Life among the alpacas

• Life among the alpacas

In 2009, the 46-year-old from England arrived in Portugal and started breeding alpacas. What came of it and the best alpaca cow - find today's reporting.

Life among the alpacas

Alpaká - domestic cloven-hoofed animals and is part of the family of camelids in South America. Usually, they are bred in the alpine zone of South America (Andes). (Photo by Rafael Marchante | Reuters):

Life among the alpacas

On the farm there is complete understanding. Portugal May 11, 2015.

Life among the alpacas

This model posing.

Life among the alpacas

Alpaca became household about 6000 years ago, domesticated them and started breeding Peruvian Indians.

Life among the alpacas

Grazing alpacas. Post as cows.

Life among the alpacas

The work that brings pleasure - the dream of every conscious person. And this is exactly the same case.

Life among the alpacas Life among the alpacas

In nature, there are two types of alpacas, which differ only in appearance of wool.

Life among the alpacas

They are really a bit like camels.

Life among the alpacas Life among the alpacas

Growth alpacas does not exceed one meter, they weigh about 70 kilos and exhibit mild and long fleece (on the sides of its length is 15-20 cm.).

Life among the alpacas

To date, in the alpine zone of South America is home to about three million alpacas, most of which are inhabited Peru.

Life among the alpacas

Alpacas near the farm. Portugal, May 11, 2015.

Life among the alpacas

But the work with animals brings former Englishwoman not only fun. Alpaca fur is very durable and has no fat, so products made of it for a long time are not contaminated. No other hair in the world can compare with alpaca wool, especially with wool alpaca cubs. It is 7 times warmer than sheep's wool, is practically waterproof and does not cause allergies.

Life among the alpacas

From alpaca wool makes warm and soft blankets, rugs and clothing. A fur - household items.

Life among the alpacas

Lisa has 14 alpacas on a farm, and they produce about 50 kilograms of wool per year.

Life among the alpacas


Life among the alpacas

Ready-for-sale product.

Life among the alpacas

Wool figures.

Life among the alpacas Life among the alpacas

It looks like perhaps the best wool in the world - alpaca.

Life among the alpacas

Here they are, the alpaca. Lovely and useful pets. Portugal, May 11, 2015.

Life among the alpacas