Tattoo "Skull": what does this tattooed?

The first tattoos appeared in the ancient, now-defunct Indian tribes in ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found tattoos on the embalmed bodies of the emperors, high officials, and other people. Drawings on the body separated population by caste, social status, in some cases, applied tribal tattoo is the ratio to a certain tree. In the ancient Indian and African tribes, there was a cult of the application to the image the body of his totem animal - the wolf, falcon, foxes, snakes and other animals.

Tattoo "Skull"


a tattoo in the form of the skull are very popular, because it has a set of values ​​and the occult, and various ideologies. Most often, this pattern is applied to remind you that no one is eternal and that we are all going to die sometime. Simply put, the skull - a symbol of death. In some areas of the occult-like figure, on the contrary, it is a symbol of immortality.

Tattoo "Skull" ideologies

And yet, look at what is the "Skull" tattoo. The value of its many ideologies can be deciphered as "committed to this belief system to the very death." In this case, it is often depicted together with cobwebs, mainly on the shoulder and the elbow or on the chest. Skinheads and Nazi tattoo "Skull" - a symbol of hatred, a sign of readiness to kill in the name of their ideology. One option "tattoo loyalty" is a skull with roses, knives, and brass knuckles.

Also, this figure is one of the favorite characters from the punks. Tattoo "Skull" on the shoulder, chest, back or arm of the person means a phrase Punk not death ( "Punk will never die"). Adherents of this subculture firmly believe that their ideology will live forever, despite the fact that she was still quite young.


What does the tattoo "Skull" in the underworld? Such a tattoo, but rather a tattoo, often stuffed with big thieves who have lust for power. More such representatives crime called thieves-in-law.

Even the military is sometimes used "Skull" tattoo. The value of such tattoos in people in the form of usually can be attributed to the combat arm. For example, the emblem of a skull with wings and lightning is available to US intelligence. Therefore, many of the officers, loyal work, stuffed with this image on your body.

What does this tattoo in the occult?

In some religions, a skull and crossbones (like on a pirate flag) is a symbol of forgiveness of sins and the purification of the soul. Therefore, supporters of religious beliefs tattooed "Skull". They did it as a sign that released all their sins and start life from scratch.


Another spiritual significance tattoo "Skull" - the memory of deceased relatives or loved one. Then to the main element adds rose and ribbon with the name. This symbol often stuffed "by heart", at the bottom of the left side of the chest.

Sometimes their bodies people tattoo artists with their zodiac signs. One of the signs supplemented skull. Specifically - cancer. What does this tattoo? It is a symbol of masculinity. The standard is applied to the chest, a "magnet" to attract success and strength.

A symbol of wisdom and immortality consider a tattoo in the form of a skull, which comes out of the orbit of the serpent. Sometimes, reptile can twist the core member.

Gambling enthusiasts packed skull bones (backgammon) or dominoes. More such tattoo says that life - the game with a sad ending. Or it may be a reminder that fun with death very dangerous.


The Indian tribes skull inflicted on the body, it is considered a talisman. The Indians believe that this symbol should confuse death. She decides that the person is already dead, and simply pass by. In our time this reception are drivers and motorcyclists, putting on equipment and own transport skulls and bones.


Now you know the meaning of a skull tattoo on his arm, leg or other body parts. As you can see, in fact, each tattoo, be it fox or card has many meanings. It can not definitely tell that symbolizes a particular pattern. First of all, the importance of creating the man himself, when deciding on the application of the image on your body. For someone skull on his shoulder - just a drawing, but for another - the whole story. If you are stuffing your bird, then someone can see in this a symbol of freedom, and you put it in the meaning of beauty.

In any case, the main thing - keep in mind safety, so avoid applying tattoos and portakov in the non-sterile field.