White socks like to wash at home?

How to wash white socks in the home that they purchased the original, attractive appearance? To achieve the desired effect can be resorted to several methods for the care of such things. This will help some tricks.

Rules for the care white socks

White socks like to wash at home?

To preserve white socks, you should pay attention to the following:

  • to wear them until the next wash is recommended that no more of the day (light impurities are removed much more easily);
  • wash white socks must be separate from other clothes, especially colored items;
  • to better pollution away from the fabric before washing such items to soak for several hours in warm water, previously rubbed soap;
  • in any case should not be washed heavily soiled white socks in hot water, because in this case the dirt is literally "zapechetsya" on the fabric;
  • before sending the socks in the wash, it is necessary turn them inside out.

How to wash white socks on the black soles?

White socks like to wash at home?

If you use poor-quality insoles or sock lint shoes with white socks may form persistent black stripes, which are weakly to clean. White paint products can also be a pair of shoes, which is exposed to rain.

How quickly wash off the white socks on the black soles? To do this, you should use such a potent tool as Domestos, or take any other concentrated substance containing chlorine. Dilute with water the composition must be in equal proportions. Dampen a sponge with the resulting solution should be carefully treated with the help of contaminated areas on the toes, then send the product in the machine for washing.

How to wash white wool socks?

Woolen white socks how to wash? In this case it is absolutely not recommended soaking in hot water. As the result will be a decrease in products on multiple dimensions. To begin with better shake woolen socks that will remove small clumps of dirt and dust from the fabric structure. Next you need to turn out the product and perform the action again.

Before washing woolen white socks need a good rub soap on both sides. You can then send them to the machine. At the end of the wash is recommended to thoroughly rinse the product under running water. Twist should not be. One need only turn to squeeze every sock in his hand.

purified by means for dishwashers

How to wash white socks? One of the most simple, proven solution is the addition of the water for soaking a small number of products for dishwashers. On the deep pelvis enough tablespoon substances. Soak socks in the resulting composition is necessary for about an hour. Then apply for a product in the washing machine and scroll through them, setting the fastest cycle.

This trick gives effective results. However, there is little likelihood of damage to natural fabrics. Therefore resort to the method recommended in the purification of white socks made from synthetics.

How to remove yellowing and gray spots?

White socks like to wash at home?

How to wash white socks at home in case they have already appeared outdated pollution and unattractive yellowing? In such a situation will help ordinary household soda. A teaspoon of the substance must dissolve in a glass of water. The formulation is then necessary to fill the compartment of the washing machine, intended for softeners. Finally enough scroll socks in standard mode.

unusual way (car owners)

White socks how to wash? There is one unusual trick, to which there is recourse to motorists:

  • to take a capacious plastic bottle;
  • to prepare a soap solution and pour it into a container;
  • to push through dirty socks into the neck of the bottle and close the lid;
  • , place a container in the car.

After completing the above steps, you can easily go by car on her way. By evening, good socks soaked with soapy water and shake. Thus, from the stable of pollution no trace remains. Returning home, will only remove them from the bottle, further extend your hands and rinse with running water.

Wash using tennis balls

We continue to consider tweaks that will bring back to life very dirty white socks. How to wash them, if the fabric form a stable gray spots? Come to the aid of tennis balls. The last should be sent to the washing machine along with socks. They will provide additional mechanical impact on the tissue and allow to remove from the structure of the material legacy of pollution.


White socks like to wash at home?

White socks - how to wash? Remove stubborn dirt with a white cloth allows the good old digestion. In a deep pot or bucket should be placed a quarter of a bar of soap and a sliced ​​half lemon. This also lays the socks. All of this is filled with water and brought to a boil. Then you need to cook the product for another 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash socks by hand or machine. Pressing the product recommended without twisting, barely squeezing them in his hands. Dry socks better, putting it on a level, flat surface.

washing with boric acid solution

Fairly effective way is to soak white socks in boric acid solution. Buy the composition can be in a pharmacy in the form of alcoholic liquid or powder.

Per liter of water should be used no more than a tablespoon of substance. Socks soaked in the obtained liquid to be over 2 hours. After this time, remove the legacy of contamination with tissues will be much easier. Suffice it to extend the product in the washing machine.

The return of the original white socks

White socks like to wash at home?

If I bring socks hopeless, then return them to the old, attractive appearance will help the following solutions:

  1. Turpentine - 3 tablespoons substance mixed with the same amount of powder and diluted in 10 liters of water. Stir up, and then place it in the contaminated product. Leave your socks in a liquid a day. Finally extend in their normal mode.
  2. Chlorine - to take a few tablespoons of "whiteness" or household cleaners for ceramic surfaces. Dissolve in 2 liters of water. Add 100 g of detergent powder. Leave in the resulting composition of dirty socks in the night. In the morning, stretch and rinse products. This will remove the gray and yellow plaque that forms on the fabric.
  3. The hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - said substances suitable for self-bleach. Necessary to connect them in a proportion of 2: 1. The mixed composition should be applied to dirty socks and let stand for half an hour. After this time will only extend the product by hand or machine. To fix a rather unpleasant smell of ammonia, enough to hang socks to fresh air.

As a result of

White socks like to wash at home?

We have considered common, proven methods, which allow to wash socks and return them to the original whiteness. If one of the presented solutions do not give the expected results, do not despair. Maybe you should use another method.