Digest Mojo Media # 10

Hello! Our digests today is the first anniversary - the tenth edition. That's how much time we boasted of their content and urged you to find out what lives and breathes what Mojo Media. During this time we have lost part of the Kazakhstani audience for which it is very bored, we burned our marketing and wrote a great many things to be proud of.

Digest Mojo Media # 10

Let's start with BroDude, publication that helps men to understand themselves, the world and women. The magazine, which can be replaced by one-third of school textbooks.

Leonid Novak decided to dream and imagine a wonderful future without interruption in electricity, news papers and confidentiality. After reading the article "8 things that will disappear forever," you begin to understand that the future is not too colorful. So this article - not just futurist thought, but reasoning about the future that we deserve.

Theodor Sedin, speaking directly, more than anything else hates the creaking of the foam, the smell of boiled cauliflower and whiners. Not people who seek moral support and Galimov whiners. Alas, all of this misfortune of the XXI century is not cured. All that remains - to learn how whiners and those who listen to them, behave themselves and not to annoy each other. About this - the article "5 Common Mistakes of whiners."

"We love you for the article about the women. You have told how to behave "with them - once wrote one of our readers. At the request of the workers, and the article about women, and about the relationship with them from the favorite heading "Community." Answering questions of suffering, we give advice, share a sad experience. A theme of the issue is clear from the title: "How to behave with the girls, and in general in the world." "On the second day, the women began to understand men and ourselves, God created Heroine Magazine". Here's what could be found on the last week.

Digest Mojo Media # 10

For example, about the fact that the appeal - this is not the heavenly gift, and the ability to realize the natural data due to hard work, kindness and intelligence. If you notice that you find it difficult to communicate with people, to draw attention to the pleasant guy or keep close to you those who are dear to you - then you have the habits and qualities, from which it is time to get rid of. Therefore Darya Kharchenko listed the "16 signs that you do not take care of yourself", and explained how to fix it.

To our readers do not waste time, and wound readers information on the condition, epoch-making work was created "How to distinguish the strong man of the weakling." Most read story last week that some people may not like, but definitely learned a lot.

Digest Mojo Media # 10

As Heroine - a magazine about healthy, adequate, sane feminism, sooner or later had to shine article about such a complicated and terrible thing as nymphomania. Therefore, read the article "female hysteria: 7 things that are worth knowing about nymphomania" Here, they say, once is better to learn than a hundred times to watch the same film von Trier.

We live in an age when everything is prohibited. Most often, the reasons for that are very different but adequate. It was expected that all sooner or later will get up and Telegram. Previously, the popular messenger traveled threats and accusations varying degrees of self-interest and relevance. But the sword is already listed on the head, Pavel Durov with a shield ready to punch, and now everyone is waiting for when the creator of the messenger and the authorities will no longer put on an act and tell us all what to expect. We hide and nothing to fear - we only quality in the Telegram, almost educational content. The channel "will lie with me" we do competent work in sex education. Here the best materials on the topic, which many hesitate to say it, but would very much like to find out more. Particular attention is paid to recommend the article "5 most common mistakes in the search for a" point G ".

The channel "Know!" We collect scientific data from different areas of science. Here we follow the fate of a loved one and almost native the Kepler satellite, write about metals, pheromones and strongly recommend a lecture psychologist Mary Falikman of the cognitive unconscious.

It may seem that the channel "mystical show" there is nothing that is instructive and useful. In fact, the materials that channel teach us life. Because anyhow do not choose - every article and every video pass through Moloch harsh censorship.

And everything that is not educational - all for the soul. And unless something can delight the soul more than gifok? Of course not. For the channel and created "They are moving." Particular attention is paid to good history of friendship between the dog and babaykoy.

The only channel that spoils a favorable impression of our Telegram Content - is "Mole". Not that is one big trash ... No, one big trash collected was then assembled. But as the signature of one of the best gifok last week: "Anything can happen."

And what about the podcast we do not experience. Because they are in our country is given undeservedly little attention. And in vain, you listen to our podcasts, if for some reason before then did not. Podsyadesh them instantly, as "Game of Thrones".

In the show "Employee of the Month" is our constant driving Daria spoke with a professional Barber, who told than Barbershop differs from the barber shop, told us about the king's shaving and answered questions from the audience. The apology highly artistic chatter, referred to as "We live in this", Sasha, Dasha and Pasha discussed Timati with its new operator, Russian, who with their yachts block the Statue of Liberty, and a wonderful miracle as "Push on call."

The billions favorite show, "Guys, we have sex" amorous affairs were discussed, and more specifically - a sense of ownership and control over it. Listen to the wise answers leading - actual topic, and in the future, this knowledge will be very useful.

Since podcast recording "Wild Ducks" and coincided with the outlet of the last call, we decided to invite to the studio directly responsible celebration. Listen to this issue and decide whether you are disappointed in our youth or nothing wrong, he was the same. In any case, let us hope that ship named "Adulthood" will bring them to the shores of happiness, rather than an empty shelf.

There are not many things that are highly addictive. One of them, judging by the way her love to our readers - this is our general chat Telegram. People correspond in it day and night, share experiences, confession and almost do not start a family. So do not be shy - welcome to the clan.