The most famous pig planet

They say the pig is not the most beautiful and romantic symbol of the year. Although which way you look. Perhaps even then the animal can find their charm. First, the pig (or rather, their miniature varieties) more in vogue as pets. Secondly, they are not so stupid as it may seem at first glance, and sometimes incredibly smyshleny and betrayed. And some of the pigs so bright fate, that they have become famous all over the world.

The most famous pig planet

1. Attacked butchers, saving fellow

Earlier this year, traveled around the world video of the brave act of a pig in the southwest of China. One of the farm workers took on a mobile phone and posted on the Internet footage of the two Chinese are going to slaughter a pig. Video is accompanied by heartbreaking squeal doomed animal, but in the next moment, the people ran up the second pig and violently pushes the first one offender, and then a second, which makes it possible to escape from her fellow farmers' hands. Movie ends so that both pigs rub against each other and Piglet.

The most famous pig planet

Many Internet users around the world have written words of admiration and support to address the bold pig remarking that the animal has received more noble than the "heartless people" and such selfless rescue companion worthy of respect.

Alas, the fate of the pigs is unknown. Who knows, maybe just a touching act melted the hearts of the farmers, and they departed from the rules presented animal life?

The most famous pig planet

2. All scratched, the aid resulted in

When Joanne Oltsman of Pennsylvania (USA) suffered a heart attack, houses were only she and her pig Lulu, who lived in her as pitomitsy. Seeing that the owner is bad, the animal out of the house and making his way through the grass and bushes, headed for the road. Lulu stood in the highway, trying to attract the attention of drivers, and a compassionate driver of the truck did stop. Deciding that the pig was wounded and she needs help, he followed her into the house. "It looks like your pig needs help" - he turned to the hostess and heard in response: "Me too. Call a doctor!"

The most famous pig planet

Joanne was rushed to the hospital, she underwent major heart surgery. She survived, thanks to his trusty pig.

3. The fat-record holder

Boar named Big Bill did not need to perform any feat to fame: it is just a lot of eating and a lot of sleep. Animals belonging to a farmer in Tennessee (USA) Elias Butler Jackson, in the first half of the last century, it was officially recognized as the biggest pig in the world. Weight Bill was more than 1100 kgs, and length reached 2, 7 meters. When the boar especially hearty eats, his belly was delayed to the ground.

The most famous pig planet

Death record holder was an absurd and tragic: in 1933, when the owner shipped the Big Bill to the exhibition in Chicago, he hurt his leg. The man tried to cure their own pig, puncture her medicine, but entered an overdose. Injection was for Bill deadly. According to another version, the owner deliberately euthanize the animal to relieve suffering. From a dead boar stuffed done with the aim to carry it to the cities and to show the public, but it was subsequently lost.

The most famous pig planet

4. From beginning rescued, and then ...

At the beginning of the year before last on a British farm Rachel Rivers fire occurred in Wiltshire. Under the threat turned out to be two sows with eighteen piglets: the barn in which they were, in flames. Arrived on-call firefighters Olsen and Richardson quickly eliminated the fire and left. The hostess also was so happy and full of thanks for saving animals that farewell, promised savior tasty treats.

The most famous pig planet

What was the surprise of firefighters, six months later when the farmer came in their service and presented men sausages made from pigs ... saved them. Seeing the puzzled faces on fire, Rachel "soothed" them: - Believe me, the last six months the pigs have lived the best life that they could have. Well, that one made sausages, there is nothing strange, because it is a farm, rather than an animal shelter.

On a page of the fire station in the social network will soon have the photos of sausages and men, happy to tuck into them, followed by the words of gratitude and commentary that tastes "just fantastic" and "these products are recommended to anyone who is planning a barbecue in the coming weekend."

The most famous pig planet

The news immediately spread around the world. Some Internet users outraged inhumanity act farmer and cynicism fire, others noticed that a pig - it's just a link in the food chain, and in agriculture and, especially, gastronomy can be no room for self-pity.

5. Red fugitives

In early 1998, all of the front pages of British newspapers were devoted to the exciting adventures of two red pigs temvortskoy breed who escaped from a slaughterhouse in Malmesbury.

And it was so. The farmer brought to slaughter three boars and yet slew one, the other two were waiting for their sad fate in the paddock. When the man came back for another pig, he found that no animals. "Prisoners" have managed to dig a hole under the wall to get to the half-frozen river and swim to the other shore. Almost eight days poor animals were hiding, feeding on roots, fallen apples and acorns.

The most famous pig planet

In order to catch the fugitives, a whole special operation was organized: they were looking for a helicopter air and parallel to the dozens of rescuers combed the area with dogs. The British followed the events with great interest: many genuinely worried about the fate of the pigs, and even were wishing to buy them from "ill-miner." However, the farmer has himself was not happy with such a hype. As soon as the fugitives were captured, he announced that he would not kill them, and will give in good hands. For explanation of these events a few years later in the United Kingdom was lifted touching adventure feature film, The Tamworth Two.

The most famous pig planet

6. Pig ulybaka

Eighteen months ago, the online network has snapshots save the pigs during the floods in China's Sichuan province, which caused laughter and affection animal lovers around the world. Pig snout, which flows through the water dragged by the feet and ears, two rescuers looked very funny: it is in the full sense of the world is quite a smile.

The most famous pig planet

Pig ulybaka, also known as the Happy Pig, immediately became an Internet meme, and users come up with based on it a lot, "fotozhab". Among the most interesting - pig with face Trump, mumps, which is waving out of car window child decks, and pig-Superman, flying through the sky.

Pig became ulybaka internet meme.