power frequency.

Effect darsonvalya

Action apparatus gives good results, including going on:

  • skin rejuvenation, whereby it acquires a smooth, matte finish;
  • the elimination of inflammation and swelling;
  • increase firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • smoothing small wrinkles;
  • the elimination of vascular pathologies (vascular "stars" among them);
  • visible "lifting" the face oval.

care after the procedure

After the session is finished, the skin must necessarily apply a thick layer of nourishing cream. If the main zone of influence was the face, it's good to do an intensive nourishing mask.

using darsonvalya procedure is simple, simple to perform and efficient. The skin under the influence of current acquires a healthy look, perfectly rejuvenated, becomes beautiful and noticeably refreshed. Smooth out all the wrinkles that add years women are reduced in size post-surgical scars. Also it becomes the best metabolism, blood circulation and skin regeneration.

Darsonval face: reviews, photos

Massager Face darsonval: reviews

Reading the reviews on this procedure, it is clear that it copes with a variety of skin problems - removes acne, wrinkles. Some say that with the help of darsonvalya rid of vascular "stars" and scarring.

Many also point out that using it could stop hair loss, and their quality has improved significantly.