How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

To learn how to whiten the skin armpits, reflect everyone who has this problem. Pigmentation or darkening of the skin in the armpits area - not a rare phenomenon. Nevertheless, it is a signal for a woman that she is doing something wrong. Many people immediately resort to bleaching or lightening agents, but it is not quite true. Before rectifying the problem, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Otherwise, all the tools to help fight the darkening, give only a temporary effect.

How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

The causes of skin pigmentation armpits

It identified some of the most common causes of this phenomenon. In the first place there are age and hormonal changes. If age can not do anything, then for their hormonal woman simply must attend. Most often one is linked to another, that is, over time there is a change in hormone production in women, but this does not negate the constant control over them.

The second most common cause is a wrong selection of cosmetics and hygiene products. Today, various companies produce dozens of kinds of skin care products in sensitive areas, which include the axillary area .. It is possible to remove the pigmentation there, you just need to change the cosmetics for everyday use.

In third place is the excessive sweating in combination with a synthetic clothing. Things from non-natural fabrics are not recommended to wear in principle, but especially those who are prone to increased perspiration. Of course, synthetics are very easy to use. It is light, does not crumple, well satisfied with this content and undemanding of care, but is not considered useful for the skin. Especially when it comes to underwear, and things that should be put directly on the body.

Another factor that can change color in the underarms is use of drugs. In particular, the use of contraceptives. These drugs may have a negative impact on the female figure, health and mood, but also cause pigmentation in the underarm area. Note the presence of chronic diseases. For example, diabetes or obesity can cause discoloration of the skin in some places on the body, including the armpits.

Another factor that affects the pigmentation are frequent shaving and depilation of these zones.

Of course, you should pay attention to your diet. No wonder there is an expression "- we are what we eat". Harmful and wrong food can impair the skin condition, affects its color and elasticity.

Finding at least one of these reasons, it is necessary to try to get rid of it, then the question of how to whiten your underarm skin can be solved without additional measures.

How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

How to whiten underarm area?

If the causes darkening of the skin are determined, then, first of all, care must be taken to eliminate these causes, and secondly, puzzled choice of means for the clarification. Addressing the causes will contribute to a gradual return to normal skin its natural color. If you want to speed up this process, you can resort to one way of clarification.

Embodiments and methods of today there are many. It is better to try several and choose the best method for themselves.

Those who are going on holiday by the sea, just think how quickly whiten your armpits. You can use the peels and scrubs. skin lightening will occur due to the exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis. Considered the best bleaching agent based on white clay, as well as those whose composition brings cucumber juice.

But not everyone can afford to buy expensive cosmetics. Besides, why spend the money if long invented folk recipes. Even our grandmothers knew how to whiten your armpits at home.

Orange peel

Since time immemorial, women have learned to use all the means at hand and products to improve the health and appearance. Including long ago figured out what you can whiten your armpits. In the arsenal of the beauties there and something as simple as orange peel, a favorite of many fruits.

How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

Orange - very affordable product, therefore, know how to whiten your armpits at home with it will not be superfluous. To dry the peel of the fruit. Then grind it into a powder and mixed in a ratio of one to two and two tablespoons of milk. Here you can add a tablespoon of rose water. Apply the mixture to underarm area to hold several minutes and rinse. It is a mild cleanser.


In contrast to the orange, lemon in bleaching need not peel and pulp. To cut a slice of lemon and rub her armpit. Lemon, among other things, is also antiseptic. This tool is not very suitable for those with sensitive skin. In order to avoid irritation, it is possible after the procedure applied to the area Brightening Moisturizing Cream. You can also apply not a pure lemon juice and mix it with yogurt.

Baking Soda

This product is in almost every home. Soda - a versatile product. Its application is extremely broad, including for medical purposes. In addition to cleaning and bleaching properties, it can relieve the itching and irritation, has the effect of scrub and helps get rid of the odor. Consider how to whiten your armpits at home with the help of soda.

How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

It is necessary to mix the substance with water. Precise proportion is not here, but pulpy mixture should turn out. It is necessary to apply the mixture on underarms and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse with water.

Yogurt with oatmeal

These diet foods are known to many beauties, leading the fight against excess weight. It turns out that they, too, are suitable for lightening armpits. Of yogurt and oatmeal need to make a mask. Kefir should be bold enough to mask not turned liquid. Mix both ingredients in a ratio one to two. Let it brew.

How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

Oat flakes are known for their remarkable effect scrub. This mask is required to put on the desired area for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water.


As surprising as it sounds, but the potato also has a lightening effect. In addition, it softens the skin, relieves itching and irritation. For clarification of the problem areas need to rub half the average potatoes on a fine grater and put on the skin. Then rinse. If you want to achieve a rapid effect, You can do this procedure twice a day.

How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

Hydrogen peroxide

This antiseptic to be mixed with water in a ratio of one to one. Wet the resulting mixture in a cotton pad and rub them underarm area several times periodically again dampening disk in solution. An alternative procedure can be to compress solution. It should also soak a cotton pad (and preferably two) and put on the problem areas on the half hour. After that, you must thoroughly rinse the area with water armpits and apply a nourishing cream.


It turns aspirin can be used not only as a therapeutic agent, but also as a cosmetic. Underarm whitening is necessary to prepare mushy mixture, stir a few pounded tablets with water. Apply this slurry to the desired area and leave on 15 minutes, sometimes there is a problem - how to whiten yellow armpit. Means of aspirin great help to cope with this.


How to whiten the armpit at home? Whitening cream for underarms

Lovers do face masks cucumber is well known for its moisturizing and lightening properties. Why not use it to lighten underarms? You can simply cut the fruit crosswise and wipe the desired area. For a more rapid effect can make a mixture of grated cucumber and lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the underarm skin and leave for 15 minutes.

Home Lightening Cream

To not buy a cream for skin lightening, you can prepare a bleaching cream for underarms home. This will require: milk, cottage cheese and flour. We need to take all of the following proportions: milk - 2 tablespoons flour - 1 tablespoon, and cheese need only 2 tablespoons. All very well to mix. It must obtain a homogeneous mass. Dairy products should be the maximum fat content, otherwise the cream will be liquid and badly applied. The resulting mass is required to put on the axillary zone for 15 minutes.

This means not only brighten the skin but also moisturizes it. In addition, cottage cheese and milk will feed and nourish it with vitamins.

All of the tips on how to whiten your armpits at home, give the desired effect if they are applied two or three times a week in conjunction with the elimination of the causes of skin pigmentation.