Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

A few simple rules that tell about how you should not do while on the Green Continent.

independently change the light bulbs

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

At first glance, a strange rule. But to check its effect still is not: replace a light bulb in Australia has the right to a qualified electrician. If you noticed when you try to do it (for example, in a hotel), you can run into a fine of $ 10.

Inverting Australia headfirst

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

We are used to seeing the Australian continent at the bottom, in the southeast of the geographical map. However, the inhabitants of the country see the location of your country in the world quite differently: on their maps they have Australia and New Zealand at the top of the map, under which the upside are already all the other continents. Thus, the north of the Australians traditionally at the bottom, and the south - at the top.

It is interesting that the people of the country have every right to their "upside down" view of the world: in fact, the position of the north at the top of the card although it is generally accepted, initially as a whole has been chosen randomly. The reason - in the location of the North Star, which may be observed only in the North (conventional) hemisphere - in the South is oriented towards the constellation of the Southern Cross. North Star is actually immobile and in the northern part of the world for mapping has traditionally been used as a "starting point". Therefore, many cartographers of the Northern Hemisphere and oriented on her card, so that the north was obtained from above. In this map, orientated to the south, now are found not only in Australia.

A walk through the grass barefoot

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

The fauna of the country is quite exotic and often aggressive, so it is easy, but closed shoes will always be preferable to shale: the dangerous insects and poisonous snakes in the long grass - not a rarity. By the degree of harm to reptiles may vary: for example, a common orb-weaver spider bite, though painful, but harmless, but a tarantula venom fangs can even kill a dog. Snake is better not to meet with netted brown (about 60% of the deaths - it is her fangs) and taypanom one dose of poison is enough to send to the light 100. Happy one: in the cities the situation is quite calm.

Drink "just coffee"

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

By the way, no single recipe coffee drink does not exist. In Finland, it is served with cheese cubes, Senegal - with pepper, Ireland - whiskey. In Australia, the smell of coffee ... oranges. At the bottom of the coffee machine for spices usually added cloves and zest of citrus: lemon or orange - and then brewed coffee as usual. For dessert drink to that Australians are advised to take marzipan.

Do not know how to surf

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

Australia - a paradise for lovers to catch a wave. Here from around the world flock to the Cubs in this matter, and aces to try, for example, at the annual championship of surfing. If you have thought to get on board, in any coastal city, you can hire an instructor who not only will interpret the basic techniques, but also introduces the elementary rules. For example, not everyone knows about the etiquette of surfers: the pre-emptive right to the first ride on the wave is the one who will be closer to its crest; throwing a wave, you can not cut the path of other surfers and so on. d.

Swim in the wrong places

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

In the Pacific Ocean washes the shores of Australia, are found not only sharks, but also poisonous jellyfish and fish. Even a small fraction of the venom of certain enough to kill an adult. So, in the waters around the northern coast of Australia meets Australian sea wasp. Its translucent body are difficult in the water, and each of the six dozen tentacles containing a dose of poison that could send to the light for a minute.

In addition, there are dangerous sea currents: on the beautiful Fraser Island, UNESCO-listed heritage, go into the water because of it is prohibited.

Usually information about the dangers that may be encountered on a particular beach, indicate yellow sign next to the sign "No Swimming". Also on the beaches, which meet the high risk of dangerous marine life, as a rule, have a first-aid kit.

To fight with a kangaroo

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

Despite the fact that these marsupials are the object of adoration of tourists, to behave in their presence (especially where there are no fences) should be cautious. Frighten or tease them is fraught: both males and females can be aggressive, defending themselves or their offspring. Military, animal strikes with their powerful hind legs. In 2014, the Internet has got video of the battle two large kangaroo, which is very reminiscent of the battle of athletes. And in 2017 in the Australian town of Point Vernon (Queensland), a woman had to rescue his daughter from an angry kangaroo. After the collision with the baby marsupial imposed 17 stitches!

Anger can even loving plush koalas. The famous English naturalist Gerald Darrell in one of his books described, that when you try to catch a family of koalas for relocation to another area bitten by a father hurt his arm.

A lot of smoke

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

According to the number of cigarettes per capita consumption of Australia gives all European countries and is about 70 th place world ranking. Over the past 15 years the number of smokers among adults has decreased from 30% to 15% in the country. The government is constantly anti-smoking campaign. No smoking at bus stops, in the open air near the pedestrian areas, shopping malls, sports facilities and childcare facilities, and the hotel - only in specially designated areas or rooms. In addition, here are among the highest cigarette prices in the world. And Australia - the birthplace of the frightening images on the packs.

To behave too formally

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

"How do you relax?" - "I do not strain!"

Australians do not tense up. Here, even the language seems relaxed. Outside Australia do not speak English classic, depending on age, and in slang, informally called "strayn" (eng. Strine, from the Australian pronunciation of the word "Australian"). A simple rule: all the words in English "on the Australian way" is reduced to two syllables. Breakfast (breakfast) turns into brekkie, BBQ (barbecue) - in the barbie, refueling (service station) - in by servo, the second half of the day (afternoon) - in the arvo, Brisbane (Brisbane), administrative Queensland center - in Brissie. Official request to each other is also not in vogue. "Mr." or "Mrs." - a term of business meetings, but not a dialogue in a shop.

Being intolerant

Prohibitions and taboos in Australia

Who you are and what you do - your own business. The country annually with parades of sexual minorities, to which the Australians are very quiet. It is full of nude beaches, where the liberated inhabitants of the continent like the rest. And most importantly, Australia - as a multiethnic country that every year March 21 celebrates Harmony Day, dedicated to the fight against racism and discrimination.