"Hey, you're from a monastery ?!" or three most steep and torn nuns in history

Let's start with a little rhetorical question. That theoretically imagine a normal person with the word "nun"? Gloomy and strict old maid, who looks at you, sinner, scornful look unhappy? An innocent young girl who devoted herself to the service of God? Nice middle-aged woman in a black dress with kind eyes, which always comfort the afflicted and tell how to accept Christ into your heart? Yeah, and a bullet in the forehead do not want?

What about the nuns, who in his spare time from prayers moonlighted as a professional killer? Or nuns, who handed out the kicks and the Communists led the guerrilla unit with a rifle at the ready? What about the nuns that rattle guitar pohlesche than the Elvis Presley? Well, dear readers, if you have wondered, but today we are going to tell you about three of the coolest nuns in history, from which you obviously would not want to hear the phrase: "Hey you, a sinner, and you're out of the monastery?".

"is not the world I have come to bring, but Eat Lead, infidel!"

Opens a list of our sister Catalina de Erazo comes from Spain, which from early childhood grew up in the Dominican monastery and eventually took the veil there. However, the monastic life sister Catalina liked too, and when she knocked 15, the newly formed nun solemnly ran away from the monastery and set off, as they say, to the winds.

A few years Canceled servant of the Lord was changing into a man, and made a living as a hired killer, going on a date with Saint Peter senior Spanish aristocrats. Tired of a career killer, a runaway nun, as befits a hero steep gangster thriller, fled to Mexico, accurately recorded in the conquistadors. There sister Catalina was the fire and lead to "carry the word of God" is not arrogant nobles, and the local Indians, and was so successful that she was even bestowed the title of lieutenant-governor.

In the end, Sister Catalina even received a pardon from the Pope, who, it seems, just do not know what to do to let the winds nun, and, once again, out of sight of the Church, to live a long and happy life under the name of the respected Mexican businessman, Mr. Antonio de Erazo, if any little "but". Catalina's sister, it seems, simply do not know how to stay out of trouble, so just a few years after his next escape de Erazo in the best traditions of Pushkin was killed in a duel with one venerable Mexican, dropped out of her glove due to the fact that, according to rumors, a nun worked with his wife in the dark bedroom did not study the Bible.

The heroine of the uprising

as the previous character of the article, the Tibetan nun Ani Pachen also had to master a weapon, though she used her skills to some other purpose. When the girl was only 17 years old, she ran away from her parents, who planned the tradition to marry her to a completely unknown man, and fed to a Tibetan monastery. However, lead a peaceful monastic life Ani Pachen was destined not for long.

In 1958, when Tibet was occupied by the Communists, Ani took up arms and entered into a real guerrilla war. Former nun headed his own partisan group, survived the prison camps, organized several large protests and demonstrations. Its role in the anti-Chinese uprising impressed the Dalai Lama so much that in 2000 he wanted to personally meet her and thank you for your courage in the fight against "red".

In practice, the rock star

Jeannine Deckers was a normal Belgian nun until then, until one day she did not take up the guitar. If someone does not know exactly Dekkers, who performed under the name Soeur Sourire, he wrote the famous hit "Dominque" lighted in the second season of "horror of American history," and it is from her series authors "sketched" one of the most memorable characters of "AHS" - sister Jude. By the way, after this song the nun with a guitar literally woke up famous.

At some point Jeannine thrown monastery, that religion does not distract from her musical career, and plunged into all the "charms" of bohemian life. Former nun has taken to itself the new name of "Luc Dominique", found his love in the face of his old friend, and finally finished off the Church that began to produce songs in support of contraceptives with funny names in the style of "I thank the Lord for the gold pill". However, unfortunately for the fans, in 1982 completely ruined the glory of "singing nun", and she, along with his mistress committed suicide, drinking vodka, a few packs of sleeping pills.