Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

When there is a violation of the sebaceous glands, there is flaking, itching, dandruff and a feeling of tightness of the skin. The situation is worsening due to the drop of moisture in the epidermis because the cells can not hold her. The surface loses elasticity and on it there are cracks. How to deal with a dry scalp? This article will talk about methods to eliminate this problem.

What is dry skin?

If you experience itching and flaking can talk about the withering away of the superficial cells. Dry skin is usually characterized by the appearance of dandruff. Hide it pretty hard. Using ordinary shampoo, can be achieved only downside. As a result, there is a strong itch.

Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

In this case, rejection and necrosis of the head cell is a normal process, the cause of the pathological character can be very different. People who suffer from dry skin, also notice that they start falling hair. For severe itching and loss of curls most commonly diagnosed skin fungus. Such symptoms may indicate neglect of the problem. To eliminate such a disease, diagnosis is carried out under laboratory conditions. Why is dry skin on the head?

The main causes of

Dryness of the skin can cause a variety of adverse factors. Most often provoke pathology:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Allergic reactions, which is the use of shampoos and other hair care products. In this case, there is intense itching.
  3. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  4. A fungal infection that is located on the scalp. It is characterized by itchy skin, the emergence of small flakes and unsightly outer hair view.
  5. Vitamin deficiency caused by lack of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Violation of exchange processes in an organism.
  7. The emergence of serious diseases as eczema, psoriasis and lichen.
  8. Violations of the liver, sometimes because of improper nutrition.

When the scalp is dry as a result of the new shampoo and other hair care products, it is necessary to immediately abandon their use. It is best to use hypoallergenic means, which can not injure the sensitive skin. You can apply restorative mask to reduce the onset of symptoms.

Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

Dry skin occurs when:

  • is a constant shampooing;
  • conducted frequent hair coloring;
  • constant use hair dryer, hair iron and curling;
  • the dry air in the room due to air conditioning or heating radiators.

If the scalp is dry as a result of more serious problems, should consult a specialist and correctly prescribed treatment.

The symptoms of dry skin

The risk category often includes women who have attained 40 years of age. The sebaceous glands do not work well, which causes dryness. Collagen fibers lose their elasticity, and in cells arises insufficient amount of moisture.

The skin is exposed to external influences. Reduced blood flow contributes to the alopecia. If after shampooing with air conditioning appears dry skin, an urgent need to find out the exact cause.

If the scalp is dry and flaky, especially after hair coloring, then measures must be taken urgently. Especially if there is an increased loss strands.

Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

Dryness of the skin can be determined by several factors:

  • irritation;
  • itching;
  • constant desire to scratch the scalp;
  • occurrence of dandruff;
  • breakage and hair loss.

Self-determination of the dryness of the scalp is conducted as follows: wet cloth roots - in the normal state it must be stained sebum. Otherwise, there will be pieces of dandruff.

What to do in a dry scalp?

When there is discomfort after washing your hair, appeared dandruff and itch, then get rid of them as follows:

  1. Replace all the means of hair care products. When choosing to pay attention to the components included in their composition.
  2. Organize proper nutrition. The menu must be present fruits and vegetables as well as cereals.
  3. It is necessary to give up sugar, fried foods and foods with caffeine.
  4. It is to get rid of bad habits.
  5. Do not wash your hair with hot water. It should be warm. Use a hair dryer and hair iron is not recommended. After washing, dry the strands better with a towel.
  6. In order to improve the circulation each day to massage the scalp. This should be done with his fingertips, causing her moisturizing conditioner.
  7. If frost is required to wear a hat, which will help to avoid hypothermia.

All methods should be directed at solving these problems:

  • ensure normal water level;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

To restore the cell metabolism in the body, on the day you need to sleep at least 8 hours. Must be respected daily regime.

To maintain the water balance and recovery per day should drink at least 2 liters of fluid. For moisturizing the scalp to use means suitable for dry skin.

If all the measures applied did not have the desired effect, it is necessary to move to more effective methods.

How to properly wash your hair

To prevent dry skin, it is recommended to observe the following tips:

  1. Before washing the head hair should be combed thoroughly. In this case, they will get the best food.
  2. Use only one shampoo, which is exactly right for your hair.
  3. Apply it directly on the strands should not be. First you need to grind the tool in your hands, then spread evenly over the length of the hair. Start at the nape of the neck.
  4. The hair should be thoroughly washed, because the remains of shampoo will make them dull and sticky.
  5. Caution wet towel. Hairdryer should be used only in rare cases, so as not to overdry scalp.
  6. Combing dry hair only.
Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

By following simple rules, you can avoid a very dry scalp and hair to achieve a healthy appearance.

Why scalp becomes dry after washing

The main reasons include the components of shampoo, paints, air-conditioning and other facilities. In most cases, it causes allergic sodium lauryl sulfate or laureth sulfate. In this case, you need to choose the means with gentle composition.

Dry scalp is itchy, because the shampoo used is not suitable. In this case, help can be a beautician, who will select a set of tools suitable for each case.


What to do in a dry scalp and dandruff? If you experience this condition and increased hair loss should see a specialist. After itch and burning sensation, which is fixed for a long time, a sign of skin diseases. What treatment is dry scalp can be assigned? If the main reason - seborrhea, then get rid of it using these drugs:

  1. Vitamin Complexes "Aevit", "Nurobeks" and others.
  2. Sulfuric ointment 10%.
  3. antifungal pills ( "Ketoconazole" "Fluconazole").

effective to treat dry scalp shampoos are:

  • C antifungal activity ( "Dermazol" "Nizoral" "Sebazol"). Their use is justified if the reason is a fungus. On damp hair apply a small amount of product and leave it for 5 minutes. To obtain the effect of sufficiently 3-5 applications.
  • with birch tar "Algopiks", "Tar Shampoo." Means struggling with dry skin, fungi and pathogens. Used to wash your hair three times a week.

Any drug can be addictive, so from time to time hair should be washed with regular shampoo, which has a cleaning effect.

What to do in a dry scalp? Sometimes it is not a serious pathology, and to reduce the symptoms you need to apply the correct moisture and care methods.

Folk remedies to combat dry skin

There are alternative methods for the prevention of problems associated with the skin of the head. To do this, use the following mask:

  1. From dairy products. For procedures suitable kefir or yogurt. Take a glass of the product, and heat to the hair. Wrap and wait 30 minutes. Make a second mask, and well washed locks.
  2. Egg. Chicken egg yolk was mixed with 10 drops of glycerin and castor oil spoon. Mix and apply on hair evenly. Wrapped head and wash off after half an hour with shampoo.
Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

What other folk remedies for dry scalp can be used? Of the known products of plants and can be prepared mixture for masks, balms and broths. They are able to moisturize the scalp, reduce inflammation, remove blemishes and redness.

The most popular and effective folk remedies include:

  • Olive oil. It can be used for making masks. Warm up 5 tablespoons. spoons of oil, add a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your hair. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse with conventional shampoo. Perform the procedure you need at least 2 times a week. After a month you can get rid of peeling.
  • Onion mask. It relieves itching and stops hair loss. Take an onion, to twist through a meat grinder and put on hair. After 40 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Burdock oil. Its use in its pure form, will allow to provide benefit to hair and scalp. Keep the mask for at least 30-40 minutes. For greater efficiency it can be kept up all night.
  • with sour cream. Mix equal proportions of the product and the lemon juice, add one egg. The mixture to heat and keep the hair of 20-40 minutes.

What to do: the scalp dry and itchy? Exhibit excellent effect herbal on which preparing decoctions.

Half cup oak bark and peel onions pour liter of hot water, simmer for half an hour. Rub into the scalp means. Wrap a warm towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Applying complex folk remedies, shampoos and medicines can be to reduce the symptoms of dry skin.

Tips beautician

Experts recommend that all means of hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, mask) to choose one series. In this case, they are a perfect complement each other. What to do in a dry scalp? Particular attention should be paid to professional cosmetics, which is aimed at restoring the hair and skin. Excellent effect has moisturizing hair conditioners. If you have dry skin, a few drops of burdock oil can be added to it.

Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

In the period of application of the oil masks the use of styling tools minimized because any effect of the treatment appears.

The mask is applied to the hair gently, pushing strands and trying to remedy and reached their roots.


It should be understood that the air-conditioning, heating and household appliances can dry the scalp. To prevent this process, you need to open windows and use air humidifiers.

Direct sunlight in combination with salt water also negatively affect the scalp, so it is best to wear a hat on the beach.

Dry scalp is: what to do and how to treat?

To achieve healthy skin as possible, if you eat right. The diet should be filled with fresh fruit and vegetables, food containing vitamins A, E, E and essential fatty acids.

Be sure to keep drinking regime and drink at least 2 liters of water, especially in hot weather.


Dry skin of the head - a problem that many people face. The first step is to determine the cause of this disease.

For the treatment may be suitable not only drugs, but also recipes of traditional medicine.