Digest mojo Media # 21

The remembered past week? Absolutely nothing. Some small events that will have no impact on world history. And then you come to one of Mojo Media creations and understand that significant events still were. These are the materials of our publishing house.

Hello, it's Mojo Media Digest, 21 th in a row. Point, gentlemen.

Let's start by seniority with Putin's favorite magazine. Of course he reads BroDude - how can you not read such masterpieces.

Digest mojo Media # 21

Anime - one of the most controversial and debatable the Russian society. The country was divided into two camps: those who believe anime infamous Japanese pornography, and those who believe a great genre, but not everyone understands art. But we do not live trite stereotypes and we know where hentai and anime where; where the tentacles and groans, and where it is very wise story, written by a talented artist. Therefore Rodion Makhov, recently became an officer in the army of our language, made a compilation of 7 anime that must-see.

Theodor Sedin last week spent in deep spleen on the oak tree that stands a. He even had to chase the Cat by scientists to be alone with your thoughts and think about myself, about people and about how to live this life. Thought of the two articles are similar mood, but differ in content. First lyric: "5 things that you need to accept." Sooner or later we have to accept certain things, in order not to stop the development and not make their lives more difficult. The second article is more positive, but only for those who share the views of the author. "What is worth spending money" - it's not about the material, and about how to properly invest in your happiness.

Digest mojo Media # 21

A Ivan Kalyagin marked by a brilliant answer to the pressing issue of concern to all young people without white ticket in age from 18 to 27 years. Is it worth spending the time to serve in the army? Ivan did not serve, but their point of view is. He laid it clearly and competently, and to agree with it or not - is your own business. Heroine Magazine took over the tradition of weekly delight readers with at least one blockbuster. That's a minimum of 3 articles that claim to be the honorary title.

Digest mojo Media # 21

Darya Kharchenko again took up the format in which pretty grown expert. Interviewing all the numerous friends who have ever learned about the Internet, it has identified several signs by which one can see that your pen friend - is not the best choice for future relations. Thus was born a talented article "What guys do not waste time on the Internet."

The most popular over the past week has found the article "6 things to which you're wasting your time." Apparently, the problem is lack of time relevant than ever, but Alina Kolesnikova is there a way to clear his schedule. Incidentally, the article will be useful not only girls but also boys.

Digest mojo Media # 21

And yet, in Heroine edition comes a lot of questions of varying degrees of seriousness and urgency, but this can not be compared with anything. The situation is as follows: scheduled date of the wedding, but all of a sudden, when the application already filed, the guy gives back. Like, I can not make you happy. How to live after this - all the answers in the article "Why the guy ran away from the wedding."

But no, there is one significant event that marked the past week. The whole world knew that Pavel Durov has a brother who solicits to wives Telegram employees. Anton Rosenberg showed the world the shocking dirt, from which the whole world was surprised to see that Pavel Durov very rich man. And we do not know. While Anton Durov demanded compensation for wrongful dismissal, we generously flavored our channels fit content. The main thing that a messenger on health is not affected.

We have finally found the best SIFCO with seals. By God, it's just a culmination of unhealthy kotizma. No matter how hard seals to be nice and funny, but they did not outdo. To understand what I mean, watched on Channel "They are moving." A Channel "Know!" Hit the educational archeology. News of the world to the beginning of time very much. For example, scientists have found that prehistoric frog extinct 70 million years ago, the bite force was more than today's crocodiles, and approximately equal to the bite force of tigers and lions. And this frog eating dinosaurs and other creatures, which met for the first time science. But more about that in another article. Who does not like to read about the case of bygone days, do not worry, the article about the cosmos and human capacities available.

Ladies and gentlemen, scientists finally figured out what it takes to reach orgasm. Ladies, direct partners; men, follow the instructions. There is no guarantee that everything will turn out, but this article is trustworthy more than developers in Krasnodar. For instructions - to "a man lie with me" our sexual canal.

For everything else, there's the marvelous "Mole". Marginal tavern, where instead of water poured alcohol and splash it right in your eyes. Here everything is not like human beings, on the brink of madness, because it is a real trash storage, served with a special cynicism and contempt for everything adequately.

Now it's time to give your eyes a rest and full strain your ears. Although many are so excited trills lead our podcasts Daria, that they are trying to achieve its location.

As part of the show "Employee of the Month" of our radio room I visited the actor and the director of the quests in reality, which reveal the inner secrets of the cuisine of the most fashionable and popular entertainment in educating young people. It turned out the secret to success is to learn how to scare people. And at the same time we were given answers to the most frequently asked questions: the behavior of men and women when they are afraid, what are the quests and what to do with unruly visitors. In the "wild ducks" were wild stories from his childhood about the unsuccessful raid on a visit to her friend and the relationship with his older brother. There was also a shocking story that almost ended in the death of a guest. Lovely conversations at a cup of tea inspired by the charm of childhood.

Not so long ago the leading show, "Guys, we have sex" learned about the existence of the beautiful and mysterious word "intimofobiya". Dashka and Sasha tried to find out where it comes at all, and how to deal with it.

And in the show, "We live in this" discussion hostel sand, sex (intercourse is, and no relation), cats earnings in Nizhny Novgorod. As it is not unfortunate, but it was mentioned "Dom-2", followed by a story about money and shelter for a couple of start-ups are no longer impressed. As can be seen, there was a lot of crap on the last week.

But for those who need around the clock communication, independent of time zones and age, we are sure to go to our nationwide chat Telegram. Friendly atmosphere, pleasant conversation, stories of life. It's not only fools sit (they do not tolerate here) and people whose life is in full swing and eventful.