"Gettopoliya" 5 banned table games dedicated to the vices of society

• "Gettopoliya" 5 banned devoted vices of society board games

We offer the reader the attention of a small selection of board games, banned in the United States. Actually, they were born in the United States is, however, to receive worldwide fame did not have time, and now you will understand why.

"Haha roach?"

It is made according to the "Monopoly", but no banks, factories, steamships players do not buy. Just one play of honest hard workers who plow from dawn to dusk for one salary, while others - play for those who live on all sorts of benefits. Simulator parasite, so to speak. And the highlight of the game is that benefits "parasite" are paid at the expense of the money earned by "hard worker".

The game appeared in stores in the late eighties and immediately became a bestseller. But then there was public outrage, rather, that part, which lives on the different benefits. And this community in the United States are very numerous, and all as one - active voters.

In general, the game was banned, not to incite hatred against a social group "parasites."

The game simulator life in the Negro ghetto "Gettopoliya"

In this game you have to join a gang, to organize the drug trade, kryshevat prostitutes and. .., Etc. Here, for example, that the inscription on one of the cards: "You have placed neighbors to crack and now each turn get 50 bucks." Well, of course, the storm disturbances from the black community, and have banned the game, so as not to stir up hatred against a social group "blacks selling crack."

The game "serial killer"

The task of the player - to kill as many as possible and do not fall into the hands of the police. It banned almost immediately after the release. But managed to sell almost a million copies.

The game "War on Terror"

The name of good. Spiritual and patriotic. And the point? This game is the type of "civilization." You take a country and brings it to the world domination. It seems to be nothing, but there is a caveat: the players to achieve world domination, there is such an option - "the financing of international terrorism."

The game "Crime and Punishment"

One player plays for the public prosecutor, the other a lawyer. At their disposal four criminals: murderers, rapists, drug trafficker and kidnapper.

The task of the prosecutor - to roll them as much as possible long term or even the electric chair. Task attorney respectively - to achieve the shortest time possible or full justification.

Game banned for inciting hatred against a social group "lawyers".