Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

In his book, "Ask me about my uterus" writer Abby Norman talks about the long-term fight against the indifference of the doctors. When she first experienced severe pain in the abdomen, her gynecologist suggested that it may be a psychosomatic reaction to the sexual abuse of a child or any other complex mental health problems. Abby could not recall traumatic situations from the past, but that has not stopped a specialist - in the treatment of Abby was denied.

Unfortunately, such situations are common around the world. Doctors often ignore the complaints of patients in the mistaken belief that women are just too sensitive or exaggerating the pain. It is understood that the main source of the problem - the women's head, and a similar method can be easily called gazlaytingom.

Norman book dedicated to her struggle with endometriosis - a disease in which uterine tissue starts to grow outside the uterus, causing chronic pain, fatigue, and even infertility. Written can be interpreted as opposition to the patriarchal medicine that refuses to make the diagnosis "endometriosis", ignoring the patient's complaints. I want to tell in detail about the reasons for medical gazlaytinga and show how this phenomenon affects the lives of modern women.

For women's diseases greater skepticism

Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

Endometriosis - the disease is not fully investigated, and its manifestation is difficult to detect. For many decades it was considered a disease of careerists and coupled with the fact that women should not postpone having children until later. The myth has long been debunked, but not all professionals know this news. Mentions of endometriosis in PubMed - the most popular website for publishing medical research reach the number of publications in 1800, at the same time as liver disease - more than 30 thousand. On average, women need 10 to 12 years old manifestations of endometriosis, to hear the correct diagnosis, but the matter is that it is becoming a physician bias. But in addition to the skeptical attitude to women's health, there is also medical sexism.

In a study of 2001 Diane and Anita Hoffman Tarzyan found that the manifestation of the same symptoms in men and women with a high probability, the doctors discharged a much stronger painkillers man. At the same time, according to reports from participants in the study, women described the staff as "overly emotional", from which the doctors concluded that their problems are exaggerated.

In his book, Norman emphasizes that the disease had robbed her thirty pounds, the opportunity to graduate from college and romantic relationships that do not stand the test of pain and exhaustion. The very presence of endometriosis has nothing to do with gender politics, but that it affects the quality of care in general.

It is not only in the reproductive organs

Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

Such sexism manifested in other diseases, for example, in December 2017 in France, a young girl called the ambulance and said that she had a stomach ache so much that she thinks she might die. The operator has left the call unheeded, and five hours girl died from a stroke.

Cardiac women often prescribe sedatives, because the cause of the unpleasant symptoms is considered a mental disorder.

Dizziness, and shortness of breath easily confused with anxiety attacks, although the simplest examination of the heart to heart revealed the violation and other important reasons for such symptoms.

In 2000, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that PIS and himself a heart attack in women is misdiagnosed in seven times more often than men. The fact is that even in the textbooks of many of the symptoms described, only on the basis of the data of male physiology, and heart attacks in women provide a different picture. All of this accident: up to 1990 any clinical trials conducted primarily in men. Only in the early 2000s, health services in different countries began to consider gender as a biological variable, but is now breaking the stereotype has become much more difficult.

There remains a stereotype that woman must experience pain

Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

Trying to understand the phenomenon of the perception of women as hysterical figure, one can not forget the stereotypes regarding women's suffering. For example, the authors of the book "Girl Who Cried Pain" found that most physicians believe that "women have a natural ability to endure pain." In addition, a 2006 study showed that for the same endometriosis women are rarely consulted a doctor because it looked excruciating pain during menstruation as normal.

The very idea that women should suffer, and leads to the fact that from an early age girls are taught that pain - just a part of it.

When sex hurts, painful menstruation, childbirth hurts - the task to ease the pain is not put from childhood.

While sexual practices in which the priority is enjoy women and treatment of stigmatized diseases, it could improve the situation.

Women are still considered to be "weaker" sex, although they have coped with so much the number of suffering. Why is this stereotype still preserved? All the matter in relation to pain in people of different sexes.

In fact, women do not experience less pain than men - they just tend to ignore the bad signs. Scientists from the University of Malaga, studied the situation and comments of 190 men and 210 women with chronic pain say that the ability to tolerate pain in men and women is approximately the same, and is not affected by gender, and subjective factors, such as the total resistance, fear of pain and gender stereotypes. At the same time, studies also show that women are more likely to go to the doctor with symptoms similar to anxiety, and have a greater tendency to opioid dependence, said Karen Siebert, president of the Union of Anesthesiologists California. It is logical in this situation first to write a sedative, not a pain reliever, but for some reason, then do not continue the survey.

Instead of education - promotion of

Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

The British Journal of Gynecology suggests that 85% of women will get breaks during their first vaginal delivery. If we remember that many women have to resort to caesarean section, we can say with confidence that most women leave the hospital with any significant seams.

This is not a reason to completely abandon the pregnancy, because modern technology allows not only to resort to pain relief, but also allow you to quickly recover from any damage.

Our grandmothers did not have such an opportunity, and for them there was still a high likelihood of dying during childbirth.

It would be much fairer to women in advance to report the real risks that will pursue them in childbirth than to agitate for "the miracle of a natural birth." Now our government is puzzled by the need to advise pregnant women with the staff of the diocese - in order to persuade them to abandon the abortion. Using pressure and manipulation, to convince them that the birth will be easy and painless, which is statistically unlikely.

are not health-related reasons for condemnation of

Medical gazlayting why women are told that they are healthy

The years of silence "female" problems have led to the fact that the campaign to the gynecologist has become a difficult quest. Forums to search for a doctor who will not judge you for your lifestyle, sexual orientation or other factors that are replenished every day. Despite clear progress in society, gynecologists also continue to violate medical ethics, asking inappropriate questions, ostensibly important to maintain health. For example, a doctor may insist on that tampons during menstruation is extremely harmful. At a meeting with a specialist in this need to remind ourselves that there is no "best" method for use however hygiene during menstruation, the main thing - to observe the rules on the use. Fit any object: tampons, pads, menstrual cup - no one method should not be imposed. The same applies to the contraceptive methods, among which there is no "best", and each method should be considered separately for each patient. As a medical doctor recommendations also should not offer to find a man and have sex regularly.

Many complaints received against that doctor "makes to give birth" in order to get rid of a disease. Medical research confirming the recovery of sorts, still does not exist, so to hear such a proposal from the attending physician, you should consider changing the specialist.