How to tie a Windsor tie knot

It often happens that a man needs to wear a tie, and no tying skills, because nowhere in this art is not taught. Thus, it is necessary to search for information on their own or ask friends.

How to tie a Windsor knot

This is one of the most popular sites for a tie. Windsor knot looks on a shirt is not worse than the others, tied in another tie. Thus, the sequence of actions:

  1. It is necessary to take the tie so that the wide end was in his right hand, and thin, respectively, on the left. Note: The tip should be significantly shorter. Assembly consists of a greater number of elements and is fastened in stages.
  2. The first movement: it is necessary to cast a wide end to thin.
  3. Now butt to pass in the loop formed on top of the intersection of two bands: thick and thin.
  4. Then you need to create a triangle using a wide strip of a tie: a thick bottom end extends up and over in a loop, forming a triangle. Note: it is advisable to form a triangle was tight and smooth.
  5. Next, a broad band of the triangle must close and go back through the neck loop. Then it is necessary to thread thick fragment into the hole between the thin strip and the one that closes the triangle.
How to tie a Windsor tie knot

That turned elegant Windsor knot in his tie. Tied up so he looks very presentable.

algorithm tying double Windsor knot

So, if you want to tie a double Windsor knot instructions outlined below:

  1. The narrow end should be left short on the left side.
  2. The next step is a crossing. The wide end must stay on top. Knit need around the neck.
  3. From the inside the wide end passes. Behind it is necessary to thread the band again and tie to go into a loop.
  4. a triangle (isosceles). Now the front skip large fragment tie. Retained in opening the two fingers to the next maneuver.

The wide strip is held in a neck loop and is threaded into a hole where there were two fingers.

How to tie a Windsor tie knot


Windsor knot was known for a long time. It was tied to a duel, and the development of the Renaissance. Tie in a Windsor knot style was popular among the aides and other officials. It was tied over his shirt. Diversity methods of tying, and ultimately obtained various forming circuit node in Windsor style.

The material of construction for the first tie, was very different. It was the cotton fibers, and silk. The latest product is difficult to reach them. It was purchased in the Indian market and made silk ties to nobility. Interesting fact: in some European stories you can find an interesting point. In the middle of the XVIII-XIX centuries. ties, as well as many others, were in short supply. They were available only to the wealthy gentlemen. And to get this thing, the men sometimes had to fight, tearing the product with the enemy's neck. Only, of course, a tie comes into disrepair. Dressmakers or tailors can quickly restore it with the help of strong threads of wool and needles. At the site of the formed holes they sewed various patches of cotton fabric, cut off from its old, but clean clothes. If the tie was torn into two parts, tailors sewed them. Such ties sold by merchants to artisans and various farmers-commoners. The fee for such a product was in the form of products from artisan or inheritance of land from the rest. However, very rarely the poor people could afford such a luxury. Therefore, most of the merchants themselves go to such ties.

Why Windsor knot

The urgency of tying the Windsor tie will always exist. Firstly, it is stylish and elegant looks on a man with a white shirt and a jacket. Second, the site is not too difficult to make and to use this method, you can even teach a teenager. Thirdly, a man, showing the ability to properly tie a tie, demonstrating its superiority over the others.

How to tie a Windsor tie knot

Ties for tying Windsor

Ties may be different. Most importantly, choose a high-quality material from natural fibers and desirable products with a good reputation.

How to tie a Windsor tie knot

Then this tie will last a long time. It is this attribute of clothing or accessory is a solid man, while women represent the luxury of diamonds or necklace.

So, buy neckties at specialty stores, boutiques. The latest products are selling quite expensive. Often there can be seen as Turkish goods, and branded. Not worth the risk and try to make purchases on the market, because there is often offered fake. Most ties are sold in specialized clothing houses. In large hypermarkets and retail chains are rarely branded stuff, but that's where you can buy not too expensive highest quality tie.