How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

• How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

Get into Brazilian jail - all the same what to get a direct ticket to hell. The conditions unbearable tightness forced tens of thousands of people there. Peace is not only the prisoners surrounded by concrete walls. Ruthless crime bosses, old-timers and prison administrators feel behind barbed wire at home. Trafficking cocaine and fights to the death are persistent and quite legitimate entertainment for the local community - and how else do you want to while away the time until expiration? Look carefully, it looks like the most bloody and ruthless Brazil close the prison, where the ball is ruled by violent criminals.

Prison is considered, and is very poorly protected throughout the country. Only in the last few days of unrest four guards were killed in a prison complex Curado.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

37 inmates trying to fit in a tiny cell, while, as the authorities-chaveiros live in luxurious rooms with TVs and private bathrooms.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

in the order chaveiros - kill those who owed them money for drugs. This photo was taken after a two-day riot.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

A bullet in the hands of this man - a kind of black mark. Previously, he was one of chaveiros, now forced to go to the bottom of the local community.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

Rooms authorities resemble a real (albeit expensive) hotel. Fans, refrigerators, household appliances to suit every taste - and most importantly, the personal servants to serve all this economy. These semi-slaves called chegados. Prison corridors function as public space and the battlefield at the same time. Warring cliques are facing here in bloody battles - well, those who chose the floor of the corridor as a temporary shelter, we have necessarily to fight for his life.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

But the drug lords are prospering here. For the money you can get everything. Cocaine use is not only the prisoners, but the guards themselves. These servants of the law very quickly become dependent and spend all their savings on a "snowball". Drug dealers do not pay for another dose not work: the usual practice of a large dealer - to take hostage the family members indebted. This applies even to the police.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

Another caste of so-called "keyholdery" (keyholders), or key chains, trades in real estate business. If the prisoner lower caste have rich relatives - he was lucky. They can rent Barraco, a small, but private box, looks like a capsule hotel room. However, terms of the contract vary in prison every month: every tenant can fly out of his cozy nest just on a whim "keyholdera".

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

monetary prisoners are forced to live simply on the floor. Sleep in the corridor under the table - place the wall is considered one of the best.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

"charms" got his nickname for a reason. Each "maintain order" in the assigned community block. They have keys to all the rooms of the wing and do not care what people think about it guards.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

chaveiros representatives not too diligently perform their duties. Violence, constant illness and even death of the inmates of the lower castes interest them enough.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

There are not too clean and rarely water. Prisoners collect it from a tank for washing clothes, drinking in the shower and toilet were watching every serviceable prison.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

All prisoners are required to pay a weekly bribe. It is 5 to 15 reais, which is quite a lot for the poor of the lowest caste.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

has recently stirred up public scandalous interview with the commandant of the prison. The poor man named chaveiros reliable partners and admitted that not just follow the instructions of the members of this community, punishing the guilty prisoners.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

The power of the higher castes rests on brute force. Of strong, hardy newcomers militias recruited members - men, ready to fulfill any master's orders.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison

Maximum number of prisoners for Pernambuco - 10 500 people. For several years, he lived here more than 32 000. The prison has long become a bleeding wound on the body of the country. Its walls can no longer hold the osprey is evil. Such as, gradually, becoming and other correctional facilities in the region.

How does Brazil's most dangerous prison