How to make curls on the square? Advice

How to make curls on the square? At first glance it seems that the formation of such a hairstyle causes some difficulties. But this is not the case. With the help of curling irons, curlers or ironing even on short hair, you can create a unique hairstyle yourself.

Curls on quads

Today, the square at the peak of popularity. Classic Straight hair can easily transform into a new stylish haircut. Making large curls, small curls, air spiral, irregular or wet effect curls, gray days can turn into a celebration.

How to make curls on the square? Advice

To begin creating an attractive hairstyle, you need to prepare tongs, curlers of various sizes, combs and tools for hair care.

But first you need to wash your hair with balsam-conditioner. A little damp hair to work in any cosmetic product to strengthen and give shine and silkiness. Then use a hair dryer to take care about the volume. For this round comb the hair during the drying process should be to lift at the roots. Next, fix with varnish, and you can create curls.

How to make curls on the square? Advice

Corrugated curls on a penalty in the home

To create corrugated curls on a square is recommended to use irons.

  1. Before the procedure, the hair is necessary to provide thermal protection. Usually used for this purpose spray. Next, you need to separate the strands of 3-5 cm, and the rest to fix, so as not to interfere.
  2. Set the nozzle to work each curl.
  3. Apply to hair lacquer is not necessary, and so it will last up to several days.

Corrugated styling give the image of solemnity. You can use all the hair or individual strands.

It is important to correctly choose the hair iron

You can buy the metal, the cheapest, but it unfortunately does not protect your hair. To avoid this, you need to buy a forceps Teflon-coated. Tourmaline deposition coincides with the unruly hair.

Ion-ceramic coating is in new models of irons. It provides absolute protection strands using a high-temperature conditions. Do not desiccate the hair.

It is better to choose a model with rounded shapes: it rests on other locks during installation. In addition, the use of such tongs convenient.

perm effect

The procedure for creating a hairstyle consists of several stages:

  1. hair (required net) should be divided into strands;
  2. then screwed them on the studs and secure with rubber bands;
  3. secured with varnish;
  4. after a few hours to remove all the hair and secure with wax.

So, without using electrical appliances, you can turn an ordinary square in an interesting stylish haircut.

The effect of wet curls

Curls on a square with this technique is very easy to do. You just need to wet hair to process a large number of foam or a special gel and to design the right hairstyle. Then with the help of a hair dryer with a diffuser to dry every strand of. Curly hair is naturally possible to leave alone until dry.

How to wind the hair with curling irons


  1. Divide hair into six or seven pieces (depending on thickness).
  2. Start with the lower strand. Curls on the quads need to cheat in the direction from the root down. In this case, each lock should be treated with a means for fixing.
  3. After 15 seconds, release the lock.
  4. It is also working on the remaining hair.
  5. Bangs should twist in the end, it can be left in its original form.
  6. Next, you need to model the hair and secure means for fixing.

How to make curls on the square? Advice

We must remember that before using curling hair to be treated a protective spray.

in the average length Hair

To make curls on the square with the extension, it does not require special rules. Simply there are more opportunities to experiment with hair, they fit well and do not bristle at hand.

How to make curls on the square? Advice

Screw locks on square (photo confirms this) is a snap. Step by step instructions:

  1. Select a suitable forceps average diameter of about 19 mm.
  2. Clean the dried hair to be treated protective agent.
  3. Further, the parting should be dismantled, thus dividing the hair into two sides for convenience. Take a strand on one side and is screwed onto the rod from the root forceps. Curling must have only the horizontal position. The second option of cheating: it is necessary to comply with the direction of the eye to look after combing locks consistently and accurately. Casual look will give a technique of alternating "from the eyes - the eyes." Third embodiment: it is necessary to choose the same strand of a width corresponding to the diameter of curling.
  4. After this procedure, you must comb the curls or disassemble your hands and fix the paint.
How to make curls on the square? Advice

Make hair even on an elongated square is very easy at home.

This hairstyle will be a godsend for girls with a round face. You can make small curls with hot rollers of small diameter. To fine hair found volume, you can use large curlers, fix them up and dry the hair dryer. Only pre-wet hair to be treated styling. Hold for fifteen minutes and remove. An even larger amount, you can create fleece roots. stacking technique will depend on the type and condition of hair. With Damaged, dry hair structure to work, using the easiest mode for installation.

hair iron in the

Different locks on the square will be obtained by changing the ironing temperature and variations in the size of strands:

  1. to create curls and bouncy styles need to install a temperature of about 180 degrees. Strands while taking small, about a centimeter in circumference.
  2. To obtain a natural locks, temperature do below, and take the hair thicker and thicker.

Therefore, it is necessary to acquire irons with a thermostat, which will not only monitor the regime, but also self-install it.

By means of ironing can also be screwed short hair:

  1. It is necessary to divide all the strands into four equal parts. Remove one on the forehead. Others share two on each side.
  2. Then in turn you must strands wound on a pad (similar to the principle of working with curling irons) and hold it for ten to fifteen seconds.
  3. Suitable temperature is over 130 degrees.

In this example, it is clear that utjuzhkom can not only straighten your hair, but also make the reverse process. The main thing - not to be mistaken with a choice of high-quality pliers, so as not to hurt the hair.