Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

Rare person can avoid this unpleasant situation, as the occurrence of acne. They appear at the most inopportune moment, destroying the future plans and interfering enjoy life. The appearance of lesions before an important interview, first date or a charge output light is a catastrophe. How to get rid of acne once and for all? To achieve this, you must first understand the causes of the appearance of inflammation, and then use proven methods to combat acne.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

The mechanism of

So, try to figure out how to get rid of acne. But we must first understand how they appear. Rashes occur when plugging skin ducts excreted from the sebaceous glands secret. This substance is a product of their life. During the interaction with the air, it becomes a cause of unsightly black dots or small pimples. Inside the skin duct clogged sebaceous plug, the infection can get at any time. If this happens, start the inflammatory process. He turns a small pimple to a large abscess that burst with time. Then, the wound will be itchy, which is covered with a crust and will itch.


Before we discuss the causes of acne, you should know what they are called in each case and how to emerge. After all, the method of treatment depends on the etiology of the disease.

Non-inflammatory acne are called comedones. They are open and closed. Whiteheads are knotted in the form of balls of color - comedones. The cause of - the formation of traffic jams in the skin duct. In addition, there may be white spots and black spots. The latter are a very deep skin clogged ducts. their propagation zone: chin and nose. Composition of black dots: dead cells of the epidermis and sebaceous glands. Dust and dirt are not the cause of a dark-colored rash. All fault chemical reaction of oxygen and tyrosine. As a result, the point of becoming black.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

Inflamed acne

They come in several subspecies. Papules are swollen redness about 5 mm in diameter. Pustules arise from the spread of bacteria or infection under the skin. As a result, there are blisters with pus. Spin composed of dead leucocytes and bacteria.

frequent occurrence Zone

Usually, acne appears in areas with large concentrations of sebaceous glands. These areas include the face forehead, chin and nose wings. Here glands are located very close to the epidermis. When they are active, the rash is inevitable. To the chagrin of the reader who wants to learn how to get rid of red spots on the face for 1 day, we note that to perform this task in such a short time is impossible. complex treatment is required to achieve a positive result.

If we talk about the body, the rash usually appears on the shoulders, upper back and chest, because there is a considerable amount of iron, the most prone to inflammation.


They can be quite different. Most often, rashes appear on the skin due to increased hormonal activity inherent in girls and boys during puberty. Active production of sex hormones directly affect the sebaceous glands - in this period, they release more secret. Over time, the pores become clogged. To easily get an infection. Under their influence, a traffic jam starts to get inflamed. As a result, the skin appears festering pimple. Inadequate care and unhealthy lifestyle will contribute to the increase in the number of lesions.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

A few reasons for the appearance of acne on the skin

Improper diet. Many people abuse alcohol, fatty and spicy food, smoked meat, industrial sauces, caffeine and sweets, adversely affecting the functioning of the liver. Slag in the body can trigger the appearance of a large number of lesions on the face and body. In addition, food allergies in rare cases, it may also cause the sudden appearance of acne. Today, no one is immune from stress. This is another important factor that can trigger the occurrence of a considerable number of lesions. Strong feelings, depression or stress conditions activates the sebaceous glands, which leads to clogging of the ducts and skin appearance of a plurality of pimples. Since modern people are constantly exposed to stress, skin problems are becoming more serious. Therefore, get rid of the rash is now much more difficult.

Pretty rare causes of

Sometimes inflammation are due to skin burns. People who have perplexing questions about how to get rid of acne in the summer, on the advice of others are beginning to take a sun bath. Rays can dry a little rash and improve skin tone. Sometimes, however, they have a negative impact, burning different parts of the human body. Therefore, before sunbathing need to use a cream with UV-filter. This will not only prevent the emergence of new pimples, but also protects the delicate skin from early signs of aging.

Other reasons

Improper care often provokes eruptions. In addition, because of the rapidly deteriorating general condition of the dermis and epidermis. A day on the surface of the skin accumulates a large number of dead skin cells, bacteria, dust and cosmetics residues. If you do not clean it in time, and forget about the regular makeup remover, it can provoke the appearance of sebaceous plugs and development of the inflammatory process.

All the mechanical squeezing pimples

The first desire of man who has seen the focus of inflammation, will squeeze the pus out. People think that because they get rid of acne. However, touching the face, a person only carries infection. Doctors do not advise to do it. The probability of infection penetration into the skin is very high. Many people try to squeeze pimples at an early stage, when the ulcers are not yet ripe. From this procedure does not become less painful. In addition, part of the pus will remain under the skin as a pimple is not yet ripe. Inflammation disappears. Most likely, after the procedure remain scars or spots. So do not make the same mistake and try to squeeze out the pus.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

How to quickly get rid of acne

If, nevertheless, someone decided to forcibly remove the pus from the inflamed focus in spite of the advice, it should take steps to eliminate the possibility of further spread of infection in the face. How to get rid of acne / pimples such experimenters? First you need to determine the type of rash. Squeeze out the pus can only mature source of inflammation. If you click on the spot there is a feeling of pain, the procedure should be postponed. Otherwise, instead of a small ripening abscess will have more swelling, and infection spreads to the face. Then the man will have to cancel an important meeting. How to quickly get rid of the acne that is already ripe? To do this, take a piece of cotton wool, mirror and rubbing alcohol. Next you need to configure the correct lighting. Followed by a rub sore spot and hands rubbing alcohol, to minimize the possibility of infection.

What to do

Then we need to put pressure on the core of a pimple, not capturing the surrounding skin. Pus will be cut off from the lower region of the sebaceous duct, and at the bottom there will be infected fluid. We must try to squeeze out a secret one compression, so you do not have to repeat the procedure a traumatic skin. Then you need to treat the wound with rubbing alcohol. An hour should strike means "Baziron", and can "Levomekol". If anything at hand is not present, it is necessary to lubricate the wound with salicylic alcohol. Inside you can take a drug "Enterosgel," which removes waste and toxins that cause inflammation. To swelling faster sleep should be limited to this day use of cosmetics. At night, it is recommended to make a lotion for easy removal of redness. You need to make in the same proportions chamomile and celandine, to apply for 10 minutes. Next, you should apply to the focus of inflammation means "Baziron" (if any).


From the remnants of the prepared broth is necessary to prepare ice cubes. It should be limited to a few days consumption of sweets, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, sausages and other semi-finished products. After removal of the pus spots appear acne. How to get rid of them? After the morning washing should be prepared to wipe the face with ice cubes that were lost last visible signs of edema. To get rid of spots after acne can also be hiding them under treatment cream, gel and powder. If the redness is still visible, you should use the usual green concealer, masking any inflammation. Of course, this sequence of actions can only help a staunch opponent of any medicines and complex methods to combat acne, and even then not for long. If after removing the pus scars left by acne, how to get rid of them? To do this, you need to take vitamin A, which is so rich in apricots, carrots and apricots. Thanks to it accelerates cell regeneration and even strengthen the immune system.

How do I get rid of acne subcutaneous

Notice the internal inflammation is difficult, because the redness does not appear immediately. Under the skin, you can find a dense lump formed an abscess. In the affected site pain is felt. But his hands touch the inflammation is not necessary, so as not to worsen the situation. The larger the size of redness, the more purulent fluid formed there. What is the danger of such a spot? Pus is located next to the tissues and blood. Gets inside the infection can spread throughout the body. Therefore, warming inflammation, pus squeezing, pricking with a needle, the use of makeup and touching the rash is strictly prohibited. How to get rid of subcutaneous acne? To do this, you need to minimize the possibility of adverse effects, and immediately start the procedure to restore the health of the skin.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

Treatment of inflammation

If anyone wants to seriously solve the problem of how to get rid of pimples, then he needs to remember that it is impossible to squeeze out the pus! Without unpleasant consequences to remove black spots, pimples and blackheads can only beautician, using special devices and sterile instruments. If you remove the pimples yourself, you can very quickly bring an infection inside. The consequences of ill-considered decision may become as small scars, and blood poisoning. Currently, there are many remedies for acne, ensuring quick relief from inflammation. However, they can only help with daily use. At the same time, it should be understood that no drugs will not help get rid of acne instantly. One minute you can not relieve the inflammation, in any case, this takes time. How to get rid of acne without removing the pus mechanically? It is necessary to implement the recommendations on treatment on a daily basis, which will allow to forget about rashes for a long time.


How to get rid of acne using complex procedures? Treatment should begin with dieting. It lies in the fact that at this time you can not eat sweet, salty, spicy, fatty and smoked. Anything that can cause increase in sebum excretion, should be excluded from the diet. This applies to mayonnaise, fried foods, cakes, pastries and other similar products. It should minimize the use of oil and salt. Fried and smoked food is recommended to replace foods, steamed. Meat and vegetables can be boiled. The information contained in fresh vegetables and fruit fiber helps rid the body of harmful toxins that trigger the appearance of acne.

Good habits

In order to improve the amount of beneficial to human microflora should be eaten daily fresh dairy products. A glass of yogurt at night is a good habit, allowing to keep the skin healthy.

Also, you need to refrain from eating foods that can cause allergies.

Skin cleansing

A person needs both cleansing morning and evening. Waking up, it is necessary to wash with warm running water, dry the skin dry wipes. Next should be treated with face lotion (for oily skin). Then you need to put the cream or gel. During applying makeup, use a special disinfectant powder with tiny reflective particles. In the evening, you need to start the procedure with the lotion. Fans of natural products can try to replace it with yogurt and even sour milk. Thereafter agent should be applied with matting effect. This can be as a cream or gel.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

Hygiene Compliance

How to get rid of acne? To start a normal hard towel should be replaced with disposable paper. It is not necessary to touch the skin of the face with dirty hands. Healthy habit would be a douche. First it is necessary to include warm water, then cold. Counting time should be guided by their own feelings, not to catch cold. Pillow cushion during treatment should be changed 1 time in 3 days. Many are concerned about a rash on the cheeks, ulcers on the chin, acne on his forehead. How to get rid of them? It is necessary to wipe the napkin most mobile phone and computer keyboard on which the day accumulates a lot of bacteria. After the infection is easily transmitted skin of the face with the fingers and smartphones.

Use of preparations

Many skin inflammation successfully treated with topical ointments. Most of the drugs included in the group of antibiotics. It refers gel "Klindatsin T" By such means. He is actively fighting with acne and other inflammatory skin. Said means will help get rid of pimples on the ass, shoulders, back, face, hands. Treatment lasts about 3 months, but all depends on the size of the affected area. At the same time actively applied lotion, stick to a diet.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

Skin Disinfection

If the popped pimples on the body, how to get rid of them? Inflammation to disappear, it is necessary to carry out disinfection of the epidermis. For this purpose, suitable powder "rivanola". It needs to be diluted in a glass of water. The resulting solution was used for the lotion to the affected areas. A decoction of chamomile helps with inflammation. Cook according to instructions. A decoction of chamomile alternate powder "rivanola".


Usually the appearance of acne, acne and dermatitis indicates a lack of any elements in the body. Wishing to undergo a full treatment should be purchased in a drugstore group B vitamins, and E. The first element contained in brewer's yeast, nuts, liver, eggs, green vegetables, bran and whole grain bread. Laminaria and fish include useful iodo. Often, after the removal of an abscess scars from acne. How to get rid of the sores? This will help the body to zinc and already mentioned above vitamin A.

The use of folk remedies

For disinfecting the affected areas of the skin may be used in an alcohol tincture of calendula (1 tbsp. L. 1, 5 cups of water). propolis tincture is also able to help in this matter. To fill this need grass alcohol, infuse, and then mix the resulting product with water in equal proportions.

You can make your own mint lotion. For this plant leaves (1 teaspoon) should be pour a glass of boiled water. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Strain the broth. Mix it with 1 tablespoon of boric alcohol, lemon juice, tincture of calendula. Wipe the affected area 2 times a day. Furthermore, it is possible to fill a glass of boiling water mint, chamomile and green tea (1 tbsp. L. Grasses). Cool. Wipe the affected area daily. Broth store in the refrigerator.

Instead, you can use an antiseptic tea tree oil, eliminating inflammation. By the way, it is part of many lotions. Oil can be used externally only.

Other folk remedies

Aloe prevents the growth of bacteria, thus helping to eliminate acne on the forehead. How to get rid of the rash, using a medicinal plant? To do this, pick up a single leaf, cut lengthwise, applied to the pimple is brewing, bandage roll up (or sticking plaster). Attached pieces need to be replaced periodically. Keep the leaves should be long enough, so aloe better use for the night. After repeated use of plants or pimples disappear immediately or gradually and painlessly pass.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

Disinfect the skin can be a decoction of herbs such as calendula, aloe, sage, celandine, nettle, fennel. This is a partial list of medicinal plants. In folk medicine, there are many useful recipes. They are used by people who can not buy, for whatever reasons, pharmaceutical agents.

A visit to a cosmetologist and dermatologist

If the complex is the above methods do not help, you should contact a medical facility. After passing the required examination and analysis experts explain the reasons for the formation of inflammation and will advise the necessary funds for treatment.

Use of creams and gels

Quite often, teenagers buy too aggressive means for skin care. He washed them, they only hurt your body. Because of the rapid flushing of sebum begins the accelerated development of prostatic secretions. As a result, again, there are rashes. It would seem that man is good following the skin. However, in this case, such "help" the body is not required. Therefore, you should choose the cosmetic products carefully. Preference should be given to Matira moisturizing cream with a light texture. In the morning is better to put the gel. Also, you need to choose products with a neutral pH and absolutely no alcohol. Ordinary soap is desirable to change the cleansing milk.

Getting Rid of Acne and traces of them. How to get rid of acne on different areas of the skin

skin degreasing

Special tools are used only in very oily skin. Do not get involved in the process. Sometimes it is possible to use boron or camphor alcohol for too fatty areas. The heat is used occasionally and 2% salicylic alcohol.


To perform this task must point movements to put salicylic alcohol on the affected places. Some equalizers may dry a little acne. Experimenters suit homemade powder. Drugs "Chloramphenicol" "Streptocide" and "Metronidazole" (1 tablet) should grind in a mortar. The resulting powder applied to the affected areas at night.

Passage cleaning procedures

You can not try to carry out these actions on their own. Such procedures are done only by experts with the help of ultrasonic devices. The patient can often see scars after acne. How to get rid of them? You can solve the problem with a course of physiotherapy, improving overall skin condition. Usually the result is noticeable only in a few days, but it all depends on the severity of inflammation.