Digest Mojo Media # 35

Finally, after a long break to digest our return to the usual mode of operation. Let him not so many readers, but its function it performs hard. All holidays are behind us, even the Old New Year. No more excuses - working until 23 February.

All our magazines and channels work in the same mode, so traditionally start with BroDude. It has a new design, but the old ideals.

Digest Mojo Media # 35

What if I changed his wife, who hates you? Frankly not strong enough, and whether, because it is unclear who is to blame in this change more. Treason - the sort of thing that, as a rule, both sides are guilty, but how to be in a situation described in a letter to our readers? Rodion Makhov will tell you what to do.

How often, before going to bed you remember moments from the past? Only after a while you realize that it was necessary to build another one conversation, to tell the girl about her feelings - so much that I would like to change. We chose the 9 things. It seems that it is a happy medium between the disappointment in life and hopefully instructive.

The real life of the city can be felt, but dissolved in it. And for this there is nothing better than to meet with the locals. To this end, it is desirable for some no knowledge of English (and preferably several languages) and ability to make contact. Shy, timid and insecure article "How to make friends in a foreign country" does not help much. Unlike mongers who know the language is so bad that the word "OK" make 5 mistakes.

Digest Mojo Media # 35

In the first week of January, we often add things in the traditional list of commitments. "This year I'm going to do it every day ...." Let's make 2018 the first year of explanatory purposes. Throw all unnecessary, we take necessary and, more importantly, feasible. And there is nothing that a few Mondays are over. Nobody said that it is impossible to start the third. Read the article "13 things that will make your" New list "justified" to find out exactly what it points.

Now let's see what pleased us Heroine last week.

What if you're pregnant? The question that often enters into a stupor of both the perpetrators of the incident. It is clear that God gave bunny - and give the lawn, but an unexpected joy to parents it does not add. Let's try to sort out the tricky questions.

Digest Mojo Media # 35

Nothing exasperated as relatives and friends questions "When is the wedding?". Roughly it is impossible to answer - curse, politely - already tired. You need to argue that being single is not so bad. Previously, it was useless - too narrow-minded listeners and liquid proof. But now there are as many as 6 sociological reasons not to marry.

How to behave smart people? This would like to know everything: those who consider themselves as such, and those who have enough conscience not to encroach on such a high rank. Who do you feel about yourself - it does not matter, but how they behave clever - we'll show you.

Digest Mojo Media # 35

So how to digest last week did not come out, then we just can not ignore the article, which appeared during the holidays. What to do if your man masturbates and watches porn? Rejoice, for family masturbation strengthens not only the body, but also the relationship. If it is, of course, not to the detriment of coitus. There is no reason to worry, but should read the article.

If you somehow still do not subscribe to our feeds telegrams, immediately correct this error.

"Know!", Which is popular and very interesting talks about science. For example, about a way of describing reality and our knowledge of it.

"We will lie with me", where we openly and unabashedly tell about sex. For example, about 6 the most dangerous kinds of sex from the point of view of scientists.

"They are moving", where the best SIFCO, which only saw humanity.

And needs no introduction "Mole". It's just a bunch of madness, thrash tent and a cavalcade of brash moral sadism.

As we enter the new year with old proven podcasts. Do not worry, your favorite shows have not gone away, and Daria already being said into the microphone. Its call sign is not "Good morning, Vietnam!", And "Hello, Daria you."

On a visit to the podcast "Employee of the Month" came the journalist, who spoke about how to find a job after university, described the process of writing news, I remembered the book, which helped her to work, and to share, how to get rid of negativity, if you constantly write about murder . That same show, whose titles shy of his leading ( "Guys, we have sex"), discusses what to do guy when his girlfriend suddenly decided a couple of days to think, she wants relationship with him or not. In that case choose: suffering or "get together and not whining."

In the "wild ducks" had almost a regular guest, who told about the trip in a taxi with a strange drunk woman, how as a child he stole the watch, scolded the child, and then because he could not pass a test is normal. Shocking facts in that difficult to believe, and it is impossible to realize.

Shaw, "We live in this" - another excuse to discuss the situation in the world. At this time under the hammer sharp tongue top ranked driver from Turkmenistan, armored thief, cause of the fire in a hotel made of ice, as well as a dream job Titova and in general all the bums.

And do not forget about our national chat Telegram. Time to dilute the backbone of the new faces. It will be at least symbolically.