Digest Mojo Media # 7

Summer begins with the snow, and the new work week - a traditional digest Mojo Media. While outside the window and in the world reigns mess in our ancestral lands - only stability and quality. Hello everyone, and that's what we advise this week.

Our last week began with the drawing trendy headphones by Monster company. Thank you all, you are actively commented on the article "Monsters sound: ideal wireless headphones for sports", but the winner elected by the people, not us. So those who were dissatisfied, please do not be angry. All right. He wins the one who scored the most likes, so that all were equal. Congratulations to the winner, and now - to articles.

Digest Mojo Media # 7

Let's start with BroDude, which marked the beginning of the summer issues with Kazakhstan. What we have offended Narsultana Nazarbayev, is unclear. However, dear fellow, soon we will fix the problem with access to the site, but for now discover the marvelous miracle called a VPN. Although, if you are reading these things, either the problem is resolved or a VPN-ohm familiar.

Outstanding actor Alexei Panin modernity his recent video clearly proved that even after forty can save youthful exuberance and spontaneity. But it is rather exception to the rule. In most cases, the man crossed the 30-year milestone, begins to behave in exactly the same way as described in the article "Unpleasant surprise, or what actually occurs after 30". Do not be afraid, this is natural, but not necessary.

Our regular reader Jacques Doe (Doe or) said about written by Leonid Novak masterpiece: "I think this article should be included in textbooks in secondary schools." What is so written in the article "7 ways to be the man she needs?" Yes, the truth of life, flavored with spicy portion instructive prowess. There are articles that pay little attention. Maybe the topic is not so relevant, and maybe it's written poorly? It seems to us that the article is good and is made to last. And we believe that intelligence - a necessary thing for today's society. As rightly I noticed our great reader, but in the Russian language there is a word, despite the Latin root. This is not a request, rather call: pay attention to the article "How to become an intellectual." You can make out. It is not only about how to become, but also about the fact why.

Digest Mojo Media # 7

We believe that someday the summer will be like in the summer, and will reign over the land of heat, in the glorious city of Krasnodar. And when it gets warm, people move around the city is not on foot, but solely on the longboard, giroskuterah and other incomprehensible words. Deal with transportation help article Eugene Entropova "5 of alternative means of transportation around the city."

And Heroine problems with Kazakhstan is not, so enjoy female wisdom is completely unobstructed.

To begin with the "12 non-obvious facts are worth knowing about the clitoris." Article will benefit both men and women. The main thing is not to play the hypocrite and not to consider such texts bawdry. This highly artistic nauchpop.

Digest Mojo Media # 7

For women who are not only interested in their personal happiness, is required to read the article "11 ways to understand that the guy next to you unhappy." It's better like that of happiness before you can understand the two of them can not see and that you need to stop scoff at a man.

Well, if you can not to admit our mistake, but life throws you out of the frying pan into the fire, then read the article "13 evidence that you are spineless." Sobering blow wet rag in the face to all those who do not see the obvious. Fortunately, Darya Kharchenko does this, as always, clearly and correctly. Unfortunately, our articles is not always enough, especially to those who love and know how to read. For this purpose, we have created Telegram channels, which collected the most interesting thing in the network. And most importantly, all laid out on shelves.

If there was a desire to read informative articles about sex, then ran to the channel "will lie to me", which brought together the most diverse information on a given topic from celebrities to obsessed coitus on the girl's orgasm guide.

If you just want everything in the world to know, then go to the channel of the same name - "Know". Here and about the nightmares, and about the new exoplanet, and about the benefits of coffee.

And if you just want to read something interesting, but to determine the theme did not work, then you straight to the "mystical show". Here entwined principles of Epicureanism and Stoicism, or, in simple terms, articles on different topics.

Those who do not like to read, it is better to follow the canal "They are moving." There is nothing superfluous - only stirring photograph known as "SIFCO". And there is nothing better than to start a new week with admiration funny animals or idiotic situations in which people fall.

A thrill, or even prohibited content - one road to the "Mole". Recent research by British scientists have shown that it is a haven of madness and absurdity often visited by men than women. Lady, you need to stabilize the situation, of course, if you have strong nerves.

Our podcasts are becoming more popular by the day, so that they begin to listen to them now, while you have not named Gloria.

In the show "Employee of the Month" our cozy radio room was visited by two brothers-piercer who told what the most popular tattoo and what the girls are ready for an elegant design on the body (spoiler: for everything). The most popular program "Guys, we have sex," discusses whether it is possible to wake up the girl in passion and sexual desire. And can it be called a relationship without sex friend-zone or not? As always, a lot of jokes below the belt, but this second season and is famous for.

In the "wild ducks" sweet girl tells stories from "50". What does that mean - ask leading Darya. Apparently, the so-called senile youth gatherings with friends and then head proshibanie glass doors.

Well, in a nice show, "We live in this" suddenly became clear that prostitutes could pay and repairing of roads, as well as for some reason remembered for artists such as MC and Vspyshkin Nikiforovna. Well, where do without pigeons, they are the main newsmaker last week. And yet - about what is fraught make suggestions on the balloons.

And do not forget about our people's chat Telegram. Please introduce into our conversation, until it became the domain of only ten people. We love them very much, but we need new blood and new topics of conversation. So if you have something to brag or complain about that - running here.