Not everyone knows how to properly care for your hair

Our hair is windswept, rain and sun. They experience daily stress from exposure to detergents and coloring agents, by a hot drying and styling. This is all inevitable, but you can minimize the risks, knowing how to properly care for your hair.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Not everyone knows how to properly care for your hair

the eternal Russian question, is absolutely applicable to any situation in life. In our case, the answer is the same: to blame ourselves. And to do something to save their hair beauty can also only yourself. First and foremost, we are to blame, when we use any shampoos and dyes indiscriminately, without regard to their own characteristics, following the lead of advertising. First of all, you need to decide on the type of hair. There are only three: oily, dry or mixed. So, the first rule on how to properly care for hair - know your type and accordingly select him care products. Otherwise it will gradually destroy the protective water-lipid film on the scalp and tresses themselves. This occurs from the hot water, and the use of the dryer. Because Rule Two: To observe the temperature regime. This means, wash water head is not hot 36-38 degrees, try as far as possible to avoid blow-drying, cover the hair with a handkerchief or a hat from the scorching sun.

Ambulance for listening!

Of course, this is only general recommendations, and completely avoid the harmful effects will not succeed. Whether we like it or not, one grandmother's methods, without shampoos and dyes, as well as without a hair dryer and ironing can not do.

Not everyone knows how to properly care for your hair

So, you need to arm themselves with a basic knowledge of how to properly care for your scalp and hair, weakened by the aggressive exposure to chemicals, air pollution, air conditioning, smoke. We have to admit that costly remedies to restore their structure is not always justified. There are much more effective than simple home methods. In addition to said temperature, it is necessary to observe and humidity mode. Ideally, the hair after washing is not necessary to dry, it is better to give them to dry naturally. Some do not even wipe them with a towel, and they are right: the moisture does not evaporate, and penetrates the hair cuticle. And, of course, how to care for hair, forget about the tried and tested means - masks?

A few tips as a gift from the author of

It's proven personal recipes from home masks, especially the favorite author of this article because of its natural laziness, that is physiological inability to tinker with for a long time than whatsoever. Everything is done on the go. Left half a cup of yogurt, you can add to a teaspoon of salt and rub, massaging the scalp, leave for half an hour. It cleanses the skin, exfoliates dead scales, nourishes tired hair. Washing, do not use shampoo is enough rinse with warm water and lemon juice. Another favorite way of how to treat hair - wash their eggs.

Not everyone knows how to properly care for your hair

The two yolks and one whole beat with a fork, put on his head and about 20 minutes about their business. Rinse with warm water need - from hot minimizes protein, and will remain in the hair fiber. At the end still have to use shampoo, or from the hairstyles will be slightly egg smell. However, if you do not need to go anywhere, it is better just to wash off and rinse with acidified water. What air, what freshness after this procedure is walking in her hair - it should feel! You can experiment on your own. Handy always eat honey, vegetable oil (preferably olive or castor), the same salt and yogurt. Another detail: how to care for long hair? They are more difficult to apply the mask and wash them difficult. All the same tools apply to rich mane. There is only one condition: before washing or power they need to comb from the tips to the roots. Then they will be more pliable after washing, they will be easier to comb and place. We must remember that hair is in need of food along the entire length. Usually tips are drier than at the roots, and therefore it is necessary each time a separate feed first, rub them in a mixture of nutrients and masks. And all will be well!