Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

Clutch - a handbag small size that fits easily in the hand. Sometimes, this thing has a thin handle, so you can hang it on your shoulder. This accessory is almost universal. It can pick up for any event. How and what to combine the clutch to create interesting images, tell our article.

The History of

Small bags have appeared in the XVI century. The word "clutch" translated to English means "bow", which defines the way an accessory to wear. Initially the clutch - a rectangular bag, which played the role of a purse, as the ladies were there money. Then gradually increase the size of a handbag, it is possible to carry as cosmetics, perfume, love letters. Any woman trying to decorate her purse, her bark beads and jewels, embroidery and ribbons.

Particularly popular among women of all walks of life, these bags have gained in the XIX century. At this time, no self-respecting woman does not leave home without an accurate clutch. In the twentieth century, a special love for little handbag was seen in the famous Coco Chanel who made them his business card. Since then, the clutch goes out of fashion.

Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

How and what to combine the clutch

Create an image with a small female clutch Handbags is not something complicated. Stylists are advised to combine it with a wide range of clothes, because the clutch - a universal thing. There are a few standard rules of accessory to wear:

  1. Clutch combined with all styles, except for sports.
  2. Handbag color should at least coincide with another element, it may be a belt, shoes. Gizmos Décor should be chosen on the basis of activities, such as handbag, richly embroidered with sequins, it would be inappropriate to look at a simple evening walk.
  3. The number of decorative elements on the bag should be inversely proportional to the complexity cut dresses. For example, the simpler the dress, the more difficult case, and vice versa.

Despite the fact that the clutch - a bag for carrying in your hand, also allowed the straps over his shoulder. Option depends on the convenience in the case.

The manifold allows the bags to find successful combination with any of the things wardrobe.

Leather Bag

The classic version - a clutch of leather or imitation leather. It has a versatile design with rectangular shape. This option is suitable as a classic suit or an evening dress. Interestingly look a combination of miniature versions of the bag with sheepskin or leather jacket.

Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

Clutch made of leather may have small decorative elements, such as a large castle or fringe. For cocktail dress it is preferable to choose the classic model of patent leather, which are usually worn in the hand or on the shoulder.

Decorated accessories

For the event, a dress code which allows the presence of bright things, purses, embroidered with sequins, beads, sequins and bows are the perfect solution. They are suitable for self-confident women who are not afraid to be the center of attention. Typically such bags have a miniature size and placed in a woman's hand. The classic one is considered to be metallized of clutches skin silver or golden hue in combination with an evening dress dark tones.

Extravagant model

Modern designers offer many options of unusual kind handbags. They can be made in the form of animals, hearts, fruit. Usually they also have a custom finish that makes them stand out among the variety of miniature handbags. To produce unusual accessories often use materials such as furs, reptile skin, metal, synthetic polymers.

Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

These clutches are suitable for celebrations or meetings with friends. It is important to remember that the more complex decor accessory, the easier it should be a suit.

Clutches large size

Despite the fact that classical suchochki considered small in size in recent years gained popularity great clutches. they often resemble an envelope and do not have additional decor. Such bags are attracting the attention of large sizes and variety of colors.

large clutch can be combined both with jeans or a business suit, and its size allows even wear it to work.

Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

Textile models

Often, for the manufacture of small bags using a variety of fabrics. With fabric texture can be created as an everyday thing, and evening. Often use materials such as corduroy, velvet, satin. The shape of the accessory reminiscent of makeup, only larger. Sometimes the accessory has a skeleton for strength.

Embroidered ribbons, beads, beads, sequins models advantageous to look with cocktail dresses. While simple corduroy or linen clutch bags with strap for carrying on the shoulder help to create simple images for sightseeing or meetings with friends.

Clutch for men

Male clutch differs from the female, first of all, the dimensions: it is more classical female. This is due to the fact that a man with a small purse looks strange in his hands.

Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

Male clutch helps comfortably accommodate all the necessary things that are in the pockets of many keys, cigarettes, money, documents. There are many varieties of such bags, the most popular ones:

  1. Purses - have a rectangular shape and dimensions correspond to the value of the common purse. Have departments for money, documents and keys. Traditionally subject to wear in his hand.
  2. Bags shoulder considered the most convenient option because they have large capacity and ease of wearing.
  3. Handy - small hard bags with or without handle. They often prefer to business men, who also have to wear a note pad and tablet PC for work.

Traditionally, men are made of leather clutches, but there are models made of suede and fabric. They also look expensive and stylish. The size of the bag is determined individually, depending on what you need to wear it. Models can accommodate only smaller everything you need, but there are modifications to wear gadgets - tablets, smartphones.

The color scheme depends on the clothes with which to create the image. Often men prefer classic black clutch bags, as they are suitable for any variant of clothes. They have not only practical, but also a decorative function. As female bag, the male clutch combined with all stylistic directions, except sports and safaris. Men's bags are no age restrictions - they are both young boys and men aged solid.

Care clutch

To miniature handbag will last for many years, you need to take care of it properly. Clutch must be regularly cleaned of dirt, especially if it is made of light materials and bright colors. Cloth bags are traditionally considered the summer, so in winter they should hide in a place protected from dust, such as the clean bag is problematic, especially if it has a sophisticated decor.

Klatch - a ... Description, types, models

The classic model of a small handbag will never go out of fashion, so to save on this fashionable accessory is not necessary. He, like shoes and watches, helps to create a first impression of the person. This accessory is suitable for almost any occasion of life and allows you to create a variety of stunning images.