How to make the hair wavy yourself at home

It so happened that a girl with straight hair dream of wavy, and girls with kucheryashkami - a straight, silky hair. On this subject, composed of many jokes, but because in every joke has some truth. And if the girls with short hair wave to make it easy, the ladies with long - it harder. Especially, if the structure of the hair is not conducive to generation of fake: fast and bloom curls turned into "icicles." Most often, women are turning to the salon, where professionals frizz hair and make soft waves with the help of special tools. But the same effect can be achieved at home.

How to make the hair wavy on their own for a long time

Short, medium-length and long hair wavy make very easy! You need only follow the instructions. Thus, you will have a pleasant effect of wavy, voluminous hair.

Option №1

How to make the hair wavy yourself at home

This method is very easy and does not require much effort, moreover, does not harm. Before you make the hair wavy on their own, you need to slightly damp strands carefully comb. Lower your head down, gather the hair into one beam at the top and gently begins to turn clockwise. Screw in "Dulko" and lock pins. It is best to do this evening, "hair" on the night that was better effect. In the morning her hair down and gently using a spray fix. Odnoryadkoy can fluff and beautifully put hair. That is in itself there is no question about how to make the hair wavy yourself! Option №2

How to make the hair wavy yourself at home

If you have 1-2 hours to be beautiful with neat waves, you will termobigudi. So, make wavy hair at home is very simple! First, thoroughly wash the head, apply a soothing air conditioning and hydrating mask. Dry your hair and drizzle special thermal protector means - it will protect every hairs from the adverse effects of temperature. Thereafter, on each strand thin (or thick, depending on the desired effect and the curlers) screw the curlers. Leave on for 30 minutes or an hour, dry the hair dryer (optional), and start shooting. It is best to wait until the curlers cool - so it will be visible effect. Gently place your fingers in the hair and pass through them. After this procedure, your hair will look natural and beautiful. To consolidate the effect can be sprinkled with lacquer.

Option №3

How to make the hair wavy yourself at home

Dream Girls - wavy hair. How to make the most of using the ironing? It's very simple! Apply to clean hair thermofilter lotion or spray, comb gently spread over the entire length. If necessary, you can fix the mousse. Heat gently curling and do curls. Thus, you will be able to make beautiful waves of different sizes and shapes. Secure each lock of hair spray, fluff the hair a little hands, and you will see in the mirror a stunning effect! Be sure to remember that before you make wavy hair yourself, you need to protect them from damage by means of masks and sprays. Benefit in stores a huge selection. Be always beautiful, because you have to stand!