Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality

• Myths and misconceptions that are untrue

There are some facts and figures in our minds that we consider correct. Perhaps it is time to break the veils. We found examples of "statistical" data, which is not really true.

Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality

1. In the past, people were dying up to 30 years.

In prehistoric times, the average life expectancy was about 30 years, but this does not mean that all people have died at the age of 29 years. The high infant mortality rate has reduced life expectancy. But the maximum age was often significantly higher than 30 years.

Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality

2. Lightning misses the same place twice.

Contrary to popular belief, lightning can strike the same place twice. Moreover, according to studies, it is not so rare.

Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality

3. It is necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

If you try to consume a sufficient amount of water, but you are very hard to drink this cup of the 8th, do not do it. This means that you have drunk enough water. This is not a universal number! The important thing you need to do is to drink water when you're thirsty.

Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality

4. 1 year dog's life is equal to seven human years.

If you want to calculate how old your dog in terms of human age, you should not believe the principle of 7: 1. In fact, everything depends on the breed and size of your pet. This myth has appeared thanks to the children's mathematical problems back in the 60s, when they had to calculate the age of the dog by using this principle.

Myths and misconceptions that do not correspond to reality

5. Goldfish remember things only 3 seconds.

Goldfish can really remember things longer than 3 seconds. Scientists from Israel conducted a study in which they tried to teach goldfish getting food after they hear a certain sound. After 5 months, the fish remembered sound.

6. Bulls react to red.

In fact, the bulls do not see color, they see only the movement. They are irritated by seeing a piece of cloth in front of them.