Where you can see medieval dragons today

Since ancient times, in the cultures of different peoples can find the mythical image of a dragon, a feared and respected at the same time. Flying reptile that eats people - this is an interesting phenomenon that is still causing concern.

Nevertheless, our ancestors felt very real dragons. Medieval naturalists and travelers have carefully documented the behavior and habitat of monsters and even tried to classify them. The first paleontologists to find dinosaurs, thought it was "those" dragons. In the end, the winged reptile mixed history and mythology woven into the culture and become a shining symbol. About five places in Europe where you can witness the dragons of the Middle Ages - later in the review.

Sea monsters that inhabit the seas and oceans. Fragment Scandinavia card, 1539.

The Wawel Dragon (Krakow, Poland)

The bones of the Wawel Dragon.

In the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow, holds the remains of the local nobility and even the Polish kings. But the most unusual attraction of the cathedral are the bones, which is said to have belonged to this dragon. They are connected by a chain to the beam, suspended high above the main entrance.

The winged dragon, dwelt in the vicinity of Krakow.

According to legend, during the reign of Prince Krak, the founder of the city, in the vicinity of a dragon wound. He lived in a cave under the hill and began to ravage the countryside. Snakes eat people and animals as a whole, thus earning the nickname "Crookshanks." In the end, he won two brothers, the king's sons. They stuffed animal skin gray and tossed the beast. He ate, and then began to wash down with water to soothe burning, until the burst.

Statue Wawel Dragon.

Bones monster preserved for posterity, and in 1972 at the Wawel hill with a monument which every five minutes "belches" fire.

The dragon of Brno (Brno, Czech Republic)

The dragon of Brno, hung in the town hall.

In the Czech city of Brno is very popular symbol of the crocodile, which hides an old story. In 1608, King Matthias presented an unusual gift. Diplomatic delegation from the Ottoman Empire gave the monarch a stuffed Nile crocodile. He was hanged in chains from the ceiling of City Hall.

At the time of African animals in Europe, few people have seen, so the city and the surrounding area has spread the news that the ruler is a corpse of the dragon. Appearance toothy reptiles could not impress the common people. We began to appear numerous legends describing the versions of the origin "of the dragon of Brno". Some said that he was killed by a butcher, feed a calf (or lamb) with lime bag. Others believed that the snake brought the knights of the Crusades.

The old photograph of the dragon of Brno.

Unlike many other "legendary Dragon" snake from Brno has long been considered present, t. To. There was a clear proof. European scientists Nile crocodile was first described by Joseph Laurenti in 1768.

The edge dragon atessa (atessa, Italy)

The edge of the dragon, which killed the Holy Leutstsi.

The city atessa in central Italy can discover the unusual artifact - Dragon rib. It is stored in the viewing cabinet behind glass and iron bars.

Box decorated with the image of St. Leutstsi.

Dragon rib illustrates the legend of the city's patron Saint Leutstsi. He killed the snake, ruining two disparate populations, preventing them from uniting.

Skeptics believe that the long curved bone is part of a mammoth skeleton. But no one has yet refuted the theory that it may be the edge of a dinosaur.

Dragon Fountain (Klagenfurt, Austria)

Dragon Fountain in Klagenfurt.

According to legend, in the XIII century in Austria in one of the marshes settled dragon. His long time to lime, even for the high award. Braves were lost in a quagmire from which could be heard howling and growling. Finally, it was decided to kill the dragon cunning. The bull's skin natolkali fat and metal hooks. The dragon, finding a fake, swallowed it, and turned out to be so caught. People killed flying serpent, and on this place put the castle, who grew up in the city of Klagenfurt.

Dragon Fountain in Klagenfurt, 1880.

Dragon Fountain in Klagenfurt, 2009.

In 1335 in a nearby quarry, known as Tomb of the Dragon, we found the skull of an amazing animal. This has strengthened the faith of citizens in the legend, and a terrible snake has become the main symbol of the city. Only in the nineteenth century, it was found out that the skull belongs to the prehistoric woolly rhinoceros.

Hercules defeating the dragon.

For decades, the skull proudly demonstrated in the town hall. And in 1583 in memory of the founding of the city on New Square monument installed Dragon Fountain (Lindwurmbrunnen). The sculpture depicts a flying snake, crouching. From his mouth flowing water. Opposite stands Hercules, swings at a club the beast.

Hall of the Nibelungen (Konigswinter, Germany)

The stone dragon guarding the entrance to the cave.

Stone Hall of the Nibelungen (Nibelungenhalle) in Königswinter (Königswinter) in Germany is decorated with scenes from the eponymous fantastic opera by Richard Wagner. The room is its own "collection" of dragons as a reminder of Fafnir, the hero of the ancient epic.

Scandinavian hero Siegfried slays the dragon.

Fafnir guards its gold. Arthur Rackham, 1911.

Some of them look as if alive. And outside the dragon's cave guarded by a huge stone serpent napominayushy beast, mythical Siegfried killed.

And in 1958, in the Hall of the Nibelungen appeared zoo with exotic reptiles.

The dragon in his lair. Nibelungenhalle, Germany.

Statue of a dragon, the hero of the ancient Nordic epics.