The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

Women recently hair care were less likely to seek the help of people's ways. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that they just do not know how to use them properly. The belief that hair oils have a weighting of property right, but if you can make friends with them, they will replace you all the jars of balms and conditioners from leading cosmetic brands.

To answer the question, What is the best oil for hair, hard enough. You need to know all the intricacies of the female body and a head of hair structure as a whole. So before filling shelves in the bathroom with various vessels 'liquid gold', you need to understand what type you will carry your hair.

For example, the best hair oil that can save the tips of dryness in the winter - is peach. You can certainly use and coconut, but structurally it is a little thicker, so when applied there are some difficulties.

Thanks to Cleopatra has been for many centuries, labeled a "best hair oil" on the olive. It can not only improve the condition, but also to restore the damaged bulb. It is often included in the composition of hair dyes, as after this procedure, they are in need of nourishing diet.

The three main types of

According to the texture of the oil come in three fat content, and for each type of hair you need to find the right consistency.

  • Fatty (castor oil) because of the high molecular weight have the property hair weighting.
  • Bold (avocado oil, almond) - they are best absorbed.
  • Dry (coconut or grapeseed) due to its weightlessness no heavier hair.


Popular oils for hair: use in cosmetics

First you need to set a goal to use and understand, what kind of effect you want. Some wish to make hair thick or more brilliant, others - to grow long in the short term, therefore, looking for oil for hair growth. The main thing - remember that they are either complex or locally. Therefore, we spend a brief overview of the most popular and accessible from the entire range of "liquid gold". 1. Burdock. It can be used both in pure form or as an additive. This oil should be stored in the arsenal of young mothers, as during pregnancy, postpartum hair condition is deteriorating and should immediately be taken for the recovery process.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

2. Castor has the property to eliminate the dryness of the scalp, which contributes to the appearance of dandruff. In order to make hair thicker, you need to do once a week wraps using this oil. And for strengthening them can treat themselves following masochka which will strengthen the structure: 1 tsp.. castor oil and 0.5 of Art. kefir. Also use this oil for growth of hair and eyelashes.

3. Rosemary is the most popular among aromatic oils. If you use it on a regular basis, you will notice that hair growth is increased and the hair become stronger and healthier.

4. Linseed - a storehouse of vitamin F. By using this oil in the home it is preheated, then his fingertips rubbed into the roots and is distributed by means of a comb over the entire length. Insulated head and hold on the hair for about 2 hours.

5. Tea tree oil is classified as essential, therefore, requires the utmost caution. A couple of drops of it can be added to shampoo, and it would be beneficial for oily hair condition. Also, this oil will be indispensable in the fight against dandruff.

6. Coconut. Indian women are experts in the care of their appearance, and not in vain of all oils have preferred to him. If the skin care it is diluted with other, the hair can be used in pure form, although it is a bit difficult to length distribution. Masks on the basis of coconut oil to prevent protein loss in hair washing, which means that your hair will be shiny and soft.

The source of life and health of

Every self-respecting housewife in the kitchen there is olive oil. Popular and affordable it was only in the 90s and since then is considered to be the most popular in the consumer market. Since our body there is deficiency of vitamins, the regular use of its beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the skin and nails. That is why olive oil has become an indispensable component in the production of masks, shampoos and conditioners.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

If you chose it for the care of curls, it must be first pressed, unrefined and yellow-green hue. It can not only distributed to the length of the hair, but also to eat inside. It's enough to drink 1 tbsp. l. of oil per day.

With regular use of olive oil, you will realize that it is the easiest and most natural product for the preservation of youthful skin and beautiful hair.

Burdock oil

Due to the fact that the composition of cosmetic products are increasingly based on chemicals, this oil becomes more and more popular. It is not just that it is able to improve the structure of curls and a deeper result in a decrease in the number of lost hair and stimulate new growth.

Problems such as split ends, dandruff, oily and brittle, seborrhea after using burdock oil will go out of your life forever. To enhance and visible results, apply it must be according to certain rules. For example, it can not be used on a daily basis, as the hair will look dirty, greasy and heavy. If you have a normal type, apply the mask on the basis of burdock oil you need 2 times a month. To be effective, you need to give your hair rest. For example, 6 months of treatment and 2 months break, and after that you can resume the procedure.

Beauty Secrets

Nourishing hair mask with burdock oil - is the easiest way, which does not require the cost. To do this, you need only 1 ingredient. The preheated in a water bath burdock oil is applied over the entire length of the hair, then the color effect created baths. Keep it should be about 1.5 - 2 hours and rinse thoroughly in the usual way. If you carry out this procedure 2 times a week, after 20 sessions you will notice that the number of hairs shed significantly reduced, and the curls have acquired a healthy glow.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

Stimulating hair mask with burdock and castor oil. Its main goal - is the growth of hair and dandruff elimination. For the preparation you need to mix and heat up an equal amount of oil (it depends on the length and thickness) and carefully distributed. We hold 1.5 hour and wash off.

Hair Aromatherapy

Essential Hair oils have not only a preventive effect, but also healing. If you correctly calculate the proportions, they are capable of with the Joneses strengthen hair, eliminate dandruff, add shine and well-groomed appearance.

For the treatment of dry and brittle hair is recommended to use oil of mandarin, sandalwood and ylang-ylang. The latter is able to transform their state recognition. They are luxurious, shiny and strong.

Ever since ancient times, it enjoyed special respect lavender essential oil, which not only lechilo hair, but also granted them a pleasant aroma. For sensitive skin excellent sedative will palmarosa oil or jasmine.

Bold type of hair gives them a lot of trouble to owners. Therefore, to reduce the greasiness need to replenish its arsenal of hair care products with essential oils of chamomile, pine, tea tree and juniper. They will help to tone their general condition and restore the structure.

The essential oils to strengthen hair

An excellent tool for this will be essential tea tree oil. No wonder the Aborigines of Australia have used it in the treatment of various diseases and healing of wounds, because it is rich in organic ingredients, which number more than 400.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

Few people had heard of petit grain oil. Its uniqueness is that it restores damaged hair structure and prevents their loss.

As you know, essential oils for hair better than normal can help in solving the health problems of our curls. But most valuable of all is considered to be rosemary, which give hair elasticity, removes dandruff and itching, as well as stop them from falling.

"Moroccan liquid gold"

It is difficult to argue with the fact that any woman cosmetic products packed with the chemical composition. These sets of beauty she tries to take care of their appearance, sometimes unaware of what it receives from harm. But natural oils known for their use for both indoor and outdoor applications.

What do you know about argan oil? Probably only the fact that it is produced from the seeds of the tree of the same name. In fact, the present argan hair oil produced only in Morocco and then later filled with cherished "liquid gold" export to all countries. The process of harvesting the fruit, the separation of seeds and extraction of the product itself - it is not easy, so the price is, accordingly, not low. Currently, argan oil for hair is often used, it is worth about as much as caviar or truffles.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

Due to its healing properties, it is increasingly becoming an important component for the preparation of cosmetic products for the care of our locks. oil peculiarity is that it is able to protect every inch of aggression on the part of the environment. It nourishes the scalp, and therefore, with the regular use of it, you will soon forget about the problem of dandruff.

The ideal of beauty product

Storming the internet in search of masks based on natural oils, you are sure to meet with such an interesting word, as "Jojoba". We can confidently assert that many are not aware of this plant did not pay attention to it, thinking that it is only sold in foreign cosmetic stores. And in vain! Compared with others, jojoba oil is held in high esteem, because it has no equal, because of its beneficial properties. It is extracted from a Chinese plant Simmonds, and it is a wax of vegetable origin.

Miracle oil is suitable for any type of hair, so it can be used to restore the weakened structure of the strands, and to normalize the metabolism of the sebaceous glands for oily hair. Uniqueness oil that dissolves natural wax contamination of the skin and eliminates irritation. Therefore, it can be used as a reducing agent after dyeing, coloring or dyeing.

Masks of jojoba oil

Using oil Simmonds, can be prepared following the mask.

nutritional: mix 2 tbsp. l. burdock and jojoba oil to heat in a water bath. Next, rub into the scalp. Approximately 40-50 minutes keep a polyethylene cap and warm towel.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

In order to give effect to: Mix 2 tbsp. l. Liquid honey 1 egg yolk and 3 tbsp. l. our oil. The resulting mixture is applied to hair and hold for half an hour. The stunning result you get through 14 procedures, but remember that a mask is necessary to do a maximum of 2 times per week.

Women's opinions on two of the most popular oils

Sometimes, in order not to hurt yourself, you need to listen to the views of others. To do this, invented forums, which serve as a bridge of trust between people. Coconut hair oil. Comments about this product helped many to cross the line of no confidence to Indian producers. Many are embarrassed that all admire the result after use, but it was rather low oil costs. But this did not prevent the product to gain such widespread popularity. Miracle cure for Indian beauties shaking chic result a healthy, strong and shiny hair.

The best hair oil. How to choose? Hair Care at home

Burdock oil for hair. reviews on this product can be found almost everywhere, all the women who tried to grow and strengthen the structure of its strands, tend to show off their results. It is advised to add to shampoos, conditioners, balsams, but the greater effect you get only when used in its pure form.

Named the best hair oil is very difficult, since each of them has its own unique characteristics, but thanks to this diversity of choice in the Russian cosmetics market every beauty will be able to find exactly what will please her hair.