What data about its users collects Facebook

What data about its users collects Facebook

Facebook - one of the most popular sites. Its creators have collected a wealth of information about their users every day to Satya adds 600 terabytes of data. What Facebook knows about us?

1. All that ever

was published

Posts, events, photos, marked with photos, personal messages, uploaded a video, added friends. And everywhere there is a peg to the device from which it was made.

2. unfinished posts

If you typed something, but did not publish, it does not mean that Facebook does not remember. Whatever you type into the field for publication - is stored in the memory.

3. Deleted posts

Even when you delete your comments or check-ins, the server information is removed. Even in 2013, Facebook co-worker wrote: "If the answer to the question" Is it possible to pay Facebook, to correctly remove all your information ", where" right "means the complete erasure of all traces of your existence in Facebook, the answer is 'no'." He said that the stored data is simply no longer be tied to a specific person, and tospustya some time.

4. Persons

There is a built DeepFace program, with which you can recognize people's faces. When you say in the photo, the base is replenished. Due to what the next time you will already be easier to learn.

5. The data that you have not listed

Facebook analyzes user profiles, with the help of the partners or on its own, in order to collect additional data. Here and preferences in advertising, and home addresses, and additional e-mail addresses, and personal characteristics such as gender, language, level of education, cost, area and year of construction of the house. Something can pass friends in their posts, something emerges from the information you have available.

6. That where you looked at the video

Downloading in Facebook 360-degree video, you turn the camera, and Facebook, meanwhile, keeps track of where you are more likely to see and what direction you are most interesting.

7. Outside of Facebook

Facebook can keep track of what sites you are visiting. Cookies help track you even when you have already left the site.

What Facebook do with this data?

For example, targeting advertising. Also, perhaps, the company also secretly conducting social experiments and research, studying your huskies and changing the order of posts in the news. Perhaps it transmits data state agencies or insurance companies. It is possible, and that they are studied and employees of the company for personal reasons.

What data about its users collects Facebook

What is the best to be?

There is a list of rules that can help you protect yourself from unnecessary information available about you.

Filter your personal information posted.

Do not upload photos of children, especially if they are not yet adults.

Out of your account in Facebook, when finished using it. Use a separate browser for Facebook and for everything else.

Use ad-blocking software.

Do not use facebook, and in particular, Facebook Messenger, to organize or support political activities. If you want to organize, use facebook as a launching pad, and then move to another platform - Signal, WhatsApp (not desirable, belongs to Facebook) or Telegram.

Do not install the Facebook application on the phone, it asks for a lot of strange permissions.

Do not install Messenger on your phone. Use mobile site.