Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

Anti-cellulite creams, which leave feedback, many buyers have always been a popular means. They differ from other cosmetic products due to the fact that often can replace all kinds of anti-cellulite diet, baths for weight loss, fat burning clothes and expensive procedures in beauty salons. Anti-Cellulite means to effectively compete with the "orange peel" and help their owners to always remain in good shape.

Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

Popular means

Anti-cellulite creams, which reviews to help shoppers find all the necessary information about their effectiveness, relevance, and in young girls and women aged. Of course, few people can fully trust strangers, but still a lot of shoppers abandon their enthusiastic or angry comments, on the basis of which each person can make a conclusion for themselves. Here are some of the best means of fighting cellulite, along with truthful reviews.


Anti-cellulite cream "Belita", reviews of which there are not only good, takes pride of place in the ranking of such funds is not the first year. He's in a jiffy can tighten and smooth out all you need. The agent is a perfect balance of quality and cost. With this anti-cellulite massage cream "Vitex Sauna" feedback is predominantly positive.

Get the goods can be as little as 90-120 rubles. For this amount, buyers get a tube of 200 ml, which is enough for a couple of full course of massage.

Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

Reviews: anti-cellulite cream "bath, massage and sauna"

Shoppers often leave positive comments about this tool. They point to the following benefits:

  • ease of use;
  • a nice oily texture;
  • efficiency;
  • discreet orange-mint flavor;
  • efficiency.

That's what girls like and anti-cellulite cream "Vitex". Reviews of him given the opportunity to understand what he really deserves attention. This tool has received considerable popularity due to the impact and the huge amount of positive feedback, that is not surprising.

Negative reviews cellulite cream "Sauna, massage and sauna" is also. Some girls, impressed by means of the action, claiming that their buttocks "burning hellfire." Of course, it can sustain, not every woman, but still in the end effect is stunning. Such sensitive natures is recommended to get rid of the problem of massage without these funds.

In general, despite the fact that the anti-cellulite massage cream "Vitex" has different reviews, its popularity of this has not diminished. His take on the girls from many countries and are always happy with the result.

"Slim" from "Evelyn"

A unique tool from a reputable manufacturer effectively combats cellulite, even with "lazy" application. This means that it will give an incredible result in the case without the active massage or body wraps.

400 rubles can buy a tube whose volume is equal to 250 ml. This tube will be enough for a month of daily treatments.

Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

Customer Feedback

This anti-cellulite body cream reviews has both positive and negative. The first women customers say efficiency. Many of them managed to achieve the desired result without limitation the power and grueling workouts. Some girls say they had enough to rub the cream every day after showering to a couple of months to observe a positive effect. In addition, good reviews about means indicate the absence of strong pungency. With this nuance cream is pleasant to use. Among the shortcomings noted women customers high value and not too attractive scent composition. Although it is worth noting that the second minus the girls pay attention to rare.

Cream sculptor "Faberlic"

Pride of place in our ranking is the remedy for the Russian producer, which is considered one of the largest. The cream has a lot of pros and very few cons, so it is really noteworthy.

Product cost is 600 rubles. It goes on sale in a volume of 150 ml. At first glance it might seem that price is too high, but in fact should first learn about the main features of agents. It is the presence of massage nozzles in the tube, which facilitates and speeds up the procedure.

What people say

Now it's time to find out what is cellulite cream reviews. The effect of the stunning means that buyers notice first. At the same time they talk about the liquid and light texture, which makes it possible to distribute the composition over the entire surface without much effort. Also, a lot of positive comments received on the nozzle, which can be used to carry out a massage. Through this complement of the girls do not have much to strain your hands to lather up, because the massager can do it all himself.

In terms of value, of course, means not all satisfied customers. That kind of money without a doubt ready to give only those girls who do not want to trouble themselves with the daily rubbing cream, the other is much easier to buy cheaper means. In addition, there is another disadvantage, which is that the cream is not so easy to find on sale, because "Faberlic" production only distributes its products through catalogs, access to which is not at all.

"Anti-cellulite" from the "Pure Line"

An ideal cream for the ladies who want to get a result as soon as possible, knowingly entered into our list of the best products. It is sold both separately and bundled with the gel. By purchasing just two means of getting a positive effect can be accelerated significantly.

The cream will cost only $ 100 per 250 ml, and the gel - 200 rubles per 200 ml. On such reasonable prices in any cosmetic shop, you can buy two products, the effect of which will be much larger than some expensive products.

Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews


As with any other anti-cellulite creams, reviews this facility has both positive and negative. Among the advantages of the girl is isolated:

  • efficiency (staff enough for a couple of months of regular use);
  • natural composition (it contains a number of natural ingredients, which makes it different from the expensive oils, gels and creams);
  • efficiency (as a cream, gel and conscientiously carry out their work perfectly smoothing, hydrating, tightening skin and eliminate cellulite).

Some owner of cream not liking liquid consistency. They argue that for this reason, means to rub hard, and after the procedure, there are difficulties in flushing composition with it.

"Avon", "Freedom of cellulite"

Legendary product, known in many countries to cope with the task quite quickly and efficiently. It fulfills all the promises of the manufacturer, for which he and the girls love.

Buy cream can be about 600 rubles in any specialized shop. Tube onto 150 ml is enough for prolonged use, so in this case the cost is not too high.

Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

a means of feedback

The effectiveness of the product is simply amazing modern women who want to always look attractive and to attract attention of the opposite sex. According to women customers themselves, cream meets its goal, even if applied in a day or only once a day. Additionally, different means multifunctionality. Along with his direct responsibility of the product also helps to strengthen the skin, creates a reliable barrier to the return of the orange peel and removes any bruises and blemishes.

Some women customers express their dissatisfaction with the value of the goods. While most of the girls are ready to invest in this facility because they like efficiency. Often received negative reviews about the stickiness of the composition. The rest of the cream suits girls, as they believe that this effect is difficult to obtain by any other means.

The cream-gel "Nivea"

Legends of German quality and efficacy of the products of this manufacturer support products that can be purchased at retail cosmetics. This cream is one of the products of the famous brand "Nivea", always differs delicate influence, pleasant aroma and effectiveness.

Cream-gel has a very democratic price - 450 rubles. For the money you can get a 250 mL wonderful tool that helps get rid of all the problems.

Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

Responses buyers

The wearer often leave positive feedback about the product thanks to its snug effect without a strong burning or cooling, and also due to ease of use. The cream does not need to be combined with classic massage, as to obtain the desired result, you can simply rub it into your hands. On the effectiveness of the means always only positive comments go. Girls indicate that they began to notice changes in a couple of weeks with the first application, and a month later cellulite almost completely disappeared.

Ironically, this means cons have women customers are not found. They are satisfied with the price and quality.

"Modeling the figure" from "Hundred beauty recipes"

Simple and does not aspire to much to mark all of a sudden was rated the leading means. In this case, the decisive role played by the price, although it is worth remembering that in the list of worthy products is unlikely to present a cheap and ineffective cream.

Cream "Modeling the figure" can be found in every store cosmetics Russia. It will cost only $ 100 per 150 ml.

The people like

Of the benefits of the girls often say economy. One bottle is enough to them about six to eight weeks of daily use. The composition is consumed slowly, so if you want to reduce the impressive amount of fat does not have to spend too much money.

Together with the efficiency of women customers point to a nice amber color and easy application. The composition is quickly absorbed and leaves no sticky residue and smells.

To cope with the extra inches on your hips and flabby sides will not be easy, if you do not play sports. This is the only drawback of such funds, which they say women customers. In order to get a good effect, in any case, you need to perform at least basic exercises on a daily basis. You do not need to visit a gym, as even an ordinary home workout without additional missiles may play an important role.

Massage creams

Today, the stores flaunt various anti-cellulite creams. Reviews of them there are both good and bad. But, despite this, there are tools that are very popular.

Many people want to buy a special anti-cellulite massage cream. Reviews of these products go to different, so the right choice is not always easy. The most famous and effective are these tools:

  1. "Floresan". Anti-cellulite massage cream has only positive reviews, as its benefits please all shoppers. As part of the agents are present essential oils, caffeine and extract of red pepper. The product has a smoothing effect, it is able to mitigate the problem areas of the skin, to tighten it and make it supple.
  2. Guam. Anti-cellulite cream reviews often gets good as its composition and the result obtained can not cause negative emotions. Means includes a variety of vitamins and other useful components. Product is expressly aimed at the rejuvenation of the skin, digestion of fat folds, recovery of metabolism and blood circulation.

Warming means

In addition to massage creams are not less popular are warming. They are also distinguished by a huge amount of positive feedback due to the efficiency and other benefits. Among them:

  1. "Styx". The cream, which is present in orange oil, nicotinic acid and seaweed extract, effectively combats fat deposits. This structure is able to smooth out the skin and make it more elastic and tighten silhouette.
  2. "Kolistar". In this means the main element is a thermal water. In addition it contains a part of brown algae and extract of ivy, so the cream has a draining effect. It prevents the appearance of cellulite, tightens the skin and corrects the figure. For all these advantages the product has received a lot of positive feedback.
Most anti-cellulite creams: the effectiveness reviews

These funds, like all listed in the article, are known in many countries. Despite the presence of negative comments, the wearer is obtained from them a stunning effect and enjoy its results, achieved without exhausting diets and excessive loads of sports.