Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

Many admire oriental beauties who appear in the imagination only with black hair and chic. However, not all nature bestows this burning color, many women have a long time to achieve such a stunning effect. Some in order to achieve this goal are choosing powerful colors with a whole list of chemical constituents. To strongly not to spoil its natural beauty, you can use the tool, which is made from plant material - it Basma hair.

Scope dye

Due Basma can not only safely change the natural color, but also to improve hair growth and get rid of dandruff forever. You will notice how your hair will become lively and natural shine, grow stronger, their structure is significantly improved.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

It is used as henna rinse. It is thus possible to maintain the desired color and dye compensate for low resistance when compared to the predominantly chemical means.

Basma hair helps, as they say, kill two birds at once on the spot. As a result of turns and powerful effect of staining and gentle care for your hair. Therefore, many women opt for this dye.

Mandatory Terms of Use

Basma and henna - it means two complementing each other. Without the latter, your hair will get terrible color blue-green hue. If we connect the two parts Basma and henna one, then the hair will literally resin. It can be done differently. Take one part Basma and two henna. The result is a beautiful bronze tint.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

It happens that with henna and Basma add beet juice and coffee (ground). Such additions greatly affect the final color.

Basma hair in the presence of gray is used after dyeing with henna.


Be careful and cautious. Once you've started using vegetable dyes, you can get a very different result from the chemicals. Before you use these colors, you need to wait until then, until the natural colorings completely washed away.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

Basma can not be used on a perm or colored hair dye chemicals. If you decide to perm after dyeing basmoj, it will negatively affect the shade. First of all, you need to consider long and natural hair color. It is very important to achieve the desired shade treasured.

After staining is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo for three days.

What is the dye?

Basma is a natural hair color. The origin of its vegetable. It is made from the leaves of indigo, which grows only in tropical climates. The powder itself has a grayish-green hue.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

The dye has a long history. In the old skilled craftsmen made of Basma terrific ink. At that time it was considered a very valuable product. Hundreds of people have worked for its extraction. Raw going on plantations of bushes with the original name - Indigofera. Basmu used not only by women, for men it is also in demand.

Hair dye Basma can have on hair ozdoravlivayusche-beneficial effects. These properties are due to its high content of biologically active substances and essential vitamins.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

However, we must remember that this hair coloring means - quite troublesome and long occupation. Unfortunately, exactly predict the final color is almost impossible. Much depends on the length, structure, and thickness of the natural hair color and other similar factors.

Benefits and harms Basma

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

Use of Basma hair is as follows:

  • Environmentally friendly product.
  • The presence of biologically active substances and trace elements
  • The mineral and tannins, resins and wax.
  • There is vitamin C.
  • It has a wound-healing, astringent and anti-inflammatory action.
  • has a healing effect on both the scalp and hair.

Due to the above properties Basma hair stopped falling out and dandruff disappears and does not bother anymore. Painting not only eliminates inflammation and heals wounds, but also active in the struggle against harmful microbes that cause these problems.

These features make it an excellent tool. Obviously, the best choice - it's Basma hair. Black color with a unique radiance can be obtained easily and permanently. Basma can be used as a mask, tinctures and mouthwash.

The harm it can cause in only one case - if the powder shelf life has expired. It in no case can not be used! The road from the color that one - trash. Otherwise there will be unpleasant consequences, such as the scalp overdried, ugly color and so on.

Basma hair: application of

It should be remembered that this is a very strong dye. Therefore, to protect the most of his clothes, covered with her cloak. The same applies to the edge of the hair growth on the skin. It needs to be spread fairly fat cream.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

How to breed basmu hair? Pour the powder into a deep bowl made of porcelain or glass. Then fill it just a boiling water (the temperature should be 90%). Water should be an amount to dye the consistency reminded sour cream. After which the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, it is very good knead lumps. If you wish to paint less dripping, add the cosmetic oil or glycerin. Apply diluted basmu necessary, until it is hot, that is, immediately after cooking. Hair can be wet or dry. It is important that they are clean. It is recommended to apply it by means of appropriate brushes.

Start painting from the back zone, and then proceed on the crown, and after - in the temporal regions. Bangs should be painted in the last turn. After application, wear a plastic bag or a special cap and wrap head with a towel.

The color will be more rich, if long hold on basmu hair. When it takes time to wash off the paint until you see clear water. it is not necessary to use shampoo.

Basma hair. Reviews

Many say that the paint gives the health of the hair and makes the color beautiful and saturated. It turns out a wonderful range of colors, the hair becomes stronger. Red color it can paint better than any hairdresser professional.

Basma hair: application, utility and reviews

Use of henna and Basma, the maximum dark color. It will stain even bleached hair is not worse than any chemical paint. Due Basma is an additional hydration and nutrition. With it, you can return "home" light brown color. The hair becomes soft and no longer split. Can be obtained and a beautiful chocolate color. The result exceeds all expectations - and all of this Basma hair. Reviews of girls and women with respect to it, as a rule, mostly positive.


Thus, hair Basma will change color, to strengthen the hair, making them soft and silky. The result will please everyone. The kind you're bound to attract male attention. Basmu used together with henna. This helps to achieve this goal on the selected color. When using the dye must be very cautious and prudent. Cover with a special cape clothes, protect the scalp.

In addition to painting, the means used against dandruff, hair loss and other similar problems. Basma no harm from not - except if you use expired powder. There are certain rules for the breeding of Basma and its application. Dilute dye in very hot water (about 90%) and used immediately. Numerous positive reviews confirm that this is the best remedy for hair. And, most importantly, a natural!