Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment

Modern medicine is able to explain why many people have acne appear. Unpleasant inflammation often occurs on the face and on the back, and even on the buttocks. To get rid of acne, little use antiseptics, because this disease develops on the background of pathologies within the body. To do this, you must identify the root cause at the cellular level and correct it. Let's find out why some people have acne, while others do not. We'll show you what it is connected, and what reasons can cause inflammation of the skin.

Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment

What is it?

Pimple - inflamed skin that often becomes a festering sore. And as soon as the people do not call this affliction: and Quilted and pustule and papule, and diminutive - pimple. Despite the abundance of names, an inflammatory abscess is unpleasant and can cause a lot of problems.

First of all boil - it is a skin disease that has never manifested themselves. Let's find out why young people have acne and pimples.

The response of an organism

A pimple is born even in the subcutaneous fat layer, namely in the place, where the sebaceous glands. When a malfunction occurs in the body, the first reaction is an inflammation, because the amount of fat produced increases at a time. Ulcer produced at the instant when the tube is formed, consisting of the adipose tissue. Its dimensions are blocking of sebaceous glands, and the fluid is gradually transformed into a knot. Moreover, this process is accompanied by inflammation. Since the tube is connected to the subcutaneous layer, acne is not recommended to squeeze, not to carry infection.

Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment

Why does acne occur in many people? The reasons may be different. It all depends on hereditary factors, from environmental conditions, the state of the immune system, by hormonal and metabolic, and from the power of mental health. Consider every reason in detail.

Hormonal failure: medical recommendations

Metabolic disorders and hormonal failure occurs, if there is abnormality in the endocrine system, which includes the ovaries, thyroid and pancreas. Pimples appear when changing hormone levels in the blood, namely steroids. Their increase leads to skin sensitivity, inflammation, allergic reactions. Steroids - are not the only hormones that trigger the development of abscesses. Acne can occur if you change the level of estrogen, androgen, corticosteroid. You do not want to deal with nasty acne and acne? Then regularly check an endocrinologist, do not use hormonal contraceptives without the knowledge of the personal gynecologist.


When there is a question: "Why do people have acne and what they appear", must first apply to the hygiene and cosmetics. Here is a great example: girl loves creams, correctors and powder. Every day she gets layer by layer means of one and the same brush. She does not think that sponges, multiple discs and sponges need to be heat treated (sterilized) every day. Regularly using the same equipment, woman carries pathogenic microorganisms, parasites and bacteria on the skin. At best, this will result in an allergic reaction and inflammation, and at worst to the development of acne, which is able to leave ugly scars on the skin.

Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment

The reason why many people suffer from acne on the face, is simple. They will wear the infection and do not take into account that in the sponge and brush for makeup forms a favorable environment for pathogenic organisms, because at the time of the application of cosmetics girls are not degreased and disinfects the skin.

Stressful situations

If you still do not know why and what appears in people acne, you should urgently reconsider their way of life. Regular overwork, busy schedules, lack of sleep and malnutrition, domestic problems, sickness, apathy, depression, lack of subordination colleagues and superiors at the workplace - this is a minimum list of reasons that can cause a nasty pimples. In this case, everything is quite simple: in stressful situations, the body releases two hormones - adrenaline and noradrenaline, which also affect the production of the sebaceous glands. Sometimes one emotional outburst enough to your face, back, arms and legs literally "buried" unpleasant inflammation of the skin. Of course, not every stressful situation will lead to changes in the body, but that does not mean that it is necessary to continue this lifestyle. Now you know why many people have acne. From you only need to restrict yourself from frustration, manipulators and negativity. The body will thank you for sure.

Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment


You'll probably wonder why many people have pimples on the face. It is not only a hormonal background or in stressful situations, but also in parasites. Roundworm, worms, and other worms can cause inflammation of the skin and increases the production of subcutaneous fat. When you contact the health center competent dermatologist is obliged to examine you for parasites.

As a rule, such organisms as pinworms, paragonimy, Giardia, Trichinella, hookworm can cause not only acne, but also boils with pus or eczema. To date, rashes are divided into three types. The first type - the latency, where a small number of spots may appear on the body. The second type - acute where manifest an allergic reaction, and urticaria, and abscesses. The third type - a chronic, which regularly appear unpleasant papules and scars remain on the skin.

Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment


Why do many people have acne appear? The reason is simple - an unhealthy diet. Regular consumption of starchy foods, sweet, spicy, roasted and salted leads to an imbalance in the intestinal tract. Zashlakovyvaetsya organism and all harmful substances do not appear naturally. Eating foods with artificial additives, fast food and soda, you are breaking the intestinal peristalsis, causing all the toxins begin to penetrate into the bloodstream.

Sometimes, to get rid of the hated acne, only go to proper nutrition enough. For example, replace the carbonated drinks to fruit juice or green tea, chocolates and biscuits for fruit and berries, store chips in the home of the potato or zucchini.

Why do many people have pimples on your face? Causes and methods of treatment

The appearance of acne depends on your lifestyle. If you love your body and take care of it regularly checked by an expert and do not clutter up the digestive tract of chemicals that you do not run with unpleasant problem. Of course, hormonal surges during menstruation in girls has not been canceled. However, in this situation it is possible to minimize the risk of abscesses. How? Eat right, do not react to stressful situations, and care about their health.