"How much pain will fit on a square meter?" Or some horror stories about the modern torture chambers

Let me guess, sure, after experiencing the colorful illustrations in history books for many of you, dear friends, had the strong impression that the various buck, Spanish boots and other no less "funny" and "creative" methods of torture, invented by a man with a the sole purpose of causing pain to another person, it is only an attribute of dark Middle Ages.

So, guys, congratulations, you have not guessed. No matter how many well-groomed ladies in doroguschih suits of "Amnesty International" not crucified that "everyone always has a political subtext, and good people do not need torture chamber", a mockery of the person in order to obtain the sadistic pleasure of knocking out the information, or just a kind of "punishment "a warning dissatisfied and always has been, though ugly, but an integral part of our existence.

So, dear friends, if that's what today you suddenly wanted to read something krovavenkogo, at nightfall, then welcome, because this article is for you.

Now we will tell you a couple of chilling stories about the modern torture chambers that force is reasonable to think about how much pain a human can fit on one square meter of a dark room.

Bloody a torture across the street from the residence of New York Mayor

It is unlikely that we will ever know for find out if the story was true or just another political provocation, but, according to some anonymous sources from among senior Iraqi officials from Uncle Saddam had its own secret torture chamber, and not just anywhere, and in the heart of Manhattan. Furthermore, it was located "wonderful" place supposedly right across the street from the residence of the billionaire and former measure of New York Michael Bloomberg.

If you believe all the same sources, used by the New York torture chamber for "re-education" immigrated to the United States of dissidents, and thence the executioners decided not subverted and adopted a "good old classics" such as pulling out nails, rubber hoses, wooden sticks and copper wire. The corpses of tortured victims were transported to Iraq by US Customs under the guise of diplomatic cargo.

In 2014, the room in which housed notorious a torture allegedly bought out, converted into a residential apartment, and on a place of torture chambers themselves have arranged a small cozy kitchenette. Agree, it is involuntarily raises questions about what kind of black humor to be in that pretty housewife who would cook her husband a steak on the very spot where previously there were buckets of blood, and lay piled body in black opaque bags.

Christmas in Hell

In contrast to the "Iraqi passions" of which we have told you in the previous section of this article, this chilling story played out recently, right on Christmas Eve 2017, and the motives of its participants were much easier and more trivial. Three young men and a girl from Massachusetts, who were part of a local street gang, decided to brutally settle accounts with his "colleague", which they allegedly stole a "good" drug a few ounces of expensive goods.

hapless thief stole the morning of December 27 of his bed at gunpoint and taken to a makeshift torture chamber, arranged in the house of one of the attackers. Before the cause, finally, the police intervened, the four executioners, including 23-year-old Crystal Lugo, which, according to the investigation, led the entire "operation", more than two days, raped, beaten and tortured for a Woman, beefy "Xanax "trying to knock out her whereabouts information stolen from the drug gang.

"black" affairs Swiss sadistic

In 2014, a team of Swiss firefighters who went to the challenge in the industrial area of ​​Hausen, found at one of the local stores a small "home" a plantation of cannabis and immediately report illegal "horticultural" to the police. However, arrived at the law enforcement officers found in the territory of the warehouse is something far more sinister than ordinary grass - namely, the very real torture chamber.

As the owner of "torture", equipped with the best traditions of the great works of the Marquis de Sade, was quite blunt to withdraw their "adventures" in the video, even without covering the face, criminal arrest will not have to wait long.

sadist turned 63-year-old electrical engineer, who became acquainted on the Internet with a dark-skinned woman, pumped up their drugs, and then kept for several days in his den with a very clear purpose. Computer with criminal police also discovered (no, it's just a coincidence, and not our racist "jokes for 300") the whole collection of porn with animals in the best traditions of Comrade Panin.