Chemical waving of hair: big hair of your dreams

Considering the beautiful women on the covers of glossy magazines, involuntarily admiring the natural disorder hairstyle, which creates amazing cute curls. And what about those whose hair is far from perfect?

Chemical waving of hair: big hair of your dreams

and remained gray mice with a dull ponytail at the back? No, no, a hundred times no! You will save a chemical waving of hair. Big curls carelessly scattered on the shoulders, give the mystery and charm. Small curls to recover long-forgotten children's mischief and playfulness. Try to change yourself and the world sparkle with new faces.

types of irons

Before you do a perm, you must know that it is of several types on the composition of the materials used.

  1. Alkaline. The cheapest way to date styling. Its advantage is that it lasts long enough. But the ammonia content in the fixing and styling products can not harm your hair.
  2. Acid. It provides high quality hair after the transformation process. But it is absolutely not suitable for owners of soft strands, because they have roots stretched. In addition, it keeps the volume of bad and drugs are too expensive for her. In recent years, hardly used. If you do not care volume, a good option may be acidic chemical waving of hair. Big curls, soft and silky, an incredible way to change your look. Make it nice and touching. And look, this method of laying a much more natural than alkaline. Chemical waving of hair: big hair of your dreams
  3. Neutral. One of the most gentle types of installation. For careful impact is not inferior to the acid. Suitable for all hair. Perhaps the most popular type among the classic varieties.

Types curling shape curls

There is also a classification method and form of curls. If you want the effect of naturalness, choose to perm curlers. When its conduct is applied stepwise method, so the hair will fall on the shoulders of beautiful soft waves. Do you want to change, and not the same dull curls? Use two bobbins. Part of the strands try to cheat on one and then add the second bobbin. Be sure you will enjoy this chemical perm hair: big curls will alternate with smaller ones. Curls of different circumference create an image of an unpredictable and original person. When you need to lift the hair at the roots, you will come to the aid of Radical perm. It acts only on that part, which is adjacent to the scalp. Very interesting way is to lay the "twin". Half of the strands has the shape of a curl horizontal and half - vertical shape. This hairstyle looks very elegant.


But any perming hair (big curls or small curls, wet chemistry or silk wave) has its drawbacks. First, the hair to lose natural fat and become thin. Secondly, the means for stacking them dried, thereby slowing growth. Beauty - a young lady, of course, bloodthirsty, her victims to, but if they are damaged structure of hair? Biological wave Moss

Chemical waving of hair: big hair of your dreams

That is why in recent years in beauty salons is popular biozavivka Moss. A special feature of it is the presence of cystine in the styling. This biological protein identical to the protein of a human hair. Therefore, it is not aimed at the destruction and to restore curls structure. Also, when not using a curling ammonia. Italian biozavivka Moss is ideal for damaged hair, extract of bamboo, a part of it, has protective properties that protects your hair from damage. Thin hair after it look more voluminous.

Terms of care curls

Whatever perm you prefer, you should be aware of the special care after her curls.

  1. In the shampoo must include silicone. He rescues the hair from drying out.
  2. In order to take better combing comb with large teeth.
  3. When blow-drying is necessary to use a diffuser - special nozzle. And even better to do without the hair dryer.

If you follow all these rules, then no wave will not do you harm. Curls will please the health and beauty.