Wild dogs from around the world

We are so accustomed to the dog - the closest and devoted person exists, because it is not domesticated thousands of years ago. However, in different parts of the world there are still wild dogs. They kept the habits of their ancestors, living in harmony with nature and does not need a man. Watching them, you can imagine how looked and behaved dog in the prehistoric period when people are not yet tamed them.

Wild dogs from around the world

Dog Dingo

This is perhaps the most famous of the wild species. For a long time these animals are considered native Australian, but in the end, it turned out, the dingo was introduced to the continent of 4-5 thousand years by immigrants from Asia. According to one version of scientists, the rock could have come from the Indian wolf or dog from the ancient Vietnamese. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that dingoes are found not only in Australia but also in other parts of Southeast Asia.

Wild dogs from around the world

Dingo still live in the wild, having chosen forest edges, thickets of eucalyptus and even desert. As a home dog choose empty burrows, caves, niches under the roots of trees. They usually stay in packs of 5-6 individuals, and hunt out mainly at night.

Wild dogs from around the world

For Australia, the dingo is a disaster, because they destroy the local rare animals (eg kangaroos and other marsupials), as well as attacking livestock.

Wild dogs from around the world

It is assumed that once upon a time a dingo was domesticated, but then fell back into the wild and multiplied, in other words, re-alienated. Alas, domesticate them again from the local people have not yet obtained. And attempts to cross them with conventional breeds only exacerbate the situation. Such a cross between, on the one hand, are not afraid of man, and on the other - even more actively and aggressively attack the herd. There are isolated cases of domestication dingo person, but this dog is usually devoted only to the owner, other people perceiving as the enemies. Furthermore, dog at any time may behave unpredictably.

Wild dogs from around the world

By the way, in Australia, dingoes are protected by law, because there is a danger of losing the rock in its purest form as a result of the gene pool of a blur. Remove from the continent can not.

Wild dogs from around the world

The African wild dog

These strange dogs, which are also called gienovidnymi, virtually the only species of the genus lycaon (wolf). The closest relative of them - red wolf, though outwardly representatives of this breed look like a hyena, for which he received his name.

Wild dogs from around the world

If used, to active and aggressive implementation of human nature in the continent, African Wild Dog could be found in many of the steppes and savannas of Africa, but now, alas, there are very few. Animals prefer areas not mastered by man, and find places on the continent is becoming increasingly difficult. Like other wild species, African Wild Dog usually live in packs. And if before such swarms were numerous and could have up to a hundred animals, but now it is usually 10-15 dogs.

Wild dogs from around the world

African Wild Dog is perhaps the wildest of all these species. They try to stay away from people hunting cloven-hoofed inhabitants of the African savannah. The most important enemies of African Wild Dog - people who actively shoot them, as well as hyenas and lions.

New Guinea Singing Dog

These animals - a very close relative of dingoes and, according to scientists, it could be their ancestors. Rock about six thousand years. These wild animals are very agile, can climb on the rocks and low-lying branches of the trees, and got its name for a breed that, in addition to barking, its representatives may make strange sounds, like singing. Sometimes the dog pack satisfied with this choir.

Wild dogs from around the world Wild dogs from around the world

Singing dog smaller than dingoes, and they are more friendly towards humans. Sometimes they settle near the villages and towns and eat garbage garbage. Still, the majority of New Guinea dogs live in isolation from the people in the mountain forests of New Guinea.

Wild dogs from around the world

Some representatives of this breed can be found in zoos. There are also people who are successfully trying to domesticate them. In this case, the dog can be quite docile, but still it will remain wild animals, such as domesticated wolf or a tiger.

Carolina Dog

Wild dogs found in the US state of South Carolina recently - in the 1970s. Scientists do not know they lived there originally or whether they were brought to America at some point run wild.

Wild dogs from around the world

The antiquity of the breed Carolina Dog says that their bone structure resembles the structure of the remains of Neolithic dogs.

These dogs live in packs in the wild, very good transferring local hot climate, but there are cases keeping them in captivity and successful domestication.