How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

Admit that the frequently asked questions on how to get rid of body hair forever. Searched a bunch of web pages, read a lot of reviews and dreamed that the day will come when the unwanted hair on the body will not be? Perfect hair removal - it's crystal dream of almost every woman. In reality, things are not so great, either hurt, or efficiently enough. Consider the most favorite ways of getting rid of the hair, so that you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable for themselves.

How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

to start sort out the main differences between the procedures used to remove hair.

What is different from hair removal hair removal

Depilation - a procedure which destroys only the upper part of the hair, leaving the hair root intact. Thus, when waxing the hair after some time to grow again. To carry out hair removal using various depilatory creams, razors.

As a result of the destruction of hair removal is subjected to hair follicle itself. Following the procedure of further hair growth is prevented permanently or for some time. Such an effect can be achieved by photoepilation, electrolysis, laser hair removal, Elos epilation. It is the hair removal dwell, so how to get rid of body hair could ever help her only.


Plucking is most often used in the eyebrows, lips, chin. With this hair, plucking suitable should have sufficient thickness and quality to the forceps increased requirements. If these requirements are met, you will be able to remove hair by the roots, but not forever.


How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

Shaving refers to the fastest and easiest way to remove hair. In value, it is also the most affordable. With the right choice of means for shaving, this process is virtually painless and safe. For the procedure used shaving lotion, various oils and creams. When careless handling of the shaving apparatus can cause cuts. Shaving, unfortunately, for a short period removes the hair on the body. How to remove them all, read below.


This procedure is rightly proud of the many beauty salons, but its implementation is possible and at home. The wax is sticky binder, which is applied to the area of ​​the body where you want to remove hair. Thanks to him, the hair can be removed with one sharp movement in the opposite direction of hair growth. The disadvantages of such a means of body hair are very severe pain, especially when the behavior of the first procedure, and ingrown hairs later.

In carrying out waxing at home requires skill and special grades of wax, otherwise there is the risk of all dirty and did not really do. Therefore it is better to refrain from risky experiments and give myself into the hands of specialists.


Hair removal sugar similar to the effectiveness of waxing. Syrup shugaring consists of sugar, lemon juice and water. After thickening it is applied evenly to the skin specialist. Further, a sharp movement of the hand in the direction of hair growth unnecessary vegetation is removed. This procedure is not suitable for those who quickly grow hair on the body.

Hair Removal thread

How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

often epilation threads used in the eyebrows area, as well as the lips and chin. The procedure is performed in a beauty salon professional cosmetologist. For this purpose, a special roller, consisting of undergoing special processing cotton yarns. With hairs strands wound onto the roller, and then pulled out. The process of low-cost, quick. But he is unable to remove unwanted hair once and for all.

depilatory creams

Chemical compounds present in the composition of depilatory creams dissolve the keratin that makes up hair. During the procedure, the cream of the hair on the body evenly distributed on the problematic area of ​​the skin, and after the required time is removed with a special blade has, together with the hair. The method is simple, cheap, easy to use. Action takes only a few minutes. The choice of creams is very diverse. The funds differ in purpose for certain skin types and the presence in their composition of vitamins, oils and minerals. It is important to pre-acquainted with the instructions for use. Such creams, unfortunately, remove unwanted hair is not forever, but only for 1-2 weeks. The disadvantages of their use may be not very pleasant smell, as well as allergies and skin irritation.

Laser hair removal

Body hair removal is performed using a laser beam. His energy, as if on a wire, extends over the entire length of hair to the hair follicle, resulting in its destruction and death. 10 minutes is required in order to defeat the unwanted hair on the upper lip or chin. Laser hair removal for all skin types and immediately leads to a drastic reduction in the number of hair. This type of hair removal is very expensive, but also does not guarantee the removal of hair permanently. Laser hair removal is best done by a professional cosmetologist. Unprofessional treatment or the use of outdated laser can leave burns on the skin.


How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

problematic part of the skin during the hair removal gel cover, to avoid skin burns during the procedure. Further, a device that destroys hair bags by light flashes. After a short period of time partially treated hair falls out. Nevypavshie touch forbidden to the following procedure. The interval between treatments - 2-3 weeks. Typically, it takes up to 10 trips to the skilled person. Photoepilation can remove hair on any problematic area of ​​the body. Restricting the use of this process is the hair color. Hair color is very light epilation is not applicable. The device starts to perform its function with light-light brown hair color. Getting rid of hair permanently by means of hair removal is not guaranteed. After some time, the hair may begin to grow again.


During the procedure cosmetologist thin electrode introduces a needle into each hair follicle, and then the needle enters weak discharge current that causes some micro by which butcher lower part of the hair bulb. painful procedure, in spite of anesthesia, and painful. It is carried out on the problem areas of the skin where the hair is not very much: eyebrow area, chin and upper lip. For tangible result of this rather expensive procedure requires 15-30 sessions, which can take years. But to remove body hair permanently using this procedure - a reality.


Reducing Elos means "electro-optical synergy". Elos-epilation is based on a combination of optical and radio wave energy. This combination makes it possible most accurately to destroy the structure of hair and prevent its growth in the future. Light helps to save the skin from overheating, redistributing the temperature with his hair shaft. The hair in the treated during the procedure problem areas will disappear immediately, but gradually, within 3-4 weeks. Remove them in this period is prohibited until the next procedure. Visible result comes after 4-8 sessions.

How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

Features: The procedure is almost painless, no damage to the skin. Disadvantages: very big price and a long duration of the procedures.

Traditional hair removal recipes

There are also different national methods of controlling unwanted hair, which can help get rid of body hair permanently, and slow down their growth. It all depends on the recipe and the desired result. But here, first of all, you need to be careful, because some popular recipes can even harm your health. For example, rubbing the skin dope or nettle. Contained in these plants iodine and other substances adversely affect the skin, leading to inflammation and lesions.

Traditional methods are selected based on careful consultation with experts. The doctor-dermatologist will inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of a way to deal with hair, which you are interested, as well as familiarize with contraindications, will give advice on plant components.

Tips folk medicine

How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body
  • The ash from the burnt pulverized and cedar shell pour hot water and vegetable oil and bring to a pasty consistency. The resulting mixture should be spread on the problem areas. This procedure is done for several days. Hair disappear forever. Often cedar shell replace walnut shells, however, when it is used the result is not as strong.
  • Oil dioica nettle. Required to grind 40 g of nettle seeds. Then mixed with 100 g of sunflower oil and put in a dark place for up to 2 months. The resulting liquid drain. Regularly used in problem areas.
  • Even our grandmothers knew how to get rid of body hair permanently using dope. Grind the seeds to a fine powder dope. To this powder add vodka, stirring until consistency of sour cream. 3 weeks insist.
  • Curious method of Malakhov. The ash from the burnt-poppy rhoeas rained down on the place where it is necessary to remove the hair.


The choice of method of hair removal depends on the properties of the skin, individual tastes, the state of your finances.

How to get rid of body hair permanently? Funds from the hair on the body

We hope that this information will help determine the choice of method of hair removal, suitable for you, and will provide an opportunity to deal with this problem. Each procedure has its pros and cons. Getting rid of hair permanently - is a laborious, time consuming and expensive process, and only you can decide which method to choose.