Fancy Animals of the Earth

• unusual land animals

At first glance, this excursion into the world of wildlife you will find a skilled Photoshop. Deer boar snout, fox hound with his feet, a bird with a turquoise swimming membranes, mouse over kenguriny legs - is in all of this can be believed? However, all these strange and sometimes funny animals do exist and inhabit the most remote corners of our planet ...

Fancy Animals of the Earth

maned wolf - this is not a fox, as it may seem at first sight, and not a wolf, as the name implies this mammal canine, and the only member of the genus Chrysocyon. Maned wolf lives in South America and, unlike its nearest relatives, dogs and wolves, forms one marriage mate for life.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

gerenuk or giraffidae gazelle, the long-necked antelope in the world, lives in the Horn of Africa. Gerenuk able to consume the leaves from trees while standing on its hind legs.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Striped seal inhabits the Arctic pack ice. This type of seal is poorly understood.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Malay flying lemurs inhabit the forests of Southeast Asia. COLUGO able to plan for a distance up to 140 meters, but it is very slow and clumsy on land.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Foss, endemic to Madagascar, may be mistaken for a representative of the cat family. This mammal of the family eupleridae threatened with extinction due to human activity. Foss has lost 90% of its habitat.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

The white plumage of a peacock - the result of genetic mutation caused by the lack of the pigment melanin. However, at the crossing of two white peacock gave a white offspring.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

The Japanese flying squirrel lives in the mountain forests of the islands of Kyushu and Honshu. Some people give birth to flying squirrels as pets.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Southern flying squirrel lives in North America. This species of rodents are extremely sociable. In winter southern equip flying squirrel nests in the hollows of trees, which is going to twenty animals.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

water deer lives in the East China and Korea, and has been acclimatized in France and the UK. This species of deer antlers are missing, but there are powerful teeth that protrude from under the upper lip.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Blue-footed booby - Seabirds in the tropical Pacific, in particular in the Galapagos Islands.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Jerboa - a rodent that lives in the deserts of Africa and Asia. Its appearance may mislead anyone: mouse head, cat whiskers, kenguriny legs and a long tail with a tassel. Long legs allow coney make jumps of up to 3 meters in length.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Fenech - miniature fox that lives in the deserts of North Africa. Huge ears contribute to a better fox cool the body in hot weather.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

grimpoteuthis - rare deep-sea octopus that can change color. Some individuals found at a depth of 7000 meters.

Fancy Animals of the Earth

Kulik-spoon-billed sandpiper breeds in northeastern Russia, and in winter migrates into Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, in the wild it has less than a hundred pairs of these birds. Thanks to the efforts of environmentalists this year females Spoon-billed sandpiper first laid eggs in captivity.