Vertical Chemical - beautiful long hair

About beautiful curls at least once in a lifetime dream of every woman. The exception, perhaps, represent only those whose hair curls naturally. All other lovely ladies do not just dream about curls, they are attempting to create them. In the course are plates, curling irons, curlers. But even if your hair have turned out exactly as you dreamed about what the result will please you for long - the next morning there will be no trace of him. Tested and reliable way to get luxury long curls will perm.

What is it and whether the head of hair harm health?

Vertical Chemical - beautiful long hair

Perm will give you beautiful hair for several months. The reason for this effect in the chemical composition, which is used for the treatment of hair. Without going into the intricacies of chemistry, for instance, that the substances contained in it, allow the strands to adopt any given their position, then they are fixed retainer. After the curlers are removed, the hair will hold a new form for them.

A bit of history

It is believed that the perm was first presented to the public the sixteenth of November one thousand nine hundred and six years old when the hairdresser Karl Nessler made a permanent wave to his wife. At the time of use of brass rollers. They warmed up to considerable temperatures and then treated hair chemical composition. Naturally, this was not the way to a healthy head of hair. The vertical wave

Vertical Chemical - beautiful long hair

Modern barbers used many ways to perm. This is a topic for another article. Today I would like to talk more about one of the most sought after in recent years fashion. This, of course, vertical chemical waving of hair. This is a very original method to get a stunning effect. Vertical wave is performed using curlers, which are wound on the strands (the latter thus arranged vertically). As a result, obtained curls like a corkscrew - spiral. Hairstyle after a curling looks luxurious.

How to do it?

Vertical perm - the process is quite time-consuming. On average, it can last up to five hours. Much of this depends on the length and thickness of your hair. The wizard uses a large number of rollers, which are winds very thin strands.

Vertical Chemical - beautiful long hair

Vertical chemistry has its own technology, when it is executed using a special composition. The choice of drugs depends on the structure of the hair, their length and the desired shape of the curl. Are there any contraindications to this procedure,

Yes, vertical chemistry, as, indeed, and other species, has a number of contraindications, even if you choose the most gentle makeup. And we should not neglect them. Vertical Chemical contraindicated on an empty stomach or if you follow a strict diet, if you have suffered illness, experienced stress, if your hair has recently been discolored. It is not necessary to do a perm if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, please be aware that vertical chemistry lightens the hair on one tone, but it can be painted only two weeks after perming.