Tiger Leaping Gorge

• Tiger Leaping Gorge

60 km north of the city of Lijiang has a point of interest - Tiger Leaping Gorge. Like all Chinese tourist attractions, you'll be a little surprised by human intervention in the natural monument. The Chinese have deployed a gigantic construction site: make wide roads, tear down mountains, strengthen the channel of the mountain river. In general, do everything to attraction could take 500,000 people a day.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

At the entrance already put beautiful monument tiger. As expected, the monument was fenced brilliant fence. In China, very fond of all the shiny fence fences.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

As you know, all the Chinese sights are rated from 1 to 5 "A". I wrote in detail about it here. Tiger Gorge - AAAA-level tourist attraction. Although the fifth And already painted, it remains only to paint.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

More Tigers!

Tiger Leaping Gorge

As expected from any of the Chinese attractions in Tiger Gorge has a huge cash Palace, where you will be charged an entrance fee of 2,000 rubles.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

As can be seen, at the entrance of many construction equipment.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

The fact that the valley is not very like the Chinese, and they decided to put things in order here.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

It is necessary to make a normal concrete embankments, to strengthen the river bed, cut off the excess of the mountain.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Soon to be a beauty! Many souvenir shops, hotels, parking lots for buses.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Slowly natural attraction earns a rating.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

The workers make a beautiful way.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Look how beautiful! Not what it was.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Buses with tourists already here.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge

Laid along the gorge hiking trails.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

It is possible for a few hours to go for a walk.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge


Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge

There are several hiking trails.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge

Routes complex Elevation gorge about 600 meters.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Sometimes it is necessary to climb the steep stairs, so that people with obesity and poor physical fitness of the machine is far better to depart.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

On route the locals selling water and fruit at exorbitant prices. For example, the usual cucumber costs 100 rubles.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

But the most unpleasant, that at every step of enterprising Chinese try to tear off money from you.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

are everywhere extortionists with signs that the passage fee.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

All of a legend. The bridge / path / stairs built our family, and if you want to go further, you will pay the money. I do not know whether this is legal, but nobody fights extortionists.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge

The stone jumped from which tiger.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Pass the bridge, of course, is paid.

Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge Tiger Leaping Gorge

Here is a gorge.

Tiger Leaping Gorge