The actress, who acknowledged a "woman of the Millennium"

• The actress, who recognized the "woman of the Millennium"

12 years ago, March 26, 2005, passed away a great actress, People's Artist of the USSR Clara Lucko. The Soviet Union is the name known to all thanks to the films "The Kuban Cossacks", "Gypsy" and "Return Budulai". In the mid-1990s. it has ceased to act in films, and in the homeland of her began to forget. But abroad, its merits before a cinema appreciated: in 1996 in the United States, she earned the title "Women of the World", and in 2000 in the UK she was awarded the title of "Woman of the Millennium."

The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a

The artist from around the world was born in the Ukrainian village near Poltava. She was named in honor of revolutionary Clara Zetkin. About his childhood actress later recalled: "I was not brought up at all. Because my mother worked as chairman of a collective farm in the same village, and my father was director of the farm, but in the other. I lived with my grandmother. It was my mother's sister, but we called her grandmother. I lived with her almost all his life. I had closed a girl. Read a lot, thinking, thought, I kept a diary. He loved movies and dreamed of a stage career since childhood. "

The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a

The school Clara Lucko engaged in the theatrical circle, although its interests are not supported by the parents. When in 1941 the war broke out, Lucko family moved to evacuation in Kazakhstan, where Clara graduated from high school. There she came to VGIK. And after the war, when the Institute returned to the capital, there Lucko continued training on the course Gerasimov and Makarova.

The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a

Although the institute's ability Clara Lucko none of the teachers are not considered outstanding, it has successfully completed the training and received a diploma with the recommendation: "Lucky - Turgenev's heroine, she fit the classic lyric roles." However, her film career began not with Turgenev's ladies. In 1948, Sergei Gerasimov took her in his film "Young Guard" for the role of Aunt Marina, although she dreamed of the role Uliana Gromova. She then co-starred in several films, but the work has been unsuccessful, and Clara began to doubt the correctness of the choice of their profession.

The actress, who acknowledged a

A still from the movie * * Kuban Cossacks 1949

The actress, who acknowledged a

One day, the young actress drew attention director Ivan Pyrev and invited her to audition for the role of a young collective farmers Dasha Shelest in his film "fun fair". It approved, and she went along with the other actors on the set to the farm "Kuban", where all of them had to work on a par with these farmers - Pyrev thought it would help them get used to the role. Stalin liked the movie, he only advised to change the name - so the whole country saw "Kuban Cossacks".

The actress, who acknowledged a

A still from the movie * * Kuban Cossacks 1949

The actress, who acknowledged a

This role brought Clara Lucko-Union popularity. The young actress became a laureate of the State Prize, in the Kuban her honorary Cossack and in Kurganinsk in 2005 erected a monument to her. She admitted: "I have written thousands of spectators, they watched the movie many times and knew all the songs by heart. I was inundated with letters from the grooms. They wrote from across the country, offered his hand and heart. " However, it was the chosen actor Sergey Lukyanov, who starred in "Kuban Cossacks". A year after the shooting, they were married and lived together for 15 years.

The actress, who acknowledged a

Clara Lucko in the movie * * Twelfth Night, 1955

The actress, who acknowledged a

In 1955, Ian Freed invited Lucko in his film "Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare's comedy of the same name, where it was supposed to play the role once 3. Many doubted that the actress to do the task, but the result exceeded all expectations. The picture was sent to Edinburgh to the Shakespeare Festival, and she has received brilliant reviews from Shakespeare. When 45 years later in Cambridge, determined the best actresses in the history, Clara Lucko awarded the title of "Woman of the Millennium cinema".

The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a

In '54 the husband of Clara Lucko died of a heart attack, which was a great shock to her. In addition, all less began receiving offers about the shooting. The role of Claudius in "Roma" and "Return of the Budulai" returned to her former popularity. But 8 years after her husband's death actress married again - for the journalist Dmitry Mamleeva. This marriage, she said: "You know, the main thing - is to understand each other. I often go to the shooting, in the expedition. He never blames me for the fact that the house is something wrong, that something I do not have time. He understands that this work, and I understand it. So, perhaps, we live so well. "

The actress, who acknowledged a

Clara Lucko in the movie * * Red leaves, 1958

The actress, who acknowledged a

Clara Lucko in the movie * * Snow Fairy Tale, 1959

The actress, who acknowledged a The actress, who acknowledged a

Lucko Clara continued to act in films until the mid-1990s, and then left the cinema, although it could be removed, and then -. And in 75 years, the actress looked gorgeous. March 26, 2005 she died. The cause of death was detached thrombus.

The actress, who acknowledged a

A still from the movie * * Roma 1979

The actress, who acknowledged a

Lucko Clara and Mihai Volontir in the movie * * Roma 1979

The actress, who acknowledged a

A still from the movie * * Return Budulai 1985

The actress, who acknowledged a

The actress said: "Throughout my life has happened and a lot of bad and good, but I have developed one rule that I religiously perform: never show that you feel bad. If the soul disgusting and I feel that people will not be able to say "I'm fine", then simply do not go home. "